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RE: McAfee’s Dick Math: illuminating Bitcoin’s ACCELERATING price

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

[…] that BTC is unlikely to follow a calculable pattern in this world. Too many factors simply can't be reckoned with the relatively short history that has to date revealed impactors on BTC value, and they range from butterfly wings of little import to economic events that will result from the uncharted territory we are in with QE and negative interest rates potentially existential to BTC.

I’m also employing expert information (which I have accumulated over the past years, c.f. also, also and also) which is addition to any information in Bitcoin price data.

If you read that comment post and dig into all the relevant linked information, it all fits together in a neat puzzle wherein I have figured out how the powers-that-be are going to destroy everyone who is hodling cryptocurrency at the May 14, 2020 halving event, yet simultaneously establish Bitcoin as their 666 global reserve currency asset exclusively for their subservient $billionaires.

I have factored all the macro economic variables and everything you have included as variables into my holistic analysis. And so has the think tank of the powers-that-be who ostensibly created the diabolical Bitcoin and masterminded this globalized plan.

They’ve ostensibly been planning this for decades. It took me several years to unravel all the details of their plan.

So sit back and watch how information can reveal deterministic chaos and turn a “black” swan into a white swan.

Mark my words.

If you don’t subscribe to my world view even after exhaustively analyzing all of the information I have revealed in the relevant archives, then we will just have to agree to disagree until my predictions/expectations are falsified this coming May 14, 2020.

Note if the Bitcoin price has not made a significant new ATH before the halving event, then I will suspect that my timing for the SegWit attack is incorrect. And that will invalidate the timing of my thesis and the extra support for the $1 million price. Because I presume the powers-that-be need a very high Bitcoin price at the halving event if they want to succeed with the SegWit attack by slowing the forked-off Core chain down to perhaps one new block found every week or month instead of every 10 minutes.

I ponder what will be the date that the powers-that-be (with their “fake Satoshi” puppet Craig Wright serving as the public face of the “attack”) start the private legacy fork? Cinco de Mayo?

Consider population dynamics in Germany. Then consider how new impacts on German population affected it in the early 20th Century. Those impacts certainly were predictable, but the information enabling accurate predictions wasn't available to relevant parties at the time. We can look back now and say 'Well, that did this, and this did that. Perfectly within our models.' But prior to this and that those actors weren't part of the models, and those impacts weren't predicted, or even predictable.

Everything was predictable for those whose model was holistic enough and included all the data that would have indicated such migration or whatever caused the population changes.

This is why Armstrong puts global information in his models even when asking his computer A.I. algorithms for models on specific countries. And he also includes non-economic data, such as current events from newspapers, acts of nature such a earthquakes/volcanos, results of political elections, etc..

It's nearly certain that various events will add influences to the system that is currently modeled, and that will dramatically change the results in unforseeable ways. Whether that's a new volcano in Iceland or Trump losing 2020 doesn't even matter.

It’s possible but highly unlikely that black swan event will occur to disrupt the rather short-term plan of the powers-that-be. Two decades to accomplish their Bitcoin world domination plan, is a very small window of time relative to abnormal black swans which they could not predict well, e.g. a major asteroid impact on the earth. They also factored the probability of these events into their plans. Armstrong’s models have detected cycles in earthquakes, volcanos, global warming/cooling, etc..

Scientists have now backtested a model of the sun’s magnetic fields which control the cycle in the sunspots which control our global cooling/warming (and this also appears to impact earthquakes and volcanos). This model indicates we are heading into a Maunder Minimum circa 2030.

There’s just not enough large-scale randomness in our earthly existence over a period of 2 decades to disrupt the powers-that-be.

Well that is unless for example they didn’t calculate/anticipate my technological capabilities and what I have up my sleeve to defeat them. But my plans will not come soon enough to stop this $1 million Bitcoin price plan and the SegWit attack at the May 14, 2020 halving event.

Of course they probably did anticipate the technological designs for an alternative to Bitcoin which I have devised. So my challenge is to figure out how they plan to defeat such a design.

I’m playing 6D chess here. Wish you could get inside my mind.

All that being said, I do wish you the best of luck. I think you need it in this endeavor.

Absolutely. I am in for an unfathomable danger.

And even if I get one facet of the prediction correct, I will likely make a mistake on some detail which screws up the plans/designs I make.

I need help, but who to trust? And who is skilled/smart enough to help?

The powers-that-be have economies-of-scale. How many 180 IQ people do you reckon they have in these think tanks? Can they compartmentalize people with that high of an IQ? Or can they incentivize them to be diabolical? Or if your IQ is high enough do you come to the conclusion that there’s no other way forward anyway?


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