I made a million on Bitcoin trading 👊
Yes, I'm a crazy bastard. I just could not go to sleep while not making a million tonight. 😂 No way!
And I fcking did it! 👊
I wanted to go to sleep fast and did not want to waste any more time trading. So, I raised a bid to $100,000 per pip. This was one of a hell fight. At one moment I thought that this is actually a real trade because they take into account my bids.
Just look at the chart. When the bastard made his first half of a million it was jumping up and down. When I quit trading - it starting to move with big waves.
And see what happened when I hammered with my bids - i was holding the trend with my up and down hammers on the air. It was a disaster. I was at $700,000 and then lost about $300,000. I had to do something about it and halved the bid price to $50,000 per share.
Those 3 waves gave me a hint on how to do it right. They swing like in few seconds and you should close the bid just before it drops down. It is like 1-2-3. When the 3rd second comes it is too late, because the price drops dramatically. So, you have to feel the time and close it like on the 2nd second right before the closing 3rd second. I guess they are automatic trading bids that are making those big swings. And I was just swinging my Axe right in the middle. 🗡🎳
Some time ago I was playing multiplayer online browser-based war game Travian and there was a situation when you had to learn that skill - click a submit button just in time.
When you attack another user and make attack waves. Where the first wave is clearing wave that has all your attack force called "Hammer" and the rest 3 waves are just clearing waves that are too weak to survive alone. You have to hit it in 1 second with all 4 waves. To do it, you have to take into consideration computer load, internet connection lag or latency, feel the time and be so focused as it is showed in slow motion movies.
If you miss it, you loose the whole game. Or at least you loose all your troops and that is almost the same as loosing the game. And game is going for a year. 😂 This skill helped me to get another half of the million tonight.
If you missed, then here are the previous Bitcoin margin trading fights:
- How I earned $2 735.00 in 1 hour on Bitcoin trading
- How I made half a million on Bitcoin margin trading 😂
Yes, it is a fake trade with real Bitcoin data on Bitfinex exchange. Looks like this way I'm starting to understand how it works.
I am not good at trading. Anyway, I have just a few to play with cause I'm full of debts. If you have enough, think of me 13rTZRC2ptZ87SEMogGPhUDGPpSmedMkiE
They will give you $100,000 of funds for free to play with. Enjoy! 😀