Got Margin Called Today

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

Today was a sad day for me, Bears got me real good. I lost almost everything due to bad to my bad calls. I know there's nothing I can do about it. Life moves on and I'm the only one to blame for my mistake. I know it's not only me there are may others, who suffered the same fate as I did. Lack of awareness, attitude, believing so much that nothing will happen bad. This was kept me believing that market will push further than it is. But there are some people wanted to push the market to lower than it should be. There's also price manipulation did happen not just only outside the Bitshares Community, but worst. . . it happened within the Bitshares community. Everyone panicked saving every ounce of their money. I did a pretty bad call seeing worth of 6000 bitUSD of my Bitshares along with that 37 million sell wall. There's almost nothing left for me except for my self now.


Moving on. . .

Life as I know it will never be the same, I'll come back stronger than I was before. I did a pretty remarkable job pushing what I have last year. Now, I'm back to nothing. That's what I'm thinking, but that is wrong. I'm still me, alive and still have the will to move forward and live as it is. There's nothing I can do except to accept the fate that happened. Many of us was crushed by the bears. Nothing I can do about it except to move forward again and comeback stronger than I was.

For those who suffered the same fate as me. Don't be hard on yourself. . . That's life we were the one's to blame because of our bad call. This is market trading, everybody wants a piece of cake.


There she goes

Nothing I can do about it. Life moves on. . . All I can do is to be the strong person I was before. Good luck to everyone! We lose, we win. Winners are the ones that strive to live even at their lowest point. I'll continue my passion to serve Bitshares Network and spread it's "good intent".

To those who suffered the same fate as me,
Please! Don't blame Bitshares for what happened. Bitshares only goal was to free us from the banks that holds us for as long as we know it, governments that gives us the small fraction of shares even on our bests, fiat that keeps inflating giving us hike that's not even enough to give us a proper life.

There are bad people and good people outside and within the network. The Bitshares platform is such a great platform. Smart assets(bitUSD, bitCNY), these was made to copy the same value of fiat currency and produce such amount to give demands to people that wanted to save their money in fiat value and also the purpose of this is to be one day used as the main currency as we know it. This wasn't made for us to get doomed, this was made for us to be free. As I told you, there are good people and bad people they can manipulate the price with their FUDs and huge amount of assets. The only thing we can do is be wise not to fall for their trap. LIVE, CONTINUE, BE WISE. Even though there's nothing left for me, I'm still dreaming of reaching 20000 Bitshares :)

This is Nem Dayao,
Your Bitshares Enthusiast

For those who want to help me in my journey. Kindly please drop some bitUSD so I can save atleast some of my Bitshares. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks to all my upvoters for always supporting me on this journey, I'm so sorry I let you all down :(

Here's my account: doc-mac18


I'm sorry to hear that. I might meet the same fate as you, but I still have hope. If only I can get my fiat in to buy some bts so I can update my margin position! Just another example of why traditional banks are shit I guess.

I really don't want to lose my bts, it's my favorite crypto!

I'm hoping it doesn't go lower than it is today. It will be hard for Bitshares to recover if it hits millions of BTS.

I woke up at like 5 o'clock this morning and everything was good still, so I went back to sleep. While being asleep, I dreamt that I woke up again. I then checked again and I had lost everything, haha, I kid you not. So I can kinda say I know how you feel. No more getting greedy for me, I'll be happy with what I got if I get through this in one piece :P

Me too, I'm so close in making my first step to provide a bitshares node here in the Philippines. Now I'm back to square one. Time is continuous, gotta move fast or I'll be left behind.

So sorry that this happened! I saw your position on the Margin Positions page creeping closer and closer to being called...You add so much to this community and look forward to many more posts!!

Thank you! Haha from Hero to Zero. Even though I have nothing left. I can still move and work. That's enough for me. I'll continue to be me, stronger and better.

This is unfortunately all too common. I wish you the best of luck, and let us know if you need anything. Dont have much as im just a minnow myself, but I will share your plight as it may open someones eyes.

Thank you for letting us learn from your mistake, that takes courage.


Hello, I have been a follower for a while, I am really sorry to hear that, I was never into margin trading regarding crypto. If you have a moment to watch this video Don't Margin Trade Crypto by @boxmining. He explains the reasons why, but in the end, the decision is yours and I hope this advice helps. May peace be with you.

Thank you @phuzz for your support. I made a bad call, hoping to that I could reach 20000 Bitshares then move on to my next goal, to move into a better apartment and buy another computer to run my own node to provide services for my fellow Filipinos. Now I'm back to square one.

Going to read it now. Thank you!

Each bad trade is a great lesson learned. Looks like you learned a good lesson about margin trading... Try and rebuild from this, its all about learning!

Ive got liquidated three times before. Each time I learned valuable lessons. Just gotta pick up the pieces and move on. This was the first big crash I didnt get liquidated so this I am grateful for. I thank my exchange diversification as the main reason why I'm in ok shape. I'm spread across 5 exchanges so even if one tanks ill be aight.

After reading what will happen to me. It's really daunting knowing the consequences. Anyway, that was my call and I should compensate for my mistake. There's no perfect trading specially to persons with limited assets. I'll stand up and continue my journey in trading.

Shit man, my story ended a little better, I borrowed around 0.5$, and my margin call was 0.35 initially, but selled my EOS, ETH and got it down to 0.21, but around 0.35$ I decided this is gonna tank bad, I don't want to lose everything, and closed the margin, after that I had a great night sleep. Maybe on the upswing I will try again but extremely carefully.

sucks to see that sorry for your slight set back you'll be back better than ever. You are a better man than I, cant find the stomach to put margins in crypto.

"Life as I know it will never be the same, I'll come back stronger than I was before."

That's the style!

Thank you @samuel-swinton! I'll continue to live. There's no point crying over spilt milk.

Another thing you can do it have multiple accounts. That way you can have one account where you play more aggressively, but you can also have an account where you don't have any margin. That is the safe one.

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