⭐️ "Venusmaschinchen" (little venusmachine)

in #bescouted6 years ago (edited)


A smaller glass painting in graphite pencil and oil on reverse side of glass. Its currently touring through central Europe with the group exhibition "Magical Dreams IV" organized by the Polish "Bator Art Gallery"

Now added to my BeScouted photo collection, where you can see a larger number of my pictures all at once.

I enjoy reading your comments!

If you like my work, of course I appreciate your upvotes and resteems


All photos/scans by me of my own artwork done in my special technique as introduced in What is Hinterglas?



See more of my work on



Very pieceful tones here,yet very noticeable contrast

Thank you! Good (artistic) eye :-)

@reinhard-schmid beautiful painting! Amazing artwork style and the colors are really popping out! Nice work! The girl behind a window with a beautiful bow flowing out of her head....creative! Upvote to support...hope I can have the creative talent like you do one day lol...I'm learning and finding my own style right now

Thank you for your kind words. We all keep learning and developing our style and its always interesting to see, where it takes us :-)

Agreed lol! Would like to check out your new artwork soon when you post up your next one :) Upvoted to support. Come check out my newest speedpainting Part 1 if you have time as well...would love feedback! :)

The fabric of her hair bow is brilliant as the wonderful decorative motif that surrounds her.

And I, of course, love the gem of her two little 'eggs'. I see them as eggs waiting to hatch out tiny downy chicks of course.

You also remind me that I am really really late in adding things to my bescouted collection.

I hope you are having a lovely Sunday.

Having a great Sunday painting, thank you! Hope your's is wonderful as well.

As always, thank you so much for your beautiful comment so full of imagination :-)

Her hair bow is brilliant. I love the way you painted the fabric of that, I love playing about with drapery. And I adore the decorative surround as well.

I especially love what I am imagining are two little eggs waiting to hatch out tiny down chicks.

You also remind me that I should be adding to my bescouted collection.

I hope you are having a lovely Sunday.

I made a comment in your re-intro post -I hope you reply.

There is a certain wide-eyed innocence, mixed in with a practical and down to earth look of this painting that I like.
I will be taking a peek at your work now and then (when I write my stories, I tend to forget everything else for a while)

I hope you do not mind, but I also resteemed - and bookmarked.

Thank you for your kind words. I don't think anyone around here minds attention and appreciation.

I know how it is, when you are focused on creating. When I paint, I forget everything around me too, even time ;-)

We dont have attention and appreciation in our minds? or wait.... what? lol ;)

Yeah man i like that youre describing getting into "the zone" , thats how i feel when i speed post and spee docmment. ya know if my browser simply had an auto correct i would have 99% less typos

Anyway yoru art is really pro and imagine if we had an ART SCHOOL on steem an Art School u can get PAID to attend WOAHHH

Human perception is quite amazing... we cna raed the msot scarmbled wrods wihtout a porbelm :-)

There are already a lot of how tos on steemit. Art school sounds like a nice project. Just needs someone with the knowledge and time to set it up :-)

Such a cutie doll! 😍

Isn't she? Like my sweety a lot myself :-) Have you seen the picture framed?

Nice art, have you painted it?

very nice, the ribbon part looks great.

Whoa! This is beautifully done!

Such a lovely piece, @reinhard-schmid * ___ * Your colours, and that slight diffused technique, that you used here are very wonderful ! The design and detailing are also lovely, lovely!

WOahh i am glad @elgeko showed me this on his Blog by resteeming this!

Thisis PROFESSIONal arty!

if you would like to work on some 3d stuff andbring your expertese to some projects like https://dlux.io let me know because I feel like you guys deserve your own Art Galleyr like @disregardfiat built for @gabba.gallery and hey..... why not make an Art Gallery to showcase the TOP most voted on posts by users and by stake, on steem, and imagien if all the art on steem was in ONE VR art gallery!



Youre gettinG PAID to make art!


I JUST REALIZED this IS the art utopia!

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