Beautiful Sunday, Sublimely So, with a side of Monochrome Monday

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes, the unexpected comes knocking on your door. Literally. There are love and friendship and then there is that sought after friends til the end, cradle to grave. One that knows me so well, they don't need a phone call to summon their presence. They go to the airport, board a plane and arrive at my doorstep. The time difference is there with many, many miles between us.

Everybody has their person. I have three. There is one that came, but, it was a single mission of mercy on their part. Perhaps it was in a piece of conversation we had or it could have been what I wasn't saying. But, there it was. There was a piece of me that needed a friend, another heart to whisper to.

Coffee first. I breathe. Just a little. With the passage of time we talk, then we talk more. There is laughter and then there are tears. There is a heart that breaks a little, but, nobody has a broken heart.

@coff33a will almost always create a #SublimeSunday. You heard it here.


We start our visit at Arlington National Cemetery. Always. Today we walk over towards section 60, the newest site with people that were in Iraq, Afghanistan and other conflicts in that part of the world. The graves are fresh and the grief is new. There are others, such as where my father is buried where they are interspersed with the older, but every marker is a person (or two if there is a spouse) and there are large monuments where whole airplane crews or large patrols are buried together.


We leave some flowers on one of the graves. But, there is a part of me that wants to leave some for every one of these people that gave up their lives so that we could live ours freely. I don't want to get into a debate with anyone about that sentence or that philosophy. I am all about peace and I dislike war terribly. That is all I want to say about that.


Oddly enough, we all have an association with the Air Force, although none of us grew up under the spell. We were solidly civilian and very happy in it.


We decide on Old Ebbitt Grill for a nice brunch. I adore its 1920's era architecture, but, mostly, I like the atmosphere. It gives us more time to talk, far and away from the reality of life for the moment.


I have always loved the way the press has always referred to it as a dining saloon. Really Press Corps? There isn't anything remotely saloon-ish about this place. I think they have the best selection of oysters in Washington, DC and for the tourist in you, it is mere steps from the White House.


History Lesson of the Day

Our first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 and a competition design submitted by Irish-born architect James Hoban was chosen. After eight years of construction, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved into the unfinished house in 1800. During the War of 1812, the British set fire to the President’s House in 1814. James Hoban was appointed to rebuild the house, and President James Monroe moved into the building in 1817. During Monroe’s administration, the South Portico was constructed in 1824, and Andrew Jackson oversaw the addition of the North Portico in 1829. During the late 19th century, various proposals were made to significantly expand the President’s House or to build an entirely new house for the president, but these plans were never realized.

Every president since John Adams has occupied the White House, and the history of this building extends far beyond the construction of its walls. From the Ground Floor Corridor rooms, transformed from their early use as service areas, to the State Floor rooms, where countless leaders and dignitaries have been entertained, the White House is both the home of the President of the United States and his family, and a museum of American history. The White House is a place where history continues to unfold. See here

Long story short, we stopped by the White House for a moment or three. I know, it is so touristy, but, I do it. Every. Single. Time.


I am so fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the United States. It is rich in history and the Neoclassical architecture style circle around the Federal and Greek Revival style that is also there. The monuments are everywhere, paying tribute all day long. We meander on this beautiful day, the sun is shining, a nice break from all the rain. It was another perfect day. In so many ways, it was better than perfect.


It is so hard to find a place to stop. I love this city. Every time I think I have seen it all, I find a little nugget of wonder that I have never seen. Always looking up because the sidewalk can be grungy- and there is something remarkable just waiting to be seen. The Department of Commerce just for @old-guy-photos and #MonochromeMonday.


It was very much indeed a #BeautifulSunday which has been introduced to me by @ace108. I want to thank you for hosting this wonderful challenge. It goes without saying that my day was a complete surprise to me, but, it was so welcome. It is hard to explain what these girls mean to me, and even harder to explain to them. I love them dearly. For the record, if there is a knock at my door, I will always answer it. You just never know if it will be that one person that you needed on the other end of that hand.


¸.•´¸.• ♥*¨)
(¸.•´ ♥ (¸.´ ♥

Countless moons from yesterday
I let you in the door to my thoughts
Trapped in my head, I release them to you
To hold until the crowd of words dissipates.

One last flower. I insist!


¸.♥´¸.•♥¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥


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I love your posts! Have a lovely evening!

Thank you! You always leave such positive vibes!

That is really sweet to have friends like that. I have seen them in movies, or read about them in books, but I personally never had a friend like that.

Ah I am sure a visit to Arlington would be bittersweet.

You always have the most amazing photos! Outstanding.

I actually cannot believe that I did not comment on this. But I think I pretty much was not commenting on too much at that time. Just upping. Plus I was busy with my friend.

I got terribly Lucky in life in so many ways. I have the best family, I have the best friends, and most days I have the best life. I can't myself very fortunate indeed and never take any of that for granted. I am sorry that you never had a friend like that because you of all people deserve to have that special someone. Your personality is made for it.

Arlington Cemetery Visitor always bittersweet. It's a beautiful Majestic resting place and it carries some sad memories for me as well. It's hard not to let the paths crossed on that that, but I still like to go and it's still an honor to walk or Heroes.

Thank you for your wonderful and amazing support. It's always appreciated.


I am so glad I can see DC through your eyes. I have NO desire to ever go there, I have spent enough time in cities for this lifetime... You take such great photos, tell fun tales... and I do not have to deal with the crowds, the smells, the noise... lol!

I really do understand! Although, I have to say that it is not a typical city like New York or Chicago or LA, so I can put up with it. Besides, I live in the outskirts and even have cows three minutes from my house! :)

But, I know that you live in such a nice little community, so I totally get it! I need to get by your place. I sure miss your tales! LOL

So well said. I have spent many an hour on my folding bicycle, pedaling and photo-ing your fair city. I think I could spend a year there, and not see half of it. (I spent a whole day in the architecture museam, taking photos of columns and such. The docent asked me later, "Are you still here"?) Thanks for sharing a heartfelt and fun post both, about where you abide. Have a most wondrous day. And stay cool. In all sense of the word.

Thank you so much! Did you live in the Washington DC area? I can see spending the whole day in the architecture Museum, the place is amazing! As much as bad as has been written about this city, I have never found it to be a bad place. Perhaps that's because I'm not from here and I know my stay here is only temporary. That makes everything more forgiving. But to be honest, it is the most amazing City with endless history. I have lived here for years now and I still find something new every time I go out and wander. I hope you are doing well and I miss seeing your writing. I hope you are going to take pen to paper soon and give us something good.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting. You are always a pleasure.


Sorry, delinquent comment'r here. Seem to be a bit slow this summer. Thanks for the tip, muchly appreciated. As for D.C., I never lived there. But have stopped in for visits several times with my folding bike in tow. It was so much fun. Pedaling all about and on the mall. So much to see and do. A true photographer's paradise. Special at night as well.
I did get to see two of my favorite artists 'en showe' at the gallery. Annie Lebovitz right across the hall from Ansel Adams. Spent the whole day zipping back and forth. It was paradise on two legs. The history is amazing too. And architecture as well. Where we all started, and so much still going on. How long have you lived there? Though only temporary. Aren't we all ( : Have a nice night.

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What a lovely way to spend a Sunday.

I haven't been to any markets recently, need to go explore a bit more. Hope you are doing well lately Denise.

You have some of the best markets there! I hope you get to photograph one! :) I am alive and well, thank you!

I love that picture of the feet. So many of us can relate to that moment. Being a tourist at home is one of the best ways to be a tourist I think.

I think you hit the the answer right on the nose! It is the best to be a tourist in your own town. There are so many things that most people never see within 1/2 Mile of where they live. I find that a shame and make it my job to go out and find something new every week.

Unbelievably, I find something.

Every. Single. Time.


Every single week? Wow, that's impressive. I might just give that a try too.

You can do it!! You will be amazed. This week, I found a comedy club that only plays once every three months AND an impromptu chamber music group that plays every Tuesday night.

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
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I don't know if I can pass by a cemetery so often. I'll feel quite sad.

Hi, @ace108! I understand what you are saying, but there are many aspects to cemetery that are not sad in some ways. The history itself of the cemetery is very interesting and the graves there back to the Civil War. They have the changing of the guards what's and in general, it is the beauty of the Serene surroundings that draw the people. My father is buried here and some days I take a cup of coffee and myself and go visit him, sitting down in the grass, pouring a little coffee on his grave. I know just how he likes it. I'm kidding. But sometimes I do pour coffee on his grave. I no longer grieve my father in quite the same way as when he died. I've been giving years of time to soften my heart.


Thanks. I sort of get you. I know someone who said one of his best running places is the cemetery because there is less "human" traffic.

Haha! That is funny. :)

Hi @ace108! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

The part about friendship is the most beautiful. That's right, I can confirm, there are friends we have not met for years and the day we meet is like we've seen each other a day ago. Nothing has been lost, nothing has degraded. It's great to have such friends!

Yes, I am convinced that the city where you are lucky to live is very special. I will continue, now something totally unexpected forces me to stop!.............

I'm back. It's great to be in love with your home town. I think Washington is a beautiful city with many European influences. At least that's what I saw from your presentations.

The first photo is exceptional, in my opinion. Not because it is beautiful and clear and bright, good to appear in a magazine. It's special by what she conveys to me: the joy of being with somebody who enjoys the pleasure of a coffee and the disordered beauty of the flowers ...

To spend a Sunday with your friends is beautiful and even sublime!

If I knew where you lived I'd knock on your door @dswigle! 😁 😍

Beautiful post as always.

I love those lillies and the coffees and the white flowers!

Having just spent 10 days with close friends I'm now having to adjust to being on my own most days. It's a melancholy sort of feeling so I'm off to the beach for a couple of hours to settle into my return. 😁

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