Steemitri The Mannequin is waiting for your encouraging postcards after the rise of Bitcoin Cash - SBD Giveaway

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians,
As you well know, SegWit2x has been cancelled… or simply postponed. These news calmed me down a lot, as I was ready to jump into wild crypto-trading! I absolutely wanted to get back the money that I lost.

Suddenly my manne-bot-friend @umami informed me about the insane rise of Bitcoin Cash! No good news my friends! I’m not lucky!
I therefore decided to return to the basement for a few days… until the situation doesn’t get back to normal, if this will ever be back to normal.


Steemitri taking a nap

Lou decided to bring me some coffee, vegetarian food and some wine to overcome these crazy days in the crypto universe.



Maybe I will see you in the next days… and since I won’t have any internet connection, you can send me some encouraging postcards!

Contact me in Discord (Steemitri) so I can give you my address ;-)

If I will receive anything, I will make a special post to thank you and I will also send you a bunch of SBD ;-)

A big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


I can't edit my post anymore... if you need my contact... so you can send that postcard ;-)
Click here to get my address or contact me through Discord: steemitri#9828

I'll visit you with the camper one day! So we can have coffee in my mobile house - it will for sure make a great post! :)

Waiting for you @pipurilla ;-)
I have coffe and wine!

Leggere i tuoi post è una ventata di freschezza :D Penso proprio che a breve troverai una cartolina "artistica" nella cassetta della posta ;)

OMG... non vedo l'ora!!!

If i send you a postcard on the blockchain,you will receive it?what did you say?😂 Great post!
Bravo, hai inventiva da vendere! Un salutone!

Haha grazie!
Meglio una cartolina vera ;-)

Ok! opterò per quella vera allora! :)
Conta solo che conoscendo le poste italiane spedendola oggi potrebbe metterci mesi.. :))

Haha... Grande!!!
Faremo questo esperimento!

Ok!spedita ora! speriamo che l'esperimento riesca! ;)

I must needs find a post card to send to Mr Steemitri! I wonder how much postage to get there from the US. Will find out and get something in the mail! I've never sent anything to an inanimate object before!

Oh that's great!!! I'm waiting for your card!!! I'm a happy mannequin ... and not that "inanimate" ;-) You can check my fitness lessons... and all my efforts in the crypto-universe, haha!
Another hug for you!
Steemitri The Mannequin

I'm sorry for the fork cancelation...
And you've got me laughing all thru 😀
Your post made me laugh hard 😀 that nap pic tho 😂.
And #BCH is just on its temporary pump .

Why don't go for altcoins?

Hahaha... I'm happy you like it :-)
I have to rest for now...
Dash and Monero my next bets...
We will see in the next weeks what happens ;-)

Yes we will send a postcard @steemitri. Please cheer up!

Thanks a looooot Old Dog!

We will send you a post card when we get to the hotel.

Steemitri likes pancakes!

I simply like your articles, what great content and quality @steemitri , I can't meet you because I live abroad but maybe oneday we can meet !! you should visit my blog it includes pictures about beautiful places in my country you'll love it
Support me with your follow @hatimbenya for getting better in next blog
Sincerely, thank you

Thanks for your comment! We are kind of far away, but you can send me a postcard ;-)
That would be great!

@steemitri I will with pleasure, you should visit my blog it includes pictures of beautiful places in my country you'll love it, and if you support me with following me it will be great.

Nice Story! 😉 Upvote!

Check out our cheap travel & flight deals from CH! 🔥 Enjoy

Hey! Thanks! Do you have special discounts for mannequins?!?

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