Riding in the rain is awesome and my friends think I'm nuts

in #biking5 years ago

I've never really understood why people wouldn't want to ride a bicycle in the rain. I love it. Obviously there is an increased level of danger involved but for someone who is kinda a thrill-seeker, the added danger is actually a rush for me.


Last night I was invited to meet some friends at a blues bar in the city center. I was playing Final Fantasy 15, looking for redeeming qualities when I looked at the clock and saw that it was past 9pm and figured it was time to head out. I looked out the window and noticed it was raining and nearly decided to not go. I really wanted to go to this show so eventually I decided to go anyway and had a really awesome time on the way there. Did I get wet? Of course... Was it slightly more dangerous? You betcha! Did I have fun? Oh yeah! So much so that when it came time to make the return journey I was looking forward to it.


I was on my bike for about 5 minutes before I flashed back to being a little kid. Everything had an opportunity for excitement as a child and riding your bike in the rain was one of them. I feel as though I haven't "grown up" as much as other people in their 40's and I hope I never do. Especially in Thailand, riding in the rain is a great joy and here is why:

  • It is really hot here, so having cool water fall on you during your ride is actually really refreshing and there is very little chance you are going to get cold and if you do... just ride harder!
  • when it rains the motorbike drivers who don't really have anywhere they need to be (IE the motorbike street punks with nothing better to do other than drive like a-holes) head for cover... this always makes for a better ride
  • once you embrace that you are wet, it is actually a lot of fun to have the tires throwing water all over you

Rainy season will be upon us soon and I am very much looking forward to it. Me and my bike will likely see MORE action / exercise than in the dry and hot time of year where riding any distance can actually be a bit dangerous not because of traffic or road conditions, but because of overheating my internal radiator.

Plus in the end if I really wanted to stay dry (which makes zero sense to me since unless you aren't working hard enough you are gonna get wet from your own disgusting sweat anyway) I could always get one of these absurd contraptions.

unless you were barely riding, this wouldn't keep you dry anyway - plus you look like a maroon


I don't think I would ride the bike to the bar like you did as the spray would make you dirty. I never used mudguards, and know about the brown streak half way up your back.

the streak up the back is prevented by the giant plastic basket i have on the back. This was an accidental perk of the storage that was intended as a dog / grocery carrier :)

I don't know if it's the same thing, but we walked about a half mile in the rain the other day and it was so refreshing. We were in no rush; just walking the downtown streets here (well, hour and a half away from where we live) and it just gave us such a good soul cleansing.

absolutely. As with on a bike, once you accept the fact that you are wet (or even completely soaked) it is quite nice to play in the rain. Made me feel young again.

Doin biking for health an fitness in general you should be ready be regarded as maroon by many people. It's a good additional training to be independent of public opinion. The more uncommon thing you try the more they laugh and point a finger . My only bike is recumbent so I know this first-hand ))

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you have a recumbent street bike? I saw one of those the other day when I was riding and dude was hauling ass. He was really moving.

Mostly I don't care what people think of me when I am riding around. I have a relatively massive plastic tray on the back of it for carrying my dog and this encourages a lot of questions. As it turns out it is a great help when going to the supermarket! :)

Rain is beautiful, I can’t understand people who feel bad seeing it every time

the feeling of joy that you describe when riding your bike in the rain transports me to my youth, when it rained when leaving school. I wish we all would allow ourselves to live this way and enjoy moments like that as children. By the way, what care needs a bicycle in rainy environments to avoid rust?

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I love rain it makes me tired and relaxed. I sleep the best when its raining outside.

Hah, that is a pretty dopey looking bike accessory. @mrsbozz and I went camping this weekend and the first night we were there we got some pretty significant rain. We went for a walk the next morning around the campground with our dog and it was fun to watch all of the kids ride their bikes back and forth through the puddles. They seriously didn't have a care in the world! It was just pure joy!

This is wild. I have only ridden in the rain on accident. I couldn't imagine doing it on purpose. I do wish I could ride more often though. Great write up. Be well.

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