Happy birthday to me!

in #birthday6 years ago

Last night, @karenb54 posted her newest poetry contest, and I wrote a wee poem before bed. But once I was in bed, more verses kept coming! So now it’s long enough for its very own post.


With a doff of my cap to The Beatles, I’m calling it:

A Week In the Life

It’s Easter weekend
I should be relaxing
It doesn’t pan out
My workload is maxing!
Friday, it’s stocktake
Not Hot Cross Bun Day
Saturday, it’s baking,
And shopping – not a Funday.


Sunday, a party,
Now that days a winner!
Monday – birthday eve,
And chicken for dinner.

Tuesday’s my birthday,
I’m 60 years old.
But no presents please
(Except cryptos or gold).


Next Saturday’s my party
Lots of people coming
My friend’s band is playing
The hall will be humming.

Platters and tablecloths,
Planning the food,
To keep everyone satisfied,
In a great mood.


Friends and family coming
From far and from wide
Andysantic’s car
Will be jam packed inside.

Sift, he hates parties,
But still he’ll be there.
With his trusty camera,
No one will look fair!

Sift selfie taken at our nephew's 30th

Gluten free birthday cake,
Paleo snacks,
A glass full of cider,
Will help me relax.

Dancing and music
And people who sing
The place will be full
Of my favourite things.


But let’s raise a glass
To absent friends
My dear ones of Steemit
At the world’s far ends.

If I had a genie
I’d magic you here
So you could take part
In the blessings and cheer.

Thanks for reading and go check out the beautiful birthday poem @andysantics48 wrote for me

Images from Pixabay, or by myself or @sift666, unless otherwise stated.

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happy 45th birthday my steemit buddy :)

Yes, yes, all three of us are just 45. Slip of the keyboard up there. Thanks for the birthday wishes, buddy.

Happy birthday. Many happy returns. And I mean many happy steemit returns..... many happy Steemit money returns. Something like that.

It sounds like you have a fun party planned.

Yup, many happy steemit returns would be a wonderful birthday present! And fun for all is definitely what I'm planning. Thanks.

Happy birthday, @kiwideb!! Live it up and enjoy!

Thanks, Peggy. Your wish is my command!

Happy birthday and that was amazing.loved it. Hope you have an amazing party. :)

Thanks darl. Wish I could magic you down under to have fun with us!

Ohh now that would be lovely. Cart wait for the post with all the juicy gossip :) Have a ball hun :)

Happy birthday, @kiwideb. I hope it's a great one!

Thanks @camille1234, heading out for a nice meal soon.

Happy birthday to the terrible trio.

Does verse 2 of the happy birthday song apply?

Thanks, Len. I had no idea that there was a verse 2 and had to google it. This is what I found

From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.

I'm sure we're all game for as much good luck and happiness as would like to accompany us. Though why do I have an uneasy feeling that you're thinking of a different verse 2? Maybe because I'm still perplexed by our last conversation!

you found a different one to what I was thinking of

Why were they born so beautiful?

Why were they born at all?

They are no bl*** use to man nor beast

They're no bl*** use at all !!

usually as the pyramid of empty beer cans reaches towards the ceiling,
and sung with full gusto.

Oh yes, I'd forgotten that one! Maybe it's a kiwi-ism. You better get your arse down here on Saturday and lead the singing!

it takes a lot of cans to reach the roof, have a go and be prepared to be amazed, the nearest we got was a 3 squadron happy hourzzzzzz and an 8 foot ceiling, we were a cuple of layers from the top when a young Skippy fell right into the middle, by the time they had rescued him the cans were so bent they wiuldnt stack anymore so we gave up,


Happy birthday my friend. May be healthy always and always success!

Very beautiful poem. You write with great ability. Thank you for sharing. Regards!

Thanks @seha76 for the kind birthday wishes, and glad you like the poem. It was fun to write!

Well Happiest of Happy Birthdays!

What a fabulous day for a birthday! @danielles (our daughter) arrived on the planet 29 years ago this very day!

Ah, another birthday twin! Our choir leader's wife is a 3rd April baby too. An excellent vintage. Hope @danielles has a great day. Is her gran going to be out of hospital for it?

No, unfortunately.

Gran woke up to her side feeling wet. Not blood, thankfully, they think something burst. There's no sign of infection, but she's on antibiotics now. She has to stay in until the course is done.

Probably for the best, the house is still being worked on.

Something burst? Jeepers, that sounds a bit dodgy. What sort of something. Though at least she's where they can be keeping an eye on her till they know she's ok.

Happy, happy birthday!!! SBD's price pumped up (for now) probably in honor of your big day!! Have a wonderful celebration.

Thanks! How about if I promise to stay 60? Do you think the SBD price will play ball and stay up too? I'm prepared to take one for the team...

Happy birthday, my friend! Glad to see birthday squeezing the creative juices out from you. Such a wonderful, lyrical poem to commemorate the day. I just know you're going to rock this new year of your life even more!

Ah well, you know my creative juices. I never know what will get them going! So have to take advantage when the muse comes to call :-)
Thanks for your faith in my ability to keep rocking on, I will do my best. And have lots of fun trying.

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