The Art of Psychometry.

The spiritual field has many different avenues, Tarot, Divination, Mediumship and more where people for hundreds of years, particularly the 19th century wanted to contact the other world.

The origins of Psychometry

Some people believe that energies are absorbed into artefacts and that almost anything that is touched they are able to pick up the history about the object, this is commonly known as Psychometry. This talent was named back in 1842 by Joseph R Buchanan a professor of physiology.


(Credit Pixabay)

The term is derived from two words in the greek language psyche (soul) and metron (measure). Buchanan did one of the earliest tests, in which he placed different drugs in glasses he asked his students to determine what drug was in which glass by simply holding the glass in their hands. He published his findings in a book called Journal of man and made a theory that all physical objects have a memory that can be tapped into.

Psychometry has both a spiritual and scientific interest, some scientists theorise that the past is locked in different artefacts, and with the right people history can be recovered just by the power of touch. However many more people believe that psychometry is more on a spiritual perspective, but interestingly enough both sides believe that it is down to the vibration of the object, and with some fine tuning people can tap into that vibration to determine its origins.

I watched an interesting documentary from a few years back where british screen writer Jane Goldman did a documentary series on the spiritual called Jane Goldman Investigates. She interviewed some Psychometrics and was told that anybody has the ability to do such a task.


I think one of the best ways to understand this, even though maybe a little more dramatic is by watching the show warehouse 13 which is about two former detectives hired by a supreme agency to recover artefacts that tend to cause some problems, not only that I found the show highly entertaining in addition.

Credit Giphy

How to try Psychometry.

(Credit Pixabay)

So I am no master at this but it would be interesting if we were to at least try it out and compare our findings perhaps.

To begin if looking at this from a spiritual perspective it is good to sit in a quiet room for a few moments and visualise a bright white light surrounding yourself, so that you feel protected, and able to do the job well.

You need to have a friend and ask them to give you an object belonging to someone else preferably small something you can hold with both hands, better maybe someone you don’t know incase you recognise the object.

(Credit Pixabay)

Its all about quickness.

When practicing Psychometry you don’t want to spend too long thinking, especially in the early stages so it is suggested to sit with the artefact in your hands and close your eyes. Imagine a cinema screen in front of you and a blue border surrounding the screen.

Then start to see the images that flash onto that screen and write them down, they may not make much sense, but still write them down. Then return to closing your eyes, visualise the screen and keep watching until you can get as much information as you able to, you should never feel like you are forcing the images they should come naturally.

It’s important to not question what you see but write it down because questioning can cause doubt, and it can interfere with the overall outcome because then you are not relying on those images you’re actually starting just to think about them, which is why its all about quickness.

Once over talk to your friend about what you have seen, show them what you wrote down and see if any of it made sense to them, about the owner of the artefact. See how much you got right, and if you didn’t don’t worry you can always try again.


Statistics show that even the top Psychometrists are only 80-90% accurate which means there is a 10-20% room for inaccuracy no one will ever be 100% accurate so remember that, this is not about feeling silly about something, but an interesting concept that perhaps could work.

I would love to hear your outcome.

If you are interested in trying this please keep me informed on how it went, either your could comment on this post or create a post of your own. Maybe you would like to do a video with your friend and show us your findings it is completely up to yourself. But I do hope that you will consider trying it at least, you never know you could be the next top Psychometrist and you might not even know it yet.

This article was exclusively written for Beyond the Veil. A newsletter that is prepared weekly, by a collection of people, containing articles surrounding the spiritual and the supernatural. To subscribe to the newsletter please follow @beyondtheveil, to stay updated about our community

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I'm personally attracted by paranormal or excentric themes and this one has caught my attention @crazybgadventure.

It's an interesting practice but I'm not sure whether I could do it or not (not sure about my skills hehehehe). What I found interesting was the ancient context where it could be interpreted as sourcery ('cause I'm sure it was seen like this in the past century).

Great post buddy, thank you for sharing it!

Thank you so much for your comment absolutely welcome. There are a collection of similar articles being put together if you check out @beyondtheveil there is a newsletter being published each week.

I went to a psychic one time and you were to bring an object for her to hold. She went into a brown study and would say things periodically for you to write down. She was able to discern quite a few truths. I think she used the method you described.

It certainly sounds like it for sure. Its a very interesting subject.

When you think about it, the idea itself is not so crazy. We phone to each other, we listen music, we communicate through vibrations, meaning vibrations can relay information(at least), and all materia vibrates to subatomic level, so tuning into the "vibes" one may be able to read if not manipulate the data transfered through vibrations.

That is a very interesting approach you have taken to it yes absolutely sound carries on vibration we cannot see it but we know its there.
Thank you for that reminder.

This is very interesting. Iam open minded so I may try this. Thanks @crazybgadventure

This has given me a whole new reason to go antiquing. I can't wait to try it. I'm so excited!

this is such an interesting topic I have always wanted to look into more! thank you for sharing this @crazybgadventure :-D

I am loving the beyond the veil newsletter btw so many great posts I've been working through them all ;-)

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Hmmmmm. The 19th Century spent a lot of time and energy trying to quantify things that really can't be quantified.

Which doesn't deflect the ability at all. I've always known when things were old. It's just a thing I've known. I have seen 'artifacts' that I don't think are, and 'fakes' that I think aren't. As if that might make any sense.

Anyway, it's an intriguing concept and there is no doubt in my mind that some people are sensitive to some things.

Congratulations on getting this project off the ground, that's a big deal. And thank you for it. I appreciate it.

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