
yeah paper wallet could be hacked by Buddhist Monks!
hahah of course if someone could prove they were telepathic they woul have to "remote view" their paper bitcoin wallet locked in cold storage and spend it to prove their powers!

I do believe this possible and people will ave to get good at keeping their pyschic sheilds up! people will sell devices to encapuslate their bodies in a EMF field! Like the devices that Ed Dames claims the NSA uses to keep remote viewers out a wifi router for the brain...if this stuff IS real, which im not claiming it is without evidence, it would mean that people will need to take new precautions! brain passwords wont be enough if someone "hacks" or reads your mind! also remote MRI could maybe be a way to scientificaly physicaly technolgical "hack" someones mind! being able to scan soeoens brain and then find their bitcoin brainpassword would be interesting!
i did a whole article about remote viewing bitcoin apper cold storage wallets and how if it is real the danger it poses to cold storage bitcoin allets here
It is a common practice in mahaya Buddhism to actually have to meditate on a locked book in a temple miles a way and write the book down word for word and every word of the book must be correct for the monk to make it to the next level!

Remote Viewers are known to have stole nuclear codes from safes! they had to intall anto pyschic power electromagnetic Sheilds that blast the area with enough Raw EMF pollution electro smog to block an pyscic trying to telepathicaly get to the paper codes...

that why we need ledger wallets that arent connected to the internet..a pyschic cant go into a flash drive and decipher the 1s and 0s....but a piece of paper? easy! that why your papr wallet should have a Bip3 password

You are the fucking man....i love you bro....I would be happy to write articles for you....u can cal me up and dicttate your thoughts and I will wrote them down!

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