We should store bitcoin and crypto currency wallet private key data on EMP proof 24K gold Kodak DVDRs that can last for over 10,000 years!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Why havent I ever seen people using bitcoin DVDs? using the kodak 24k gold dvd r's that last over 10,000 years thatthe Smithsonian Museum uses to store archives!

How come noone uses the 24 k gold DVDs the Simthsonian uses to store bitcoin wallet private keys


from wikipedia, "A gold compact disc is one in which gold is used in place of the super pure aluminium commonly used as the reflective coating on ordinary CDs or silver on ordinary CD-Rs
Gold CDs can be played in any CD player. Blank gold CD-Rs are also available. They can be recorded in any CD recorder and played in any CD player. The advantage of the gold reflection layer is its resistance to corrosion, in contrast to the ordinary aluminum layer found on normal compact discs, which reacts with the glue and plastic material and gradually becomes transparent over time, ultimately resulting in reading errors or total playback failure."

So this gold layer really helps the DVD erode from corrosion! They even make Lift Lock pop up devices so you dont have to touch anything but the outer edges of the DVD!

Bitcoin DVD backups of your Wallet would be EMP proof! Ledgers and Hardware bitcoin wallets cant do this! only cold storage paper wallets can compete with the ability of gold plated Optical storage to store your data for thousands of years but in DIGITAL form AND be immune to Solar Flare CME EMP electro magnetic pulse type events!

Download this Program www.BitcoinArmory.com and install it on an OFFLINE COMPUTER and offline printer to create your paper wallet! Maybe even write down the paper wallet by hand! OR just burn it to DVD!

I believe there is a big market for gold plated DVD bitcoin wallet backups!


I miss burning CDs all day long though. Interesting thought though @ackza

Yeah making room on your harddrive by burnin stuff onto CDs xD

Cool post. Paperwallet would work fine though -- or a ledger wallet?

yeah paper wallet could be hacked by Buddhist Monks!
hahah of course if someone could prove they were telepathic they woul have to "remote view" their paper bitcoin wallet locked in cold storage and spend it to prove their powers!

I do believe this possible and people will ave to get good at keeping their pyschic sheilds up! people will sell devices to encapuslate their bodies in a EMF field! Like the devices that Ed Dames claims the NSA uses to keep remote viewers out ...like a wifi router for the brain...if this stuff IS real, which im not claiming it is without evidence, it would mean that people will need to take new precautions! brain passwords wont be enough if someone "hacks" or reads your mind! also remote MRI could maybe be a way to scientificaly physicaly technolgical "hack" someones mind! being able to scan soeoens brain and then find their bitcoin brainpassword would be interesting!
i did a whole article about remote viewing bitcoin apper cold storage wallets and how if it is real the danger it poses to cold storage bitcoin allets here https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@ackza/if-military-remote-viewers-trained-pyschics-can-break-into-the-most-secure-safes-to-steal-nuclear-codes-bitcoin-paper-wallets
It is a common practice in mahaya Buddhism to actually have to meditate on a locked book in a temple miles a way and write the book down word for word and every word of the book must be correct for the monk to make it to the next level!

Remote Viewers are known to have stole nuclear codes from safes! they had to intall anto pyschic power electromagnetic Sheilds that blast the area with enough Raw EMF pollution electro smog to block an pyscic trying to telepathicaly get to the paper codes...

that why we need ledger wallets that arent connected to the internet..a pyschic cant go into a flash drive and decipher the 1s and 0s....but a piece of paper? easy! that why your papr wallet should have a Bip3 password

You are the fucking man....i love you bro....I would be happy to write articles for you....u can cal me up and dicttate your thoughts and I will wrote them down!

Do you think we'll be able to read a DVD-R in 10,000 years?

This reminds me of those metal alloy cassette tapes sold many years ago. Trying to find a way to play a cassette tape these days is possible, but not easy.

For me, I just print my private keys on paper and put them in a safety deposit box. :)

@@ -82,16 +82,101 @@

  • that play vinyl records from the 1870s! they even still make wire playback machines!
    wtf happened to my cmment?!??!?!

I wrote "Of course we will have DVD playback! we still have wire recording playback machines! we still have vinyl record players that can play back vinyls recorded in the 1800s!
there are people whose hobby it is to keep alive all the old format players for archivings sake!

also hahah in 10,000 years haha you can just...haha 3d print a dvd player if you need one lolol

in 10,000 years your cyborg EYE will be ABLE TO RED a DVD WITHOUT a dvd player

ohyeah just remember, in 10,000 years in teh future yoru cyborg or fuly robotic eye will just be able to zoom inon the DVD an read it directly and play teh song as fast as your current smartphone can recognize a QR code eve without you having to zoom in!

And before that, theyll have 3d printers that orint any computer hardware you need

youll be able to 3d print up a DVD player if you need one

but you wont need one, the CCD sensors on cameras will be good enough to just take a PICTURE of the DVD and that will be all youll need !no laser, just directly read the bumps of 1s and 0s off a PICTURE pf it since dgital cameras will of course be that good! no zoom in required...we already have super expensive diiggital cameras that can already do that....Jaes Webbb teelscope or otheer hubble type teescopes sensors would totaly be able to read a DVD also with a MICROSCOPE you could have read a DVD back in the 1800s! by HAND! writingd own the 0s and 1s and hand encding them with math into whatever data you need

Its like yall forget that DVD is a DIGTITAL medium lol anits VERY VERY useful

yeah those silver tapes wouldbe better as gold tapes and yeah GOLD tapes would last forever too butthe gold DVDs are ust superior, they also have hologgraphic veristile discs with up to 100s of terabytes of storage to store a massiveness encrypted bitcoin wallet key (or nuclear launch codes)

digital bitbox is $50, lasts 50 years. also a u2f dongle, so super useful. Many computers have no CD drive. Less as time goes on.

very cool iight buy but i like ledger for its altcoin support can this d altcoins

Gold discs are awesome, but did you know that DVD-R's themselves (not gold-plated) also store for a significant time period?

Also, do you actually still use Armory?

i dont need to use armory for the bitcoin wallet but would if i had a nice new computer ( i have a ssd thats already ten years old but it said it wwould last thirty years should last longer right? or were the early SSD drives not meant to last very long or something? well I keep getting irql errors on that old motherbaord, well i need a ledger or trezor im tring to get one of the peope, i helped make thosuands off the last months crypto raly buy me a trexzzor or a hardware wallet liek ledger oor preorder me one, i helepd him make so much! i set him up with bitcoin he bought 1 whole bitcoin a moth ago and a bunch of altcins on poloniex like he made thosuands, he knows he owes me, theers a bunch of people i have heped wh just nver wanna pay me back for al the time an energy and work i did to setup their crypto account teach em how tp use poloniex etc lol watever theyll one day pay me hopefully

anwyay ya whats worng with bitcoinrmory? isnt it thebest for paper wallets?

Interesting. Maybe it's because the old-fashioned DVD is just not sexy enough. LOL

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