What We are Not Being Told! The Effects OF Medical Intervention During Birth- Pitocin Is Now Linked to Postpartum Depression!

in #birth6 years ago (edited)

Giving Birth is an sacred act. Yet so many seem to have forgotten that and now birth is treated as a medical procedure. It is almost a given, that women the world over will attend hospital in order to birth their babies. Women are told that hospitals are the safest place to be, when that magical time arrives. That time when you get to meet your baby for the first time.

Of course as a mother, we want what is best for our babies and for ourselves. We do not want to take any unnecessary risks and for this reason, so many put their faith into the medical system, because they believe that they know what is best for them and their baby. So they hand over the responsibility to the medical team.But what so many do not realize is that once you go into hospital to birth your baby, you are signing over your rights. The chances of you having a natural birth are minimal, as most women end up receiving medical interventions. Most women who have hospital births are routinely given a synthetic form of oxytocin, called Pitocin, before, during and after birth. It is used to induce and speed up the birth and to also prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage.

Every woman naturally produces oxytocin, it is one of the hormones needed to birth our babies safely and to also help us bond with them and to help with breastfeeding. However when a mother is injected with synthetic Oxytocin, 'Pitocin', her body will no longer produce it naturally. The synthetic oxytocin, has been shown to increase the babies heartbeat and as a result ends up in further interventions being preformed. However that is not what I wish to talk about toady. Toady I wish to talk about a recent study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, entitled:

Association of peripartum synthetic oxytocin administration and depressive and anxiety disorders within the first postpartum year.

So now, Pitocin is linked to Post Partum Depression, this is huge, yet it is not common knowledge.

This article was written in February 2017 and it is not something that is being shared with mothers to be. For mothers who have a history of depression or anxiety and who are administered Pitocin during or after birth they now have an 36% increased risk of Post Partum Depression. For women with no history of depression and anxiety, they have a 32% increased risk of developing Post Partum Depression. These are the figures that were released within the study above, but what about those women who go untreated and suffer in silence. The many mothers who are advised to just get on with it. The numbers, I imagine are much higher.

I recently wrote an article about suicide where I mentioned a woman I looked after in Australia, who was suffering with Post Postpartum Depression but was undiagnosed. She ended up jumping from a block of flats with her baby in her arms, she survived, her baby did not. She was being held under guard in hospital, as she was being charged with murder. I wrote how the society had failed her. I know she had a hospital birth and I imagine she would have been administered Pitocin, if not during birth then definitely after to deliver the placenta. Reading this article really shines a whole new light on the idea that Society failed her, that the medical system failed her. Failed her and how many other mothers?

Why are we not being told about this, this is huge.

This synthetic Hormone already has so many negative effects on the mother and baby and now this. Pitocin is administered so that a women's birth happens quicker, so that the actually act of birth is done within a time frame that is more convenient for the medical team. As a result the mother experiences far more intense pain and the baby is placed under unnecessary strain. This is knowledge that is already out there, but again is not being shared, it is something you need to research for your self. But now this, now this fake hormone is affecting the mothers ability to look after herself and bond with her baby. This results in breast feeding being very difficult and new mums feeling like failures and Yes at times feeling suicidal.

Yet it is not common knowledge. I think it is really important to realize that the medical professions do not always have your best interests at heart. Because if they did, they would not be administering Pitocin.

Birth is now a huge business, Obstetrics is the highest paid medical profession in the world. Pharmaceutical companies are making huge amounts of money out of birth. It is so important to be informed and to make informed choices, because otherwise you are placing yourself and your baby at risk.

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Wow. I had no idea about the terrible Pitocin, so thank you so very much for sharing this very important information with us.
Our society and governments are failing us. It is all about the money and not about caring about its people or their well being, which is so sad since we put all the trust especially in our medical system who are supposed to help us not make us worse or even kill us.

thank you @joalvarez, yes it is so worrying what we are not told, like I said we really need to researching and keeping ourselves informed. I hope you are well my friend xx

hi just stopped by to see you, I hope you and your family are well my friend @trucklife-family, and it is a nice read as well

WOW! That is unbelievable. Well, not really - just shocking I suppose! I've been thinking a lot about hospital births recently, but more about the microbial environment that the baby is first introduced to. A newborn receives its first dose of microbes from its mother's birth canal, and anything in the local environment upon delivery. Birthing in sterile environments reduces the chance of any environmental probiotics from inoculating the child. Interesting to think about what kind of impact this could have on us.. there is a species of rabbit that the newborns -must- eat their mother's feces in order to get the right microbes in their system, otherwise they will absolutely die. So strange how much we rely on these unseen beings. Anyway... I hope this new research will help move our society away from using pitocin! It probably won't any time soon, but hopefully more research will arise and persuade doctors otherwise.

I know that is the thing, it is just not surprising. I am all for women's choice when it comes to birth, but I am also a huge advocate for natural home births. As you so rightly said babies really are missing out when born in hospitals, and so many that are born via C.Section, so many parents have no idea that the baby picks up necessary microbes in the birth canal or even think about the effect all the interventions have on their baby, they just accept and assume that the medical team know best. Thank you for your wonderful feedback and I am so happy to hear that you are aware of the importance of place of birth for the overall well being of the newborn, it goes so much deeper than microbes as well. I hope you are well my friend xxx

Great post. I had no idea, but it makes sense. I love your passion about birthing and you must keep writing about it. Hopefully woman here can then make informed decisions about their own bodies to stop this stuff happening.

thank you lovely, I will always write about this as how can we heal anything if we cannot heal birth, it is the beginning of everything xxx

Yeah I always knew about this, but it’s so hard to try and reason with people unless there is some research that backs up your claims.

I find the way Obstetritians and shit-wives (as opposed to highly experienced and knowledgeable midwives) use FEAR to get consent to any procedure disgraceful and appalling.

But tell a woman she has to face the pain, how is she going to react, really? Unless she has done some good personal work and is not afraid to go to her edge, she’ll take the easy option.

I’m risking a lot by speaking out, being a man and all. But for me, the fact that women no longer trust their bodies, trust in themselves and what they’re capable of achieving (in birth and elsewhere) is a clear sign of patriarchy.

And unfortunately, Feminism (with a capital F) seems to advocate for a woman’s choice to go down the medical cascade of interventions. It’s strange and messed up.

I just hope all you amazing, strong, powerful, independently-thinking women can inspire and bring hope to the younger generation (like my daughter).


please do speak out, we need more and more people speaking out, a lot of my articles in the beginning of my time on here where about birth and how we are losing the freedom to birth, how women are no longer getting to actually experience the transition into motherhood and are therefore un prepared for what lies ahead, When the natural order and cycle of things is interfered with nothing is in balance any more. We need to be birthing naturally, we need women to believe and be empowered both for themselves and their babies.
Thank you for your wonderful feedback xx

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