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RE: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Patriots vs. Paytriots- the VOP & Why the Left Will Win the Information War

in #backyardbrawl6 years ago

This is kind of funny and actually shows that we the people are winning. Why? Well it is well known that the evil bastards fund both sides, but it is apparent that more funding is being used to infiltrate the truth movement? Why would they be doing that if they perceived they where winning? Might that be because they don't perceive they are winning?

This is a war on the mind body and spirit. We should never loose site of the fact that perception is everything and act accordingly.


Lenin once said: "If you want to control the opposition, lead it!"

Yep he sure did! The cool thing about your post is the data is mostly factual as far as I can tell. The interpretation is really where I disagree. I know from reading you around that is fine with you and is why I read you around.

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