Bitcoin Blasts Through $900!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

2 Days After I Wrote My Post About Bitcoin Breaking Through $800 We Have Another Level Passed.

This has been the best Christmas ever. My favorite technology is making the doubters look downright goofy. Will we see $1000 on Christmas? I personally thought it would take until New Years to reach $900 from $800. For once in my life I am pleased to be wrong.

Making the Decision to Trade with Leverage on Bitmex has Paid Off!

Trading with leverage is something I never thought I would enjoy but the last few months have been highly profitable. This is how I am walking around the house this Christmas.

Did You See My Post About Bitmex?

How I Feel When I Have a Short Position Open with Bitcoin.. Sign up for Bitmex here and save 10% on your trading fees for six months.

Bitcoin Smashes Through $800!!

Where Will Bitcoin Go From Here?

If history is repeated we could rapidly pass through $1000 on the way to new highs. I would love to see it slow down so that we can see money come back into the altcoin markets. The alts have been massacred as is the case when Bitcoin makes a run.
Buckle your seat belts folks this is going to be a Christmas to remember.


I actually let my hands go a little loose today and sold some, thinking 5% in one day was going to see a significant retraction. I was feeling pretty good about it, saw the price coming down again, thinking I timed in perfectly.

Went to see Rogue One, phone died, got home... couldn't believe it. $909?!?! WAT?

Bitcoin: always a wild ride. I'm glad I didn't sell more. I'm really curious to see what happens in the next few months.

Absolutely, I started using the mobile version of Bitmex just to make sure I don't miss a good opportunity. I gave up shorting yesterday as I lost my first trade in a while. This market is not kind to shorts. Christmas this year has been great for all holders of BTC. Have a wonderful Christmas Luke!

Rock on, thank you so much!!

Bitcoin train engine needs more #steem to keep cruising to new heights

Once BTC settles in January alts like Steem will get attention once again. I am surprised Steem has been as resilient as it has. I guess it is because of the community holding so much.

RandyHilarski Randy Hilarski tweeted @ 23 Dec 2016 - 04:15 UTC

Bitcoin Blasts Through $900!! @Steemit #Bitcoin $BTC 😜🎄… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

ah I was wondering about the alt coin market. Will more people sell when btc is high?

People move their money over to BItcoin every time it starts rising. When the rise slows they will move to the altcoin market again.

Question, is there a strategy to growing your btc when the price goes up?

If we can blast trough $1000 again that would be pretty magical. Will also generate a lot of media attention again I would think.

It sure will, I am so excited that I can't sleep. I have never in my life made money so easy. This is awesome.

No great surprises. Great piece and thanks for sharing. Upvoted and shared on Twitter✔ for my followers to see. Stephen

StephenPKendal Stephen P Kendal tweeted @ 23 Dec 2016 - 09:42 UTC

#Bitcoin Blasts Through $900..!! @RandyHilarski @Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thank you Stephen, what a great week it has been for all of us Bitcoin enthusiasts.

good blog bro
upvoted and resteemit

hilarski i need your pinion in this

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