Being Viewed As Suspicious For Attempting To Avoid Facial Recognition Systems

Facial recognition systems are being increasingly adopted today and are now busy scanning faces at sporting events, airports, on busy city streets, and in other areas. Just recently, the Metropolitan Police went ahead with their facial recognition trials in East London and they ended-up making several arrests.

Before they conducted their tests they had handed flyers out that detailed the upcoming facial recognition system trials in the area...

The cameras were seen protruding from parked police cars around the area and they were allegedly attempting to use the technology to seek out faces from a certain watchlist; they would receive an alert whenever there is a match.


They've allegedly indicated that any individual who declines to be scanned by the system will not necessarily be viewed as suspicious.

But for one man who had attempted to hide himself from the camera, he ended-up receiving a fine for more than $100. The man had tried to raise his shirt to cover his face, undercover police officers then pulled the man aside and asked for his identification. The man responded by allegedly telling the officers to piss off, for which he then received a disorder fine of $118. There was no crime committed though seeing as the man didn't violate the private property rights of anyone else, he simply didn't want to be recorded while he was traveling through a public space. Should attempting to hide yourself from a facial recognition system be reason enough to harass and extort someone?

The police have reportedly suggested that they had stopped the man because he was acting suspiciously.

This comes despite their previous indication that they wouldn't resort to viewing someone as suspicious simply for attempting to avoid being recorded and scanned in public by the system.

It looks like you will be looked at as suspicious if you make any attempts to avoid being seen. Civil liberty advocates had observed the trials and concluded that they were disturbed to see so many people stopped and searched after they tried to cover their faces and attempted to reject to the invasive facial recognition scanning.

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There are ways to prevent facial recognition presently, including interfering with the reflected light from the face, which is what facial recognition cameras base their analysis on. A ballcap with leds on the brim does this. However, as with all technologies, things proceed apace, and the cameras will improve in time. An arms race of sorts may last for a while, but in the end facial recognition will triumph, whether we like who is doing the recognizing or not, simply because cameras will improve forever.

So, the cameras aren't the key. Who has access to the cameras, and what they do with the information, is.

I have long ago pointed out that facial recognition, surveillance, and etc., are inevitable, and can be a very good thing - if we use it right. That means using it on criminals who are committing crimes, and not to oppress people expressing their political choices, or other reasons. Given that the means of acquiring images and applying facial recognition software for law enforcement purposes is presently being controlled by politicians an polities that are vectors for a lot of corruption and criminal activity, I reckon that this technology is in the wrong hands presently.

We should get cameras and surveil politicians and government agents, upload the data to the blockchain, and allow public auditing. By crowdsourcing this data and parsing it in a verfiable public source, we can then prove that these criminals are committing crimes like corruption and brutality.

This is the only realistic option that we can undertake given the reality of this technology. We can't stop cameras from improving, and we can't stop them from recognizing us. But we can use the same technology to get rid of the criminal psychopaths abusing political power, and make our laws actually work.


ive seen a variety of articles come out suggesting different makeup designs, haircut looks and clothing options too that can be used to help distort the scanning as well 👍 let the creative voluntary solutions prevail! 😂

“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
Orwell, 1984

Posted using Partiko Android

The idea behind "you shouldn't be worried if you have a nothing to hide or, if you're not doing anything wrong..." is complete BS!

It seems to be the guise under which more and more increasingly invasive "laws/procedures" are being passed and enacted into our societies.

This caviler mindset seems quite dangerous and could have some sever civil rights repercussions if ppl simply dismiss them without proper consideration and implimentation.

That being said, facial rec for example is likely to be a major payer in the future of security...

Trust me, ill never ask for more personal information than we NEED... Only their "need" always grows.

Posted using Partiko Android

More or less... and the Need is for your own safety. Whether you like it or not

This is a scary start to a dystopian novel we are living in.

OMG!!!...Orwellian here we go!
Looking at your cover photo I thought:
What if the Sun reflection glare all the faces... will the Sun be arrested for trying to cover all those suspicious people??
The only way this would work is when they admit it is a voyeur/spy fetish thing and they are using it for "private" use
I joke but this is war!

Bad. Bad. Bad.
Stop. Stop. Stop.

It would be interesting to see who voted on this and which commissions decided to put in these cameras, etc. I wish we were in the habit of being proactive instead of on the defensive. I don't think that this technology needs to be everywhere but that is what we are being told in the media.

If you don't want it, then talk to your elected officials. They need to know your opinion now.

begging cockroaches to suddenly appreciate liberty likely wouldn't do any good 😂

No, of course not, but we should prove that we are paying attention. Once you turn on the light, or illuminate the deceptions, the cockroaches run for cover. Most don't want to be discovered; only the psychopaths couldn't care less.

it doesn't really prove anything because everyone is free to make their own misguided assumptions still? and people are still extorted at the end of the day nonetheless... there are more fruitful things ppl could do with their time i bet.👍

To each his own. Have a great weekend!

same to you✌😄 thank you

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