
Statistical analysis is the very first thing I did while still in business college... I can do it inside my head without using any written notes. On my first day at work, I did memorize about 1000 pages of data and present breakdown of the data with summary of all discrepancies. Basically I then verified it using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) script running as Excel macro that did input all pages line-by-line from raw alpha-numeric dump file as 3-dimensional array and presented it as pivot table.

Nice! That’s a very handy skill to have. Unfortunately for me, I’ve forgotten more maths than I was ever taught 😃👍🏻

I was never taught maths... It's something I've mastered since I was 4 years old. Maths and languages are similar, either you have innate ability to master them, or you are just repeating other people.

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