🔊BitShares Hangout #67 | 2018-4-14 | Sat @100PM UTC | OpenSource Agenda [Beyondbit Raffle Powered by SP!]

in #bitshares6 years ago (edited)

BitShares Speakers, Workers and Witnesses Earn Beyondbits for Updates/Q&A!

"Participate for a chance to earn a piece of the 100 Beyondbit reward Pool!" ~officialfuzzy

Join the BitShares Discord

Notice: Beyondbit Payouts are BASED ON POST PAYOUTS and are sent After Final Payouts for this post are Received!

📜 Hangout Decree

This RSVP post will go out weekly as a place for people to sign up as speakers for various topics of importance to bitshares as we prepare for an Open Source Hangout. The reason it is done this way is to enable anyone to show up to receive coverage on topics they feel matter to the community and crypto space in general. Most places in cryptomedia require you to Pay to have a voice. Bitshares Open Source Meetups are meant to give a voice to anyone who may need one!

- Only BitShares-Related Posts, Projects & Partnerships Qualify -

🕑 How Much Time Per Topic?

Hangouts will be at least 45 minutes long, but depending on attendance and projects/topics to be covered may last up to 60 minutes. Given this, we will try to stay with 5-6 core topics and will fit in others where possible.

🏅 What do we Earn for Active Participation?

Those who attend will be given an opportunity for 100 Beyondbits on the BitShares DEX (worth over $250). Best RSVP post wins 50Beyondbits (over $125) They will then be given directly to you via your Bitshares Wallet so make sure you have one!
Fuzzy will be giving Beyondbits to community founders who attend this weekly hangout to give their own unique perspectives and expert commentary. He will also be giving them to people who give topics and information we choose to use in our hangout!
So make sure you get a Get One!

Additionally every week one topic will be chosen for a Tokens4Tweets Post in which we reward those with Twitter Accounts for Sharing your content!

Look for Additional Benefits in the near Future!

🎤How to Join as a Guest Speaker

Step 4: Reply to this Thread with the following Details:

  1. Topic
  2. Appropriate Links
  3. Steemit and/or Discord account name of Representative/Speaker
  4. How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
  5. What is your bitshares account name?

⛒ Is Any Topic Off Limits?

Yes. We reserve the right to learn from the newest trickster trolling steemit consistently searching for way to insert chaos into the equation and devise future strategies for negating these. Naturally if these efforts become ham-fisted attempts at shutting down free speech in honest conversations, the audience will hold us accountable.
But with that said....pretty much anything can be covered--even up to and including current events. However, I personally will only be voting up stories that touch the blockchain in some way shape or form and will be asking the community to downvote absolute Rubbish! ;)

Let Spread Word and Get the Stream Out There!

I am looking to expand our reach across the Interwebs to grow our user base and spread the word about Bitshares and the awesome power of DPoS chains. This is where YOU come in...

We want YOU to stream the Bitshares hangout LIVE to your own media accounts like DLive, YouTube, Twitch, FaceBook Live... whichever you use, whichever you choose. You can also use Restream.io together with OBS to stream to multiple accounts at the same time. You can use our templates, or create your own.

If you do stream this event live, be sure to post a reply in the Bitshares Live Stream BOUNTY post so we know about it.

Bitshares Hangout Stream Skins (PNG)

This template has a single content window (To Display the Discord Chat Room).

This template also has a side window for live text chat or other content.

  • We will update these each week with the new hangout number and date, or you can even do it yourself.

What are Beyondbits and Whaleshares?

Beyondbits and Whaleshares started as a conversations in the BeyondBitcoin hangout series shortly after Steem was launched historically in those very hangouts. It began as "community tokens" or "tag coins" for those who never knew to listen in who may wish to listen to the origins in our BeyondBitcoin Podcast Series. Drop in and listen to them sometime!

These tokens give their hodlers the power to Summon a Whalevote to posts without having to pay for attention. And they are only given to people who Win Contests and do other things of value to the community!
These little hidden gems are held safely just for you. Waiting for the moment when you prove yourself in the arena of contests and hangouts like the whaletank...so if you haven't yet, you should follow @officialfuzzy and watch out for his new contests, or join the Whaleshares Discord where there are a community of Beyondbit Experts!

Join the BeyondBitcoin Communities

Please join in the discussions with us by becoming a member in ANY or ALL of the BeyondBitcoin and Bitshares communities. We have a wealth of knowledge and information waiting for you.

EOSTalk Discord
EOS.IO related community and topic discussions.

Whaleshares Discord
Steemit community discussions, contests and events.

Project Milkbox Discord [NEW]
Project Milkbox community and topic discussions.

Bitshares Discord
Bitshares development community and discussions.


Get caught up on the topics and discussion...

Thanks for Helping Build Voltron & for Your Continued to Support!

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by Steemit.com so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Post to Steemit.com to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!


Topic: Ezira project Updates and Hangout

Appropriate Links:

Ezira Hangout Banner.png

Steemit Name:

  • dahaz159

Discord Name:

  • Harrison Mclean

How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?

  • Harrison returns with Ezira project updates, and an open invite to join the new Ezira Hangout, now in week 3.

What is your bitshares account name?

  • ezira

Presentation slide for today's topic.
Everyone is welcome to use this slide to help promote this project/presenter's content.


Multiple Releases of the BitShares GUI Reference Wallet

Suggested Duration: 2 to 5 minutes

The five recent updates of the reference wallet have been described here and here. @billbutler, who leads the BitShares GUI worker, has prepared convenient videos to easily see the updates.

The technical details include:

  • Withdraw Modal (beta)
  • Improvements to loading long lists of assets
  • Continued work towards minimizing socket disconnects
  • New focus on UX/UI with added budget from worker proposal
  • socket performance improvements
  • bug fixes

Presentation slide for today's topic.
Everyone is welcome to use this slide to help promote this project/presenter's content.


DEXBot: Automated Trading Bot for BitShares

Suggested Duration: 2 to 5 minutes

A beta of automated trading bot for BitShares, DEXBot site, is available as a Linux download for users; a Windows version is expected in several weeks

CryptoKong wrote on Telegram, "DEXBot is free to use market making software, created and funded by the BitShares community so that anyone can try and profit whilst also providing liquidity to our markets. Works is ongoing and as we move forward there will be a variety of strategies to choose from."

Support for the software is available on Telegram.

Presentation slide for today's topic.
Everyone is welcome to use this slide to help promote this project/presenter's content.



...and/or the new BitsharesTalk.io forums in BETA and associated Logo and MEME contest.

We can also cover this since we often talk about how Bitshares needs to be presented and documented for new people to learn, understand and use the DEX more easily.

Bitshares Blockchain Foundation Launches BitShares' Public Presentation Plan

The BBF is planning to propose a complete overhaul of BitShares’ public image in terms of associated domains, websites, content and documentation in order to bring everything up to date, and in line with legal requirements.

This was the first project the BitShares Committee cooperated in order to formulate the proposal with the BBF on and will hopefully be only the beginning of a series of coordinated actions to help the BitShares platform grow.

With our ongoing efforts to rework presentation of the BitShares Blockchain and its native core token BTS to the general public, including new whitepapers, regulatory clarity as well as new documentation portals, we would like to present a clearer picture of what we will need for the future.

The domains have been acquired already. BitSharesTalk.org has been migrated already. As soon as the team behind bitshares-ui development is ready, bitshares.exchange will go operational. The documentation for bitshares.works is an ongoing effort that will fill in the content as it becomes available and is approved. BitShares.legal will be filled in as soon as the lawyers are able to release information to the public. Once this worker has been approved, web development as well as the development of the corporate identity will be initiated.

Presentation slide for today's topic.
Everyone is welcome to use this slide to help promote this project/presenter's content.


Time: Just a Quick Mention is Fine
Complete eosDAC Airdrop Details for OpenLedger DEX Users Revealed

Openledger will create OPEN.eosDAC tokens airdrop to OPEN.EOS holders’s accounts within a week after distribution of eosDAC tokens to EOS wallets (more details on official eosDAC page: https://eosdac.io).

Am so participating in this.

genial felicidades

post a very useful, thanks for sharing, I have vote and resteem your post. I am very glad to know you, you exceptional @officialfuzzy

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 60209.45
ETH 3212.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43