Beautiful Sunday – Fishing Day

A couple of weeks ago my family and I decided to spend a different day with the family. We are a large family and we are very close, with this I mean that we are always looking for ways to have fun together with some adventure. Despite the economic situation that exists in Venezuela, we try to follow this family tradition as much as possible.

This time we decided to visit some relatives in a place called "Mata Redonda". These relatives took us fishing to a nearby beach called "Boca de Palo".

It was a beautiful and sublime day of fishing. We compete to see who fished the most. The fishing consisted of capturing "Mejillones", "Guacucos" and "Caracoles".

After fishing we returned to our relatives' house and proceeded to clean and prepare what we had captured to make delicious rice.

The food was definitely delicious and it was wonderful that as a family we did everything together.

This was my entry for the #beautifulsunday hosted by @ace108 and for #sublimesunday by @c0ff33a


What a beautiful looking region, the beach "Boca de Palo" looks incredible a wonderful place to spend time and relax. I see you are from Venezuela, and it makes me wonder if my friend @crisangel knows of this beach and region.

You certainly managed to catch plenty of seafood, and your rice dish does indeed look quite delicious. Spending time with family is so important, and I think it is wonderful you spent this amazing day with all your family.

Thank you for sharing this post using #SublimeSunday, I throughly enjoyed it and would never have seen it otherwise.

#thealliance #witness

Hello friend, I have not had the opportunity to visit that wonderful place. But if I think I know where it is, I'd say it's located in Aragua state. ;)

So is! It is a very beautiful place that I could enjoy with my family. Thanks for all the support, for me it is very joyful to be able to share my stories and take the time to see them. Thanks again, friend. Happy day for you!

Postdata: @crisangel Es en la Isla de Margarita, jeje :)

Good for you. Part of the meal is free. :-) looks like it taste good too

So is! Thank you for the opportunity to share beautiful Sundays. You have a good day! :)

you're welcome. have a nice day

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I was summoned by @c0ff33a.

Es bueno saber que un logran mantenerse unidos. En mi familia se suele hacer lo mismo, organizar fiestas, salidas, reuniones…entre otras cosas… Todo para crear la excusa perfecta para compartir en familia y tratar de que no se deteriore ese lazo. Wow! Increíble en que transformaron esos caracoles, se ven muy delicioso, y aún más guisados con arroz, uy rico. El lugar a donde viajaron es muy lindo, mucha calma, excelente para desconectarse de todo y aliviar el estrés. Saludos y un fuerte abrazo.

¡Gracias por tus amables palabras! Pues de eso se trata, no hay excusas para compartir en familia. Me alegra que puedas hacer lo mismo. Saludos y otro fuerte abrazo para ti.

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