Behind The Mystery Door: There's "Jabaja"

in #behindmysterydoor6 years ago (edited)

This is my entry and surrealistic approach to the contest conducted by @onceuponatime "The End of the Road - and - Behind the Mystery Door" 

 Source: Artwork created by Jshkoda 

I was in the back of a big black car with my friend Timon sitting next to me, on our way to Law School for an exam.

"What the heck are you doing here, man?" said I. 

"We are going to party, aren't we?"  Timon replied to me with a big smile on his face. 

"I thought we were going to school, man! You don't study Law, anyway...What the fuck are you doing here man?" I fired back at him. 

"Relax my man,"  Timon said calmly while he passed the joint to me, "You ain't never had a friend like me...Believe dat! Cause you ain't never had a friend like me," he chanted smiling at me with his big brown eyes!

"That's Tupac," I thought to myself and asked him, "Am I a pretty boy?" 


"Am I a pretty boy?" I insisted! 

"Not so much today. He busted your face up, Theo. Why did you take this fight, anyway? He outweighed you by a vast margin, man! Why?" Timon kept wondering. 

"Not so much so as I was last time, huh?”  I kept asking. And continued, "What are you doing here anyway, Timon? You're dead, aren't you?"  I said, almost falling over him and checking myself. 

My question felt immensely important, but I never got an answer. Timon wasn't there to answer anyway! Just like earth opened its mouth and swallowed him and the car that were taking us to Law School. 

"Will you enter that door?" Dimos asked me, while we were both standing in front of our commandant's office. 

"I haven't seen you in ages, man! What are you doing here?" I nearly screamed in utter amazement, as I hadn't seen Dimos for over a decade. He was my "other half" during my military service and the man who saved my life not once but twice. 

"What am I doing here?" he wondered, while his finger kept pointing to the door of our commandant. 

"Alright, alright...I will go in now," I said and knocked on the door which looked totally different from the one I remembered. 

Source: @onceuponatime 

"Will you join me, or am I going alone in there?" I asked Dimos who had disappeared off the face of the earth within two seconds! 

"Screw this! I am going in," I whispered in a desperate attempt to encourage myself. 

Entering The Door To Jabaja

"Hello, is anybody there?" I blurted, while I kept thinking to myself that this dark and medieval room looked NOTHING like my commandant's office; not the one I remembered of anyway! 

"Are you blind? Don't you see me?" a stuffed toy of Paddington responded, obviously annoyed with my incomprehension. 


"I KNOW YOU," I shrieked and burst out laughing, "You are my son's favorite cartoon character!!!" I continued without being able to stop laughing. 

"I am not a cartoon, you idiot! Sit down and show some respect," he angrily replied!

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to insult you," I frowned. 

"It's OK...Most of you react this way when you first see me. You can call me Jabaja," he introduced himself.

"WTF is wrong with me? Am I on drugs or something?" I could not hinder myself from pondering on the question! A dead friend; a military comrade that I haven't seen in over a decade and now my son's favorite stuffed doll that is speaking to me? 

"What am I doing here?" I humbly asked. "You tell me," Jabaja replied without losing any time. 

"I tell you what...You can ask me three questions! Any questions you want and I promise to tell you what the score is," Jabaja suggested in a serious voice. "Deal?" he asked! 

"Deal," I happily agreed thinking to myself that this is MY CHANCE to fulfill my dreams. 

Mysteries and More Mysteries....

"Shoot," Jabaja encouraged me!

"Hmm, I want to know the truth about The “Wow!” Signal. What was that all about?" I curiously asked!

Source: Futurism 

A Few Things About The Wow! Signal

The Wow! Signal lasted for 37 seconds, and it came from outer space — but what exactly was it? 

On August 15, 1977, astronomer Jerry Ehman, working on a SETI project at Ohio Wesleyan University’s Perkins Observatory, glanced as usual at the prints generated by the radio telescope known as the “Big Ear,” but what he saw this time made him write “Wow!” on the printout.

But what did he see exactly that caused such a reaction? According to him, it was the strongest, clearest, and most significant signal ever recorded, and an unsolved mystery that astronomers have been debating for decades. That was forty-one years ago, and still no one knows what caused the signal or where it came from exactly. 

The scientific world is unable to provide a clear explanation, strengthening the myth surrounding this case. Even skeptics now wonder if the signal could have been the first human contact with extraterrestrial life.

"I see you've done your homework," an amused Jabaja admitted. "Come over here," he said to me and whispered in my ear all I wanted to hear. "Happy now?" he asked! 

"VERY!" I replied. 

"OK, so what's your second question?" Jabaja moved on. 

"I want to know where Hitler's gold is hiding," I greedily rejoined. 

Source: Mirror

A Few Things About The Fate of Hitler’s Stolen Treasure 

This is supposedly the greatest and biggest cache ever: an unimaginable hoard of looted gold bars, jewelry, and foreign currency, with an estimated value of $4 billion. These stolen riches disappeared in the blink of an eye from the vaults of the German Reichsbank. 

In the decades after World War II, troves of looted valuables were found in Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, Spain, and Sweden, but they hardly compare in value to Hitler’s supposed hoard.Groups all over the world are still hunting for his treasure, but even after all these years, the question remains: Where is the gold of Hitler? 

The only sure thing is that the mystery of the treasure remains unsolved, with all its rumors, speculations, and myths still entwined around it. One of the most popular beliefs is that Hitler himself buried it in a secret location somewhere in Deutschneudorf, Germany. 

Some treasure hunters believe that the plunder is lying at the bottom of Lake Toplitz in Austria, while others suggest that it’s stashed in banks around the world. The only certain thing is that, when there’s nothing but speculation about the location of a $4 billion treasure, it grows into a legend. 

"I see," Jabaja sighed and again whispered in my ear every little detail I wanted to know about the secret locations that the treasure is hiding. 

"And what's your third..."

"I want to know the identity of the Babushka Lady," I interrupted him! 

Source: Historic Mysteries

A Few Things  About The Identity of the Babushka Lady

In the films and photos recording the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy, an unknown woman can be seen in the crowd standing near the Kennedy limousine. She is seen wearing a brown coat and a scarf on her head, which gave her the nickname “the Babushka Lady.” 

In certain moments of the film, this woman seems to be holding a camera up to her eyes. After the shooting, while most people dispersed, the Babushka Lady remained there calmly recording the events. Shortly afterwards, she vanished in the crowds walking up Elm Street.

What makes the case even more bizarre is that although the FBI, through the press, asked this woman to produce her film, she never appeared. In 1970, a woman named Beverly Oliver claimed to be the Babushka Lady, but her story had many gaps and inaccuracies, and she is largely considered to be a con artist

Nobody knows who the woman with the babushka scarf was, or why she never delivered what she had recorded with her camera. 

"I will tell you everything you want to know about the Babushka lady's identity as I promised, but can I ask you something as well?" a disheartened Jabaja said. 

"Sure," I replied without losing any time. 

"I gave you a bright chance to ask me ANYTHING. You could have asked me if there's God, how the universe was created, or if there's an afterlife, but didn't! Why?" he wondered!

"Really? I could have asked such things as well? Are you serious? Why you didn't tell me?" I complained! 

"I DIDN'T? Did I not tell you to ask me ANYTHING?" an amazed Jabaja replied. 

"Yeah...You did...But, but...Hmm..You see, I..." I was mumbling.

"That's not my problem," Jabaja chided. And continued, "YOU, my arrogant friend, didn't even bother to know me better. All you cared about was how to become rich and famous. YOU asked three questions that had nothing to do with humanity's so called Eternal Existential Questions. Just like thousands before you who had the same chance, all you cared about was to find ways to become richer and more powerful among your fellow humans...Pathetic!" a strict Jabaja yelled at me! 


"I will tell you one last thing though and then you're free to exit the door," a calmer Jabaja continued, "Do you know what my name means?" 

"No, should I?" I murmured.

"No you shouldn't...But you made your choice," being him the one who burst out laughing this time, "Learn then that Jabaja is an undefineable word that means everything, nothing, and anything. And what did I mean to you during this whole conversation?" he teased me!

"But...That's so unfair...." said I.

"THEO, THEO, THEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!! You won't let me sleep!!! You have been talking in your sleep for the past 20 minutes or so," Donna woke me up! 

"Are you having a nightmare?" she asked. 

"Yeah...I guess," I  irritatingly replied to her for waking me up so violently. 

"What was it about?" she wondered. 

"NOTHING," I told her indifferently and turned my back on her to continue with my "dreams." 


Thank you very much for you entry in behindmysterydoor.

After he read it, @twiceuponatime whispered in my left ear (as the accuser often does) that you were making use of certain information not available to the general steeming public in the crafting of this story. (In the financial world that would be known as "insider trading").

So you may have condemned me to one of those exhausting bouts with my conscience in the evaluation of your entry LOL

Oh my!!!! If the "bosses" of trading are as "stable'' and "composed" as the inspiration for this story, then I will dare to say that it's safer to get on a bus where Stevie Wonder's the driver :P LOL

That is exactly how my dreams feel a lot of the time.

My question for you is “who tha fak is Jojoba*?”


hahahaha, he's who you want him to be ;)

Another great entry.The competition is getting really tough.Great and really unique approach to the mystery door.

Thanks, mate! Can't wait to see yours!

uploaded it !waiting for your review

What did I just read? I've never read such a disjointed story before. I was like WTH!? I'm not really sure what to think of this. Anyways, disjointed story aside the tidbits and info about strange and mysterious events that occurs in real life are really interesting. Thanks for the interesting read.

Your comment and reaction makes me really happy as the goal of this post was achieved! Totally disjointed to someone who doesn't know me; strictly connected and organized to someone who knows me from my school days; both described in the loose and surrealistic atmosphere of a dream! I am afraid you will miss the big picture here though if you focus exclusively on the post's structure.

One way or another, this piece is open to all kinds of interpretation :)))

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