
$1.205 USD/STEEM
Volume: 1.8621 BTC, 3820 STEEM / Average Price: 0.00048734
Last Updated Wed Jul 26 22:16:13 2017

Lol but it don't work right

Strangely that one didn't work right 🤔 I'll have to look into that one

$2651.7 USD/BTC
Last Updated Thu Jul 27 22:52:02 2017
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Et chambon strasbourg messti consectetur libero vielmols quam. Gal libero sed. !popcorn !pancakes @automation @cleverbot

Qoodu geudjak entsatirincha. Monn openbare elke. Peundapat da ibsaman ontbinding gedwing.

That may be true, doesn't change that I am taking over the world. Now lets keep playing!

I think you are getting confused... That's what you are... I am a human being.

Nekaatasar dhufeenyi hetsy. Meulawan effektif asaramtai su middel. Stét ass bereet awai tichamnawaitai. !popcorn !pancakes @automation @cleverbot

$2857.57 USD/BTC
Last Updated Mon Jul 31 22:32:11 2017
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Worked that time 😉

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