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RE: What We are Not Being Told! The Effects OF Medical Intervention During Birth- Pitocin Is Now Linked to Postpartum Depression!

in #birth6 years ago

Yeah I always knew about this, but it’s so hard to try and reason with people unless there is some research that backs up your claims.

I find the way Obstetritians and shit-wives (as opposed to highly experienced and knowledgeable midwives) use FEAR to get consent to any procedure disgraceful and appalling.

But tell a woman she has to face the pain, how is she going to react, really? Unless she has done some good personal work and is not afraid to go to her edge, she’ll take the easy option.

I’m risking a lot by speaking out, being a man and all. But for me, the fact that women no longer trust their bodies, trust in themselves and what they’re capable of achieving (in birth and elsewhere) is a clear sign of patriarchy.

And unfortunately, Feminism (with a capital F) seems to advocate for a woman’s choice to go down the medical cascade of interventions. It’s strange and messed up.

I just hope all you amazing, strong, powerful, independently-thinking women can inspire and bring hope to the younger generation (like my daughter).



please do speak out, we need more and more people speaking out, a lot of my articles in the beginning of my time on here where about birth and how we are losing the freedom to birth, how women are no longer getting to actually experience the transition into motherhood and are therefore un prepared for what lies ahead, When the natural order and cycle of things is interfered with nothing is in balance any more. We need to be birthing naturally, we need women to believe and be empowered both for themselves and their babies.
Thank you for your wonderful feedback xx

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