Bitcoin will most likely not make it, why we must stop relating altcoins to Bitcoin...... and why Bitshares will all make us rich!

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)


#Abandon Flagship!
We are on collision course, abandon ship before it is too late, this is a Mayday!

#Bitcoin is the new age titanic, still running on steam and slowly but surely about to impact on an iceberg which will bring it down to 3800 meters below sealevel.
That iceberg is now a metaphore for the ever increasing adoption by people that Bitcoin will experience until the mountain of users is so big it will collapse everyone on it, like a house of cards.
Because it simply can't handle that pressure, not unless we go through endless hardforks, doubtful periods of huge volatility and the everlasting question if Bitcoin cash should take it's place.

Because trust me, bitcoin cash will now forever be in the spotlight until it becomes better and more proftiable to mine.

unhealthy situation
I think we need to stop hoping for Bitcoin to improve to what we hope it will become.
Let's face it we are mostly in it right now still for the money and not for it's adoption, although this is a fine line. But most of us want to become rich?

simple solution
We have to simply abandon the old flagship and choose a coin that truly can be a replacement for our current money system.
Stop relating altcoins to a coin that is now 9 years old and in terms of technology has now become ancient.

Yes Bitcoin was and is the most beautiful invention for the free world in many ways, but it has proven it's point, now it is time to move on. Most altcoins are an entity on it's own why are we relating them still to Bitcoin sentiment.
I think it is time to give up on Bitcoin and put money into a coin that fixes everything and will serve us with all we need.

What is it you wonder?

All I would say is join me in this world changing crypto that was once valued 4 times higher and is up to this day very much unrecognised for what it is.

We speculate on all sorts of new coins trying to hit that new wave, but most only offer very few new things.

So stop worrying about new coins, join me in getting everyone u know to put money in this one crypto currency that has all the tech required to do what we need, will soon work together with EOS and has an decentralised exchange that works offering ways to either save your money at 5% or making more risky investments by shorting and backing loans up by collateral.

There is so much more this crypto has to offer and yet there are hardly any buying walls...

reality check
I really think we are doing it all wrong and I am also talking for myself.
Just do your own research and ask yourself which coin is, technically advanced, enough to handle all the transactions in the world, will serve as a bank, as an exchange, as a way to act as collateral (like using your house as collateral to get a loan)
A coin that is about to get huge advertising all over the world, and was 4 times worth more not that long ago.
A crypto that will act as a safe place to put your money allowing to quickly move from more risky investments to a smartcoin connected to gold or oil or that functions as a savings account.

Now simply imagine if everyone that is now involved in crypto just moves into this coin... and there is no reason not too.... what that will do for everyone(us early adaptors!)

Well stop searching and buy into bitshares and educate yourself. Also follow @stan as the marketing campaing will be known worldwide u like any other coin!

Whatever you do, choose wisely!


Bitshares, Steemit and soon EOS are by far the best and most used block chain tech in the world today. Bitshares and Steemit do way more daily transactions/operations than Bitcoin and Ether combined. Not sure why Bitshares and Steemit aren't in the top 5 on CMC - when you look at what is there and compare tech, utility, scaling, users, tx, op etc. BTS and STEEMIT blow everything else out of the water.

Can u provide any link.. love to see it.,

Although EOS has gone down because of the Chinese rumors, I am pretty​ sure ​EOS and BTS is going up soon, great coins have complete faith on them. Going to hold and even get some more .. I see these coins in top 5 in near future. Cheers !!!

I have to admit. U make great post. The content are well arranged.. information also great.. now 75% of my bag are steem

Thx I will follow u as well!

Very nice read and since reading your earlier posts I have done some own investigation and bitshares is definitely on my radar now !

Thanks for the write up.
That is a heavily debatable topic.
While you might have a point about bitcoin, time will only prove. It is true that the attack upon it is heavy, particularly by China, and who knows who will embark on this too.
I think ETH will be a great option on a longer term. Again time will only tell

Hi mcfarhat, time will indeed prove, but if you read about segwit and how very little it solves and how big a deal was created over it. It tells me Bitcoin will be very unlikely to be used as a mainstream coin.
If you compare all the technology behind steem Eos and BitShares they are all from the same technical minds and are literally lightyears ahead of Bitcoin.
Bitshares will have no issues with any amount of transactions and little known fact is that Bitshares already has the highest transaction amount of all coins.
So in that respect Bitshares is being used more often then Bitcoin.

ETH is a different concept and won't be used as a mainstream reserve currency, but has it's own different use case.

I am just making a case for everyone to go for that currency that has the biggest potential to replace our monetary system and right now BitShares is ticking all those boxes.

So if we are all in it for the money why not focus on a product that has it all?

I find it unbelievable that coins that have nothing to offer have the same buy interest right now as BitShares.

Correct me if I am wrong but even BCH hasn't solved some very big issues in terms of scaling, it will still be limited. Let alone the fact that electrically mining coins will require mining rigs the size of powerplants and is hugely environmental unfriendly also taking away the whole idea od decentralisation. Since only very few will be able to afford these mining parks. Again giving influence to very few.

Yes definitely the energy consumption is being ridiculously high and difficult to scale, particularly for BTC.
My interest in Ether is the capability it is providing for decentralized apps too.
While many crypto currencies have risen / are still rising to take over the monetary system, but i think the long term idea is to essentially co-exist with our current monetary system, and hopefully take the lion's share of it. Which I believe will happen over time despite all the "wars" being waged on crypto nowadays.
I've recently came across a new crypto by the name of JSEcoin, whose essential purpose is to cut down on energy costs too while making mining possible via browsers/client side (referral link) Not sure how much this would succeed but it goes along the same concept at bringing efficiency into crypto.
Bitshares definitely sound interesting too, I will have a look at it.
I'll be following your news - you have some good grasp of crypto world so pleasure meeting you!
Thanks again!

Very interesting Oodles. I have to admit to being worried that im holding too much bitcoin. But when Ive sold, it seems to go up fasyrt than whatever Ive just replaced it with! But I will go look at Bitshares.

I can't look into the future of Bitcoin, you are the oracle here 😄, they could well be solving every problem ahead, but I think people will go for the path of least resistance eventually.
Already a transaction with Bitcoin takes too long, requiring multiple signatures and this will only get worse, mining is incredibly environmental unfriendly and makes the coin less decentral. Bitcoin cash is in my eyes just an altcoin and really I have never understood why we people bought into it apart from getting it for free on the exchanges.
There are much better alternatives out there than this clone that only partly solves the problems BTC has.

@oudekaas Great post brother, I'm also a believer that BTC is going to go down. However I personally believe BCH will take it's rightful place as it has on-demand scaling which is the problem in which you discuss. I will look into BitShares and see what they're offering. For the meantime hold BCH FTW!!!

thx Gringo I hope whatever u invest it will bring you good fortune

Thanks for the insight mate. As the days go past I'm more and more starting to consider to sell my bitcoin and invest elsewhere. It is a shame about China because Bitcoin seemingly was reaching for the sky until then. Perhaps it's time to consider a divorce from Bitcoin and look for a replacement!

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