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RE: Our Bitcoins Will Be Taken/Frozen By the Miners; Involuntary INCOME Tax on Frozen Bitcoin!

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

You are conflating Shelby (aka @anonymint) with the economic majority. Those are two different entities. The economic majority decide. You somehow have fooled yourself into thinking I am writing about what my opinions are or what I think will happen, as if this is a reflection of something about myself. I’m an unimportant pleb. Instead focus your analysis on the facts I am articulating. Try to develop a rational counter argument based on facts. Focusing on me, will simply cause your pre-frontal cortex to be overruled by your emotional hindbrain.

The people that will be offended by the ending of the Core scam are not in the economic majority. You and I are not in the economic majority.

It’s not what I want to happen. It’s what the economic majority want and what will happen not only because they always “decide” but because they are attuned with reality, which is why it appears they are deciding when in fact they become more wealthy because they are (more) attuned to truth (but perhaps not the holistic, biblical, end game truth). This is reality.

It’s like all the FACTS I have written in this thread go in your ear(s) or eyeball(s) and fly directly out one of the the other orifices without even being processed thus being totally ignored. So you read with your anus and defecate through your mouth? Come on, turn on your prefrontal cortex. Go back and read slowly to assimilate the FACTS written in black letters on the white background. It’s called reading comprehension, not selective cognitive dissonance.

You seem to not appreciate the monetary valuation model of Bitcoin. You seem to not understand monetary science. I can suggest you read Professor Antal E. Fekete. I was reading his work 15 years ago. I was ready for Bitcoin when it arrived. I already understood the concepts such as the theoretic near-unbounded marginal utility of near-perfect money.

Bitcoin is not a good nor a service. It is money. Who or what phenomenon creates public confidence in money? Fiat power or universe’s/God’s natural law. Work your way from that predicate to my conclusions. It’s all logically connected. Eventually the light bulb will turn on in your head hopefully.

Precisely Why Bitcoin Is Re-accelerating

One chart can blow your fucking mind!

Also you seem to not understand that if scammers (e.g. Core) can change secure immutable protocol (e.g. legacy Bitcoin) money into insecure, mutable protocol (e.g. P2SH and SegWit) money, then that is not money. Money must be very durable in order for the economic majority to use it. The economic majority will vote with their wealth and they will vote for durable money, not for “witless idiots fooled by scammers” money. How could you be so incapable of grasping such a simple concept.

It’s another like “oh btw I’m announcing I’m a derp and proudly proclaiming it because I’m oblivious to that I just stuck my foot in my mouth” such as the derp I replied to recently:

Oh and did I mention that I like the Lightning Network a lot? It's awesome ;-)

For your edification, c.f. also, also, also and also.

You have turned away from science, reason, analysis, and rationality, towards being offended by what you think is my arbitrary projection. I tried to explain to you days ago on the prior blog that I have assimilated expert information over the past decades.

Why is that you disrespect my research so much? Where may I read about your extensive counter research? How much depth exists in your research?

You simply presume (on what basis?) that if 0.001% of the worlds wealth is pissed off because they own Core Bitcoins instead of legacy Bitcoins (and whose fault is that?), that they can have some significant impact on outcomes, when in fact the 1% who control 50 – 80% of the world’s wealth will not even notice nor care at all. In what sane civilization should people be able to claim they own something which they willfully intended to not own? The Satoshi protocol miners can do what ever the fuck they want in their own protocol. What right do Coretards have to tell another fork with a different protocol what to do, especially I explained to you in technical detail that the legacy miners will simply be adhering to the protocol in the only unambiguous way possible. There is no other choice for them! The outcome is entirely natural. The Coretards created the situation. Legacy Bitcoin did not create the security hole and the huge booty that forces resolution. Can you please drill those FACTS into your brain?

Study carefully the Google trends and interviews with the general public and you can clearly ascertain that witless Coretards will be quickly forgotten by the general public. Coretards are so self-important. Lol. Idiots. The economic majority controls the (propaganda in) mass media and thus controls what the general public thinks. That’s reality.

The global elite have a definitive, serious, and important plan for Bitcoin. That’s why they created it, promoted it in their mass media, funded Blockstream to erect a scam to fool the witless, self-important, delusional, idiotic plebs (as usual), and now move to the next stages of their masterplan.

And what are you going to write to me when nearly everything I wrote ends up being roughly 80 – 95% of the eventual outcome as usual for my track record? Even if the SegWit donations redeeming fork-off is delayed, but still happens, I will still be vindicated.

If instead you would read the very important replies I made to @zoidsoft, you could actually prepare and profit from what is coming. And join the economic majority. Come on man, don’t you want to stop being clueless like the rest of the witless bunny rabbits? God gave you a strong mind. Use it!

Profit on ending an insecure scam. Yeah why not. Ending dangerous, widespread scams is good. Profit on teaching the witless that they are responsible for their own mistakes. Yeah teaching personal responsibility by slapping the wrists. In what morality and rationality universe can you possibly disagree with me?

And don’t tell me that the we should not try to fool the witless bunny rabbits, because I am prima facie evidence the witless fools will never listen to truth. Instead they banned me, in their delusion groupthink they ridiculed and pressured all the exchanges to switch their cold wallets to insecure SegWit, etc.. All because self-important “power rangers” we-can-change-reality-to-fit-our-cartoon-fantasies delusions.

MPOE-PR Perma-Banned after warning, Temp Ban more appropriate?

In re Bitcoin Devs are idiots

Is POW systematically doomed to get a huge monster in its midst?

Why MP is your God.

Some hours ago, Satoshii posted to the original, meanwhile supplanted and therefore disused, mailing list. The post reads :

I have been following the recent block size debates through the mailing list. I had hoped the debate would resolve and that a fork proposal would achieve widespread consensus. However with the formal release of Bitcoin XT 0.11A, this looks unlikely to happen, and so I am forced to share my concerns about this very dangerous fork.

[Hearn is a shitstain] The developers of this pretender-Bitcoin claim to be following my original vision, but nothing could be further from the truth. When I designed Bitcoin, I designed it in such a way as to make future modifications to the consensus rules difficult without near unanimous agreement. Bitcoin was designed to be protected from the influence of charismatic leaders, even if their name is Gavin Andresen, Barack Obama, or Satoshi Nakamoto. Nearly everyone has to agree on a change, and they have to do it without being forced or pressured into it. By doing a fork in this way, these developers are violating the "original vision" they claim to honour.

[MP was right] They use my old writings to make claims about what Bitcoin was supposed to be. However I acknowledge that a lot has changed since that time, and new knowledge has been gained that contradicts some of my early opinions. For example I didn't anticipate pooled mining and its effects on the security of the network. Making Bitcoin a competitive monetary system while also preserving its security properties is not a trivial problem, and we should take more time to come up with a robust solution. I suspect we need a better incentive for users to run nodes instead of relying solely on altruism.

[Fuck reddit] If two developers can fork Bitcoin and succeed in redefining what "Bitcoin" is, in the face of widespread technical criticism and through the use of populist tactics, then I will have no choice but to declare Bitcoin a failed project. Bitcoin was meant to be both technically and socially robust. This present situation has been very disappointing to watch unfold.

Satoshi Nakamoto

It would be a pleasant surprise to read some cogent counter arguments? Come on you’re a smart guy. Surely you can come up with something to challenge my intellect and make this interesting?


Look, math is an attempt to describe reality. You can only relate your opinions, and not reality itself. You have no self awareness, because you conflate your opinions with facts. This leads you to conclude people will buy and sell BTC when aware of those transactions being the vector of unchecked and ongoing theft of BTC, because you're bewitched by your own clever charts.

It's nothing of fact or reality. It's a fantastic hallucination born of hubris. If you're going to keep expounding the same points over and again without once addressing substantively that even morons of sub-seventy IQ would not do that, there is no point in discussing it with you.

As to the supposed inability to do anything else, you neglect that there remains - always - the option to do nothing. In fact my motto is 'Don't just do something, sit there.' I work for a living because that's meet and proper, I like it, and money is not the goal of anything I do. I don't want to profit financially. I want to earn socially. Working construction I have learned that if you don't take the time to do it right, you'll make the time to do it over. I see guys that 'do something, even if it's wrong' destroy every day I do work. This costs thrice what doing it right does. First money is spent to do it wrong. Then money is spent to undo what was done wrong. Then, if they're lucky, the necessary funds are expended on finally doing it right.

No one has to choose between evils. You ever heard of Rush, the Canadian band that was awarded the highest civilian honor Canada bestows? Their song 'Freewill' expresses this concept in the lyric 'If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.' People do nothing all the time. It's often the right thing to do.

Apparently there's no room for zero on your charts, and it muddles up your calculations. If the miners start stealing BTC as you predict, that's the value that BTC will have: zero.

You can edit your next reply 100 times, and it will not make any sense until you acknowledge this fact, and I will not gain from reading, nor will anyone else, and nor will you by composing it.

I wish you luck, because you have not revealed any sense you could rely on for future good fortune.


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