
@overkillcoin this moving logo is excellent! Do you leave it for use of anyone? upvoted and resteemed. @gold84

You can use it. I just ask that you don't alter it :D

Thanks @gold84

@overkillcoin Sure, good for people to know this. Sounds good. @gold84

Pretty cool

I like the part with the animating logo, that was an insane amount of fun. :)

That's actually really dope!

That is indeed cool buddy
Greatly done !

Love this!!! Well done!!!

Thanks, famous crypto friend! It's free to use anywheres on the web :)

Thank you!!!

Not to worry, new Steemit logo, I don't want you anywheres near my art work.


Super awesome animation tho!

Thanks @fknmayhem!

Minty toothpaste colour's just not my scene lolz

Clever and impressive, like always.

Very cool animation of the BTC logo. I'd like to see this everywhere online and in every shop window... ! Oh but you could have a lot of fun with the new steem logo - a buzz saw with two blades... but your safety is of the utmost concern so I understand.

The minty-green suited lawyers are just salivating to get a crack at my stash of pennies and nickels... I've gotta tread lightly lolz XD

LOL... I even had to change my avatar because colors were clashing all over the place!

This is amazing! I love how it turns into a shop!!
Next Dash please 😁

Actually, send me a quote for a Dash gif, please! @followyourjoy on or dm on twitter :)

Just don't pay me in dogecoin or the deal is OFF! XD

Ok I think twitter is easier... Check in with you soon!

I don't even know what Dogecoin is but I do own some. Just in case...

😱😍 OK I'm hodling my DOGE forever!!

Well I like the economy size my friend it's really shows a greater effort . Bother both of your logo are great and just awesome.

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