Why I always look forward to Sundays 我为何總是期待星期天 🌅

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago (edited)

Today is Sunday, and I am entering this post for the #beautifulsunday challenge organized by @ace108!

For more information on this challenge, please check out the original post here



This may seem like just 2 random photos of plates of food.
You may not even know what food this is, especially if you don't reside in Singapore.
The first dish is fried rice, and the second one is just rice with a variety of dishes.
They are both home cooked meals by my Grandmother.

This is very significant for me, because I always have them on Sundays.
Back in the day, when I was a small boy, I stayed at my Grandparent's place because my parents had to work and my grandparents took care of me. I attended school nearby, and my Grandma brings me to school early every morning. You could say that my entire childhood centered around my Grandparents. I stayed there for almost 8 years.
Thereafter, when I became older, I attended schools somewhere else and I did not stay at my Grandparent's anymore.
But every Sunday, everyone in the family would gather at my Grandparent's house for dinner, and this 'tradition' carries on till now.

Today is Sunday, and I will be heading to my Grandparent's place for dinner later.
She fries the best eggs and dishes up for me every Sunday, but she is always so humble to say that they just taste normal and average. I love my grandparents, I love my Grandma.





I am looking forward to it.


Thanks for Subscribing!.png

For my introduction post please check here!


You can do the thing!

It's an internet joke. Basically, it's a statement of encouragement. You know, because of the beautiful Sunday tag. You entered in the contest, and I want you to win. My prior comment was wishing you win.

Ahhhh oops i think i wasnt familiar with that meme/lingo hehe 😂
Thank you for showing me da wae~

-clicks tongue-


別想太多! 趕緊去買來吃!!😂


I am having dinner now


No wonder the fried rice look full of ingredients

oops actually the plate is the same, but the food is on different day.
the fried rice inside got alot of stuff, including ba gua haha.
since young that red plate belongs to me

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