The secret to wealth and happiness that cryptocurrency trading can’t give you

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

Having spent the past two years studying technical analysis and teaching myself the art of trading, I will tell you that I’ve learned a lot but also know how much I still need to learn. Knowledge is based on two things – theory and practice. In any endeavour to learn a new skill, it takes time and effort. The challenge with trading is that it also involves learning curves that can be costly. However, this is the only way to learn the skill. By regular practice. As it is with all things in life.
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With the discovery of cryptocurrency, I was totally new to economics, finance and trading. The intuition that there was easy money to be made in becoming a trader came to me years ago already, but I always felt unqualified, having not studied it. But then I discovered Bitcoin and it was this adventure in crypto that brought me to want to express my long held dream of being a trader. What better platform than in the volatile and potentially lucrative field of cryptocurrency trading.

And the most interesting side of it was day trading. Here I could stare at charts all day, watching the price movements on all time frames. And daily there would be amazing potential gains to be had. Of course, they are easy to see in hindsight, and for the novice they play upon the greed inherent in all of us. Greed and fear, these are the two instincts that a trader will discover within his or her personality, whether you like them or not.

Trading is a psychological business, and it teaches you about your own mind, with its strengths and weaknesses. Just like any application of effort against some sort of challenge or competition, you learn about your shadow side, your hidden strengths and your own mind. The mind can be ones best friend or worst enemy. It is not to be trusted. It is the intelligence, which is above the mind, that we need to listen to if we want to succeed in life and trading. The mind will demand satisfaction of the basic drives, like survival and profit. But the intelligence, based on learning and experience, will determine whether you succeed.

For example, in the eagerness to catch all the possible profit from the simple price movement of your favourite cryptocurrency, you may try to look for or identify as many trades as you can – one every day if possible. But sometimes the best move is no move. There is no use trying to force a trade just because of greed or over-enthusiasm. Some days do not present genuinely valuable trades, and it is then important to know one of the best skills in trading, and in life – how to do nothing.

Not doing is the solution to overdoing, which usually causes us to force the issue and end up losing out as a result. Here we need to pick our trades with intelligence, not out of desperation. Making money from trading is as much about wealth preservation as it is about wealth creation. Protect what you already have, defend it like a bear. And then secondly comes the attempt to grow your account, like a bull.

With Bitcoin it is easier, I feel, to make a profit because price usually returns to previous highs. Bitcoin is a unique product in that it is destined to climb onward and upward. There is less chance of it losing value in the long run and much more likelihood that it will continue growing in price as it has for the past ten years. The dips are occasional, and even if it takes a year, price returns to its former glory and surpasses it each time. The same can’t be said about the other altcoins.

Add to that the much greater potential profit in the volatile crypto market and you have an easier place to learn the skills of trading. After over a year of attempting to make money as a trader, I was able to make some small gains and learned that your style of trading reflects your personality. There are small quick day trades of a few hours that bring 1-3% profit, for the side of me that is impatient and enjoys the fast action of quick trades, as well as hating to lose anything at all. Then there are the longer swing trades over a few days, that bring 5-10% profits for the patient side.

Then there are the high risk trades for the greedy mind, like when a new coin or IEO is launched on an exchange and the volatility goes through the roof. The desire to grab some of that price action was high in the early days of trading, but I soon learned from a few losses there that this is also just as risky as it is profitable, and that it was my greed that was getting the better of my intelligence.

Then there is “hankering” and “lamenting”. These are both obstacles on the path of life, and they certainly show themselves in trading. There are so many huge potential profits every day to be seized by the discerning trader, but they are all seen in hindsight. Nobody can fully time the bottoms or the tops to capture all the price movement seen in those attractive price swings. So we see them and hanker after them, or we lament that we missed them. I would sell at a small profit, only for the price to keep climbing and I would miss accumulating twice as much as I could have in a particular trade, for example. This goes on all the time, but we need to remember that such allures are not worth losing sleep over.

By catching even just a fraction of a price move, we can add to our profits as a trader. And we need to learn to be content with that, otherwise we will find ourselves on our death bed still hankering after illusory pleasures of the body, or lamenting sentimentally about some loss or missed opportunity which is long gone. We might feel like a teenage romantic, who longs for a requited lover, only to cause our own emotional depression for no intelligent reason. You are the cause of your own depression when you put too much value or place too much attachment onto the object of your desires.

Whether it is a lover, or just plain money, as long as you are too attached to it, that very thing will destroy you. Attachment is a symptom of greed and too much ego. And an intelligent person soon realizes that they are the fool if they invoke a mood of depression upon themselves because of some outside factor, like another person’s opinion of you, or a mundane object like money. This is a major pitfall in trading. It cultivates within the mind of the trader too much obsession with money. That is why I occasionally take a step back from trading, to give me perspective.

The feverish mind will be inflamed when meditating on the objects of the senses excessively. Whether it is the desire for sex or money, you will be feeding the flames by staring at the object of your desires. And those flames will consume you, dictate your feelings of well-being or lack thereof when you obsess about them. In trying to chase happiness, you will be dragged into lamentation if you become overly focused on the external object as the source of your happiness.

We need to learn to cultivate self-satisfaction, or contentment within. We should never allow our equanimity to be dependent on the objects of sex or money. I have learned this from life, now as I reach old age. I can give you youngsters some advice based on experience. Don’t get trapped thinking it is the external money or lover that will bring you happiness because that money will come and go if you’re a trader, and the lover will come and go most of the time too.

Yet you need to be able to feel complete with or without the external object. It is not the source of your joy in life. Your mind is the source of your joy or distress, so rather cultivate the right mindset independent of the circumstances. You should be complete as you are, so cultivate that attitude, and if you need to, then afterwards supplement your life with the pursuit of money and sex.

If you want my secret to happiness then this is it. I am giving it to you for free based on 50 years on the planet. It’s all in the mind – the subjective feeling of being rich or poor, in love or lonely – these are up to you and your interpretation of your situation, not up to the external factors. It’s all a matter of perception. As long as you are dependent on some outside ingredient, you will suffer, because it will come and go. Find wealth and love within, and all around you in the freely existing attributes of life, and you will be the wealthiest and most loved person in the world. Now you know.

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@julianhorack Wise words! Thank you. As a young adult, it has taken me some suffering - in the dark ages of my life - to understand this a little bit more:

It’s all a matter of perception. As long as you are dependent on some outside ingredient, you will suffer, because it will come and go. Find wealth and love within, and all around you in the freely existing attributes of life, and you will be the wealthiest and most loved person in the world.

I always find it such a paradox. Person A can have 10 million in the bank and be unhappy and discontent and envious etc while person B can have 10 dollars and skip around like the happiest man alive.

This goes to let me see how I should not be a prisoner of my own mind. But master it.

I think you have summed up a lot of what is right and wrong about the way people trade and more importantly, why they trade.

I love the way you link crypto and mindfulness... craving (hankering) and aversion (lamenting) are to be attended to in general life as well as markets! I also like your positivity about BTC. Its like my little nest egg Im HodlIng, but only coz i am terrible at trading. Although, as you say, I have not spent enough time intelligently applying myself to really get it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Two sentences caught my attention the most:

You are the cause of your own depression when you put too much value or place too much attachment onto the object of your desires.

Find wealth and love within, and all around you in the freely existing attributes of life, and you will be the wealthiest and most loved person in the world.

And, perhaps, I should think about them more.

Exactly the reason why I stay away from trading my friend. Greed is to be feared and it will certainly lead one down the garden path.
As long as I can get enough for our charity to survive I am happy.
But how much is enough? And should I sell my soul to sleepless nights if what will be shall be?
Wisdom will always triumph and inner peace is more important than any amount of money.
I would rather have a little and be happy than have a lot and worry continuously about it. This is as simple as I can state my case.

Great advice about how to find happiness. It really does come from within. Money buys you comfort so it is important to have it but as long as you are disciplined, using intelligence with it rather than buy on emotion, you can live comfortably with very little and on a budget.

Listening to that inner voice or gut instinct is something not enough of us do. If we just took a little time and listened then act on it, life would probably be a lot happier for many.

I'm glad you found a lot out about yourself through trading. For me, I had to bite my tongue after I bought in around the all time high and didn't want to get into trading. For me, travelling is where I find myself, away from all this data and information overload we get.

That's another trick I've learned is to stick to only a few things as when you spread yourself too thin, it is a recipe for disaster. Not just in life but you see that in business too

Posted using Partiko Android

For sure Nicky, travel is a good lifestyle to learn about yourself. Good advice to keep the focus down to a few key topics.

For me it was grace, and asking for knowledge, that way to go within. And that's where it can be found. All learning in the end ends up with letting go. But words can never say no matter how many are used...

yeah we do hold onto things and people too much, there is a freedom in just letting go and learning to be happy with who you are and where you have come from. Self acceptance and self love is the key. xx

Glad you can relate.

ummm I still feel unqualified :(

An excellent read julianhorack. Thankyou

How did you make it through all of this :P

haha, forgot to check the length before i started reading. rest is history :)

Lol I know it's longer than most attention spans.

It is good someone else is encouraging him to read also

Thanks @michealb very kind you are.

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