A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday


Welcome My Friends

To My Sublimely Beautiful Sunday


This week it was all about the pumpkins!


The lovely @dswigle always says there must be a flower...well I am happy to oblige....


They had cool looking gourds!


Like mini pumpkins too!!



They even had freaky ones!!!


There were loads to choose from..

We snagged two off the 8 dollar pile..

We ran literally ran into the mall and never was as wet and cold EVAR!!!

Hey quit staring Old Guy, eyes on the camera! Sheesh!


Ok that's better, notice the wet hair and drowned rat appearance! LOL


They even let me in at:

Of course the Old Guy aint buyin none of that. We be rockin the Walmart look... Ok maybe I could use a few new threads...

I am waiting for the sweats look to take off... I will be so IN then! LOLZ!


Today was an awesome Sunday!! Hope yours was too.

I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!


Pumpkins yay I have never tried Pumpkin, maybe this year will be my first.. :)

I am so far behind!!! I would say pumpkin pie because it is so yummy, but DONT DO IT coz you wount want to stop and there goes the diet!!!

I really need to try just a little bit. I can always work it into my calories :)

The pumpkins look great! You too. Did you try the little striped outfit in the rack in the last photo? lol. Oh oh, maybe i went too far with that last bit of comment

Any outfits are better than the ones I wear LOL

Those were some mighty fine looking pumpkins and gourds! No kidding! That place really had a supply! Gone are the days of going out to patch yourself and pulling it off the vine? I still do that here, although not many do it anymore.

I would love to know what is going on with the white pumpkins this year! They are sprouting up everywhere. They swear they taste like the orange ones, but, I am not sure I could push that past my lips. Right?

You are almost old enough to rock those sweats full time is what I hear. Although, you don't always have to do everything all the other kids do. It's not a look everyone can pull off once they leave the cold country. Genteel may be what you need to be looking for. :) Fashion and taste in clothes says a lot about a man, especially defining his status and class. Of course, you always look like the cool dude strutting your stuff in those WalMart sweats! Who can fault you for that?

Thanks for gracing your page with my name and those beautiful flowers. I can tell you A&F will probably never be the same.

Upped and Steemed


2nd pumpkin farm post I seem this week but yours is the one with the freaky one. wonder how that happens.

Us freaks (me and the pumpkins LOL) have to stick together

DId you see the Great Pumpkin while you were there? Pretty cool Linus and Sally were at the patch. My husband has transitioned into his sweat pants until summer comes around. Designer clothes are so uncomfortable to huddle up inside of on a cold winters day.

Flannels are nice and really cheap at Wally's

I have never seen some of these pumpkins, like freaky ones :))

I am so glad you had an awesome Sunday!

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