No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Patriots vs. Paytriots- the VOP & Why the Left Will Win the Information War

in #backyardbrawl6 years ago


One thing you can say for the Left- they're consistent, they speak with one voice. While the so-called "truth movement" is busy cannibalizing itself they stay on message. Here are a few things I've been observing about the "truthers," a misnomer if ever there was one. As soon as Qanon came out with his caveat about being careful about who you follow- that some in the "movement" were actually paytriots, the attacks began. People like Jerome Corsi and several other high profile "truthers" began falling all over themselves trying to discredit him (them?)... all members of the pay-for-play alt media.

Then there were the ones trying to uncover his (their) identity... why? How much sense does it make to try to out a source of potentially valuable information- is the messenger more important than the message? Q says no and I concur. But then again, I'm not in this trying to become the next Alex Jones (another fraud). The prevailing consensus among the "truth movement" is that their own particular truth is more valuable than the others... just like on Steemit, the higher-ups in the pecking order all circle jerk one another, appearing on one another's podcasts. When an outsider like Lewis Arthur comes along and tries to interject some actual truth, the viciousness of the attacks begins... the pointman being Craig Sawyer. Now Lewis is spending more time dealing with unnecessary distractions rather than doing what he has pledged to do... while Craig "Hollywood" Sawyer visits SE Asia (to raise awareness no doubt). For the uninitiated, "awareness" is a code word for money. Seeing that Sawyer is being hailed as the poster boy for "child rescue," let's take a closer look at him.

Discharged in 1999 and, according to a video he did in 2016, he was disabled having severe respiratory problems, a back broken three times, concussions, injuries from parachuting accidents... yet miraculously won two motocross championships in 2003. I've never ridden motocross, but I have broken my back (once), and having watched motocross on tv- I wouldn't even think about it. Then there's his security work which includes protecting John "Songbird" McCain, Hillary Clinton and Donald Rumsfeld... you don't get close to these people without being an insider.

In 2006, he started Tactical Insiders Talent Agency, which became inactive in 2014... a talent agency. Now he runs Veterans 4 Child Rescue whose resume consists of tagging along on one rescue done by law enforcement. If you go to their webpage, it is basically a donation front. The organization is based in Tucson, a hotbed of child/human trafficking with one of the most corrupt police forces in the country. V4CR claims to work with law enforcement, so it's little wonder they can't find any evidence in Tucson. These are the guys being supported by the "truthers," the paytriots at least. But Lewis Arthur...

The VOP stumbled across an actual trafficking site. Anyone who saw the photos and videos can't in good faith dispute that fact. Even Craig Sawyer agreed- until, as I suspect, he got orders from above. It's remarkable how quickly the site was bulldozed. After all, if there was nothing there- why bulldoze it? Then there's Lewis Arthur's "lengthy criminal record" as touted by the SGT Report and other "credible" truth sites. It consists of one misdemeanor- climbing a lamppost to draw attention to veteran suicides. Why is the "truth movement" so anxious to condemn Lewis for his past, but unwilling to even look at Sawyer's? Something stinks here and I think it begins with Patreon.

Personally, I'm more interested in what the VOP are doing now... out every day looking for traffickers and hunting vets that need help. I wonder how much Craig Sawyer has given to help homeless veterans- or the SGT Report? They're probably busy "raising awareness." The last two videos that I've watched by the VOP shows Lewis having to defend the organization from the paytriots... how does this help the truth- or help stop trafficking? It seems to have the opposite effect... which, if nobody can figure it out, actually helps the traffickers. But, that doesn't matter to the "truthers" because the money is good on Patreon- as long as they can make somebody look bad, they can profit. This is why the Left will win.

You never see the Left out there cannibalizing each other for profit... their message, as dishonest as it is, is consistent. They never get on YouTube and attack one another. The "truth movement" needs to support one another... it isn't the money that matters, it's the truth. People like Alex Jones have lost sight of that- but then again, look at how successful he's become. I would suggest that people stop trying to dig up dirt on Lewis and look at what he's doing instead. Funny isn't it, that Lewis, like Qanon, doesn't take money for what he does... Hmmmm.





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'The Left Will Eat Itself'. Never heard that?

They eat the children first!

This is kind of funny and actually shows that we the people are winning. Why? Well it is well known that the evil bastards fund both sides, but it is apparent that more funding is being used to infiltrate the truth movement? Why would they be doing that if they perceived they where winning? Might that be because they don't perceive they are winning?

This is a war on the mind body and spirit. We should never loose site of the fact that perception is everything and act accordingly.

Lenin once said: "If you want to control the opposition, lead it!"

Yep he sure did! The cool thing about your post is the data is mostly factual as far as I can tell. The interpretation is really where I disagree. I know from reading you around that is fine with you and is why I read you around.

You know, I live in Austin, Texas, home to Alex Jones. I used to be a big fan of his many years ago when he was a small time nobody but was doing a lot of good research. I am not exactly sure when it happened, but he really began to turn me off. He was getting bigger and bigger. I would go to various rallies, I am a photographer, and watched as his message changed from truth to hysteria. He started going after anybody and I mean anybody if they spoke one thing he didn't agree with. It was amazing. Now, I can't stand the sight, or especially the sound of him.

Alex is responsible for "red pilling" a lot of people. But like you, I've seen the change in him. He's driven by hubris and money now... to the point of total hypocrisy. I'm going to do a post about him that shows how it manifested in his divorce.

yeah, no kidding, I watched that go down so to speak. For someone who professes to believe in a censorless society, he tried really hard to keep his ex quiet.

yes sir the old phrase "follow the money" is still true.
I'm with you, I'd like to know how many veterans Sawyer has given
to or helped.
why do you say that Alex Jones is a fraud?

He's sold out to the "powers that be" he's an apologist for Zionism. Also, he's the head cheerleader for Trump. I like Trump too, I voted for him, but if he turns out to be shill, I'll be the first on him- the truth is all that matters. Also Alex's ego has taken over- I can't even listen to him anymore, he talks more about himself than anything else... plus he keeps cutting people off to put in his opinion. If you want more, let me know and I'll give you a couple of videos that show what a hypocrite he is.

howdy @richq11 no I believe you and It's been about 2.5 years since I've watched him so I had no idea, I thought he was still out there fighting for the truth. That's pretty sad. thank you sir!

It is sad... Alex brought a lot of people to the truth movement. I'm going to do a post about him later.

yes sir @richq11...well if Alex Jones is not the face of the truth movement anymore than who is?

I really don't know... maybe there is none.

Exactly what I've been saying. Too many greedy 'know it alls' on the alternative side;Too many who are easily swayed by the lies of the left.The whole united we stand thing doesn't seem to work well with the right

The new alternative motto: "All for one- one for all- and every man for himself!"

This is why it is important to know they are paying for both sides. It really is the things that cannot be bought that will win the day.

"awareness" is a code word for money



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