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RE: Should the Amount of Basic Income Vary With Cost of Living Differences?

It never fails to amuse me the way people use the word socialism as an insult. As a sociologist who has supported socialism all my life I fail to see what the problem is. Socialism is simply the recognition that all humans are born and die the same, have the same rights and responsibilities, hopes and dreams.

As for your point that Basic income pays people not to create value, that significantly depends on how you see value. Personally I see value in caring for your children yourself instead of paying others to do it. I see value in enjoying a long walk on the beach, perhaps sharing a smile and a "good morning" with those I pass. I see value in learning something new, or in sharing my knowledge with others in a community class. If none of these things were considered as creating value, then those who have retired are no longer of value to society and that is fundamentally wrong.

As for your last sentence that anyone that can self actualize does it already - that is also incorrect. Maslow's hierarchy recognized that while we do work on many levels at once, our focus tends to be drawn regularly to the lower level needs first. A man cannot contemplate the mysteries of the universe while searching for his next meal or a dry place to sleep. People need food and shelter security before they can worry about self actualizing, and while it is surprisingly common for certain groups (those who have grown up with opportunity or privilege at their fingertips) to believe that anyone can "do better" if they really want to, the reality is as vastly different. Those who are female, black, disabled or disfigured for example have less opportunity simply because of prejudices. Yes, in a perfect world everyone would have the same opportunity, but this is far from a perfect world. The idea behind basic income is to make the world a little bit more perfect by ensuring everyone's basic needs can be met so they are more free to pursue the higher order needs and wants and perhaps even follow a dream or two.


Socialism is mob theft with violence for noncompliance. It's immoral. It's an insult because it's a bad thing.

Anyone that has the capability to self-actualize has the ability to move up Maslows hierarchy without outside assistance.

Today, even a person in the ghetto lives better than the Crowleys of Downton Abbey. Better nutrition, air conditioning and access to all the world's information on a tiny device. And yet, look at all the fantastic innovation coming out of inner city America! /sarc

In the past great men still innovated, despite the fact that they were a few rungs down on the famous Pyramid. Where were they on Maslow's hierarchy? Yet, they still achieved greatness.

Did you live in Socialism or something like it? Communism? Because what you read in the books it is an utopy, Socialism, Communism and all this was just crap sold by Marx and company to distract the people to look for real solutions... Just saying... Someone who have live in a Socia-Commu-Fidelist country and know how it is in reality... it is not Erewhon.

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