If Military Remote Viewers(Trained Pyschics) can break into the most secure safes to steal Nuclear Codes, bitcoin paper wallets are not off the table! We need Quantum Encryption and Teleportation of Electrons to send BTCanywhere without internet!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

First of all, what is Remote Viewing and Why should you be aware of it concerning Bitcoin and the security of cold offline paper wallets?

Remote Viewing is a now declassified military program called "Project StarGate" made popular by Major Ed Dames of US AiForce on the Coast to Coast Art Bell AM late night radio show in the 1990s and even comes on to this day to discuss the fuzzy and not necessarily accurate predictions of the future made possible with this remote viewing technique!

if someone could get the private key of bitcoin wallet addresses then they would have already! maybe its already happened! the fact that noone has heard of a story like this of someone getting cold storage paper wallets hacked, This proves noone is good enough at remote viewing yet even if they claim they are, if you cant get tangible number codes from a vault, then youre not actually remote viewing!


Ok so this two year old NewsWeek article is even telling the public about Remote Viewers!"MEET THE FORMER PENTAGON SCIENTIST WHO SAYS PSYCHICS CAN HELP AMERICAN SPIES BY JIM POPKIN ON 11/12/15 AT 6:58 AM"

Now, the only way to stop remote viewers or "Trained Military Psychics/Clairvoyants" is to install special devices tat output a specific frequency, an electro magnetic blanket like a Faraday cage or an Infrared LED that blinds Infrared night vision camera!

This is the same principle for anti remote viewing "EMF Shields" that are like high powered wifi routers, or cellphone towers, that just blast out this bubble of Electro magnetic energy, and they need these at bitcoin cold storage activities like the safety deposit box room at a private bank used by Coinbase to store their customers private BTC wallet keys!

Jim Marrs on remote viewing

"Proof" of remote viewing being real

"Remote Viewiing "farSight Institute" Web Bot type prediction!

Remote Viewing is aparently allowing certain trained indiviuals to see the surface of tej Mon or Mars or the moons or rings of Saturn!

So imagine how easy it would be to find paper bitcoin wallet private keys!

We will have to either train Pyschic "boucers" or remote viewing Security Gaurds OR install technology like an EMF bubble to cause dustortion and make it iimpossible to read the paper wallet code

OR we start keeping things in our BRAIn with BRAIN wallets!

we hire people with photographic memory to remmeber whole SONGS made out of recovery phrases! This would be more difficult for a remote viewer to do! Altho we ALSO have people who claim to be ABLE to read our minds with Extra Terrestrials apparently being very skilled in telepathy!

What happens when anyone can "remote view" your bitcoin paper wallet keys We will need some more encryption and we will have to keep things Bio Metrically linked to a persons private key! But what happens when someone gets their finger prints associated with the wrong identity and we have identity thieves running around with confirmed bio metrics?? we need to have a DNA based system! Noone can counterfeit having your exact DNA even genetic twins!

But once we do find a simple bio metric method for verifying Identity, (it will make things alot easier...I never thought I would be so in favor of the mark of the beast system

Great video by @crypt0 explainiing the web bot predictions which have ALREADY become true like the $2000 BTC price happening this early in 2017! Crypt0 is getting more and more informative and is sounding like hes reading my mind when theorizing on the future of crypto!

And here are all the forums and website discussing this including someone claiming to have ALREADY remote viewed bitcoin private keys!

" Topic: Bitcoin Remote Viewing (Read 5115 times)"

Bitcoin talk forum post onBitcoin and remote viewing and ed dames prediction of a solar flare CME KILL SHOT" emp wave that would wipe out all electronics!

we NEED a backup offline bitcoin blockchain that can allow for blockchain to exist even if it needs signals sent bby Radio CB or ham! here is my post with instructions on how to send bitcoins over analog radio signals!

here is a GLP post on someone claiming to have remote viewed bitcoin with "commander Z" LOL
"Myself and Commander Z have done remote viewing of Bitcoin.
I will add updates to this thread soon.
Two RV friends have already completed their RV sessions on this target, and the results are interesting, and they matched our own results. This was a double-blind test so no one us knew the exact target. We targeted two timeframes, June of 2017 and December of 2017.
Again the results are surprising. I will post them in a few hour"

LOl commander Z???

this could be a GREAT movie!

Anyway i hoope this post opened your eyes to a VERY big possible exploitation that NOONE would have expected!

This universe (wether its an ancestor simulation or not) is ALL connected and there is NO such THING as a paper "offline" wallet! those electrons in that papers Ink or the electrons inthe flash drive in your usb drive holding the private key, is STILL connected to the universe wide non local qauantum entanglement web!

Scientists have already teleported photons across miles, and this means we can teleport DATA from Earth to Mars for example with NO multi week or multi MONTH latency lag so martian colonists will be able to spend and receive bitcoins without any delay! Here is the article explaining one of these monumental achievements an an inorgraphic! THIS will be what bitcoin and crypto currencies will need along with a satellite mesh network backbone ! Teleportation of data will allow for galaxy wide internet! AND will allow someone to teleport bitcoins ANYWHERE without needing an internet connection!

Can we all agree that his old news has much much potential to create very futuristic scifi tech ! Imagine all the new possibilities with Quantum encryption! (In Avatar they used a no local quantum teleportation for their throat mic radio communicators!)

What is Quantum Cryptograpy? from the @wikipedia page on Quantum Cryptography
"Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform cryptographic tasks. The best known example of quantum cryptography is quantum key distribution which offers an information-theoretically secure solution to the key exchange problem." - Wikipedia

So this quantum ecnryption is going to become more and more relevant! Quantum Computers are not just a "buzzword" graphene cpu price will come down one day, cpu speed will continue skyrocketing! This is a whole new frontier that scares many people who think an ethereum type network of quantum super computer could "break" the bitcoin cryptography code, but why would anyone waste time and processing power trying to "break" into bitcoin when they could be using all that cpu power to mine their own new bitcoins! Its like asking if someone could use a particle accelerator to actually generate Gold from other metals atomically! Yes you can make gold with big expensive particle accelerator atom smashing macines, bt it takes millions or billions to make just one atom! Its a good analogy for how noone would ever be able to "brea" the bitcoin code as theres nothing to break! youd have to hack into every bitcoin server or wallet!

Anyway just keep buying your bitcoin and altcoins! get mining contracts, mine on your android device or WIndows mac or Linux computer with miner gate and keep writing interesting articles and think of ways to expand and improve steemit and blockchain with any money you make! give back to the community! Singup for Minergate here! free and u only pay fees from coins u mine! and only one percent! u can literally start making Bytecoins and eth etc and xmr for FREE using just your own CPU and GPU and android devices! https://minergate.com/a/d582a3e158500d130a38afed and call or email me if u need help starting out with all this stuff Ill guide u step by step over the phone for free (and if you WANT you can pay me a little something for my time IF and only IF you make money! Which you will, but u dont have to! :) [email protected] 619 302 0398
This is the flyer I printed out to be placed everywhere around my neighborhood to entice new steemit


Very out there article.
I enjoy alternative points of discussion.
Well done

You really spend the time to post how you feel. Keep it up bud.

I just got done chasing the google street view car while holding up my bitcoin deposit address

hahahahah thats a good one

Any good links to learn remote viewing ?

hah yeah man! psitech they trained the Military on how to remote view... they made these infamous VHS taps you can study from. The shit works. it really does, its why paper wallets are not safe unless they are encrypted with BIP passwords even then.. u have to have brain wallets! and even THEN someone can maybe hack ur brain?

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