in #bitcoin7 years ago

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  1. Robert-Call
  2. Bottymybotface
  3. Belle.Julz
  4. Zeartul
  5. architk
  6. crypto2day

You're talking about priorities, values - things that are important to you. Good for you, for having turned the corner on using your time for more constructive things than just your own entertainment. Family is always more important than fulfilling your own whims. If other people don't get that - if they are too wrapped up in their games & trying to escape their own reality - maybe a better "mission in life" is to help them see the error of their ways. Why even sweat the fanboys opinions? They'll be on to the next game, the next computer, the next technology just as soon as it comes out. They are "end users." The more end user/fanboys who escape their addictions and start living their life again, the better off the world will be. Steem On!

You're getting old bruh that's what it is lol (adulting) . I had that epiphany a few years ago . I only use money to make more money, been like that for 5 years. Got no kids, too freewheeling for that. I just want to buy an island for myself and enjoy life experiences.

Yep, I guess i'm finally there lol. Thanks brother!

Are you relaxed or nah? lol

Keep enjoying your journey man

thanks for your insights! Good things to think about, and I agree, family is where the real work originates, for me. Working to support my family-- my family provides meaningful work. It used to be a highly tech motivated life for me, but when I get back to basics, I just want to spend time with the ones I love. So more hands on, thinking it through, and doing it manually as well as digitally, in a healthy way. Steem it up! Upvoted

Thank you brother, family is everything.

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