Billy the Kid, what did he Really Stand up to? Why did they really want him dead? Why was Pat Garrett let off the hook in killing a hunter? Trafficking at ranch? Why did Wallace break his word after Billy testified? They who live give their OWN story!

in #billythekid3 years ago (edited)

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They say all of these things about the Protectors of Children, those tasked and sworn to be the Guardians and Voice of the most innocent. . .children and the elderly just as they did about Billy the Kid.

See a Facebook Frames on this here that is fully sourcd,

God said it would be like this,
Isaiah 5:18-20
King James Version
18 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:

19 That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Romans 1:24
King James Version
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Romans 1:28
King James Version
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

2 Timothy 3:1-10

3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.

10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience

I Timothy 1:8
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

People like Billy the Kid didn't take it lightly.
Just as those who Stand up Against the evil of today. . .he was called an outlaw while good was called evil and evil, good.

Young Guns HD Blaze Of Glory Jon Bon Jovi Unofficial Video

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The TRUTH is out there, only Some want it.

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My home state.

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UPDATE on 4.2.2021
Biggest Eye Opener EVER GIVEN.
Seek and Ye Shall Find.
Luke 12:2
“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”

See verified pedo arrests and problems in Universities and Psychiatrists all proven with local and Gov sources here,

Why is it an orphaned kid was turned into an outlaw?
What all did he really see and witness?

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From Extras, Denver Post titled,
Billy the Kid legend shoots way into debate

Mar. 18, 2001 - SANTA FE - In most of this world, the name "Billy the Kid" is synonymous with the word "outlaw," and he is more legend than human. But it's not so for many New Mexicans.

From Fort Sumner to Silver City, people remember the words of their grandparents and great grandparents, who spoke of a living, breathing Billy the Kid.

"Billy the Kid could walk into a home and be welcome," says state Sen. Pete Campos, a Santa Rosa Democrat. "He was considered to be a helpful person."

Many scoff at the notion of an official pardon for the Kid, a pardon requested by a New Mexico family claiming to be the Kid's descendants and dutifully pursued this legislative session by Campos and Rep. Benjamin Rios, D-Las Cruces. Time ran out on New Mexico's legislative session Saturday before action could be taken on the bill, which had been tabled earlier by the House.

Some have been amused by the prospect of a pardon. Some, such as the Fraternal Order of Police New Mexico State Lodge, have been deeply offended.

The Kid killed at least two, perhaps four, lawmen. Many historians credit him with heavy involvement in six murders. Pulp-fiction writers say he left behind 21 corpses in his 21 years.

No matter how you count the bodies, strip the Kid of his "outlaw" status and you deal a blow to a tourism industry spawned by his infamy in De Baca, Lincoln, Dona Ana and San Miguel counties.

"I can't even imagine what Billy the Kid went through, but part of what he did was out of a need to survive," Campos says. "Was he forced at times into a situation where he had no choice but to fight back?

"How can one young, skinny fella be depicted as so massive in the shaping of the Wild West?"

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Lew Wallace Connections to being "Connected high up!"
Lew's father, a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York, left the military in 1822 and moved to Brookville, where he established a law practice and entered Indiana politics. David served in the Indiana General Assembly and later as the state's lieutenant governor, and governor, and as a member of Congress.

Lew Wallace's maternal grandfather was circuit court judge and Congressman John Test.

In 1848 Wallace met Susan Arnold Elston at the Crawfordsville home of Henry Smith Lane, Wallace's former commander during the Mexican War. Susan was the daughter of Major Isaac Compton Elston, a wealthy Crawfordsville merchant, and Maria Akin Elston, whose family were Quakers from upstate New York.

1853 and moved his family to Crawfordsville, in Montgomery County, Indiana. Wallace continued to practice law and was elected as a Democrat to a two-year term in the Indiana Senate in 1856.

**Which is interesting as Billy the Kid's mother and family did a stint in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Henry McCarty was born to parents of Irish Catholic ancestry,[8] Catherine (née Devine) and Patrick McCarty, in New York City

  • Following the death of her husband Patrick, Catherine McCarty and her sons moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, where she met William Henry Harrison Antrim.
  • The McCarty family moved with Antrim to Wichita, Kansas, in 1870.
  • After moving again a few years later, Catherine married Antrim on March 1, 1873, at the First Presbyterian Church in Santa Fe, New Mexico Territory; McCarty and his brother Joseph were witnesses to the ceremony.
  • Shortly afterward, the family moved from Santa Fe to Silver City, New Mexico, and Joseph McCarty began using the name Joseph Antrim.Shortly before McCarty's mother, Catherine, died of tuberculosis, then called "consumption", on September 16, 1874. *McCarty's stepfather, William Antrim abandoned the family leaving both McCarty boys orphans.

Back to Wallace

Wallace adopted the Zouave uniform and their system of training for the group. The Montgomery Guards would later form the core of his first military command, the 11th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, during the American Civil War.

Wallace took command of the 11th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, which was mustered into the Union army on April 25, 1861. Wallace received his formal commission as a colonel in the Union army the following day.

Following President Lincoln's death on April 15, 1865, Wallace was appointed to the military commission that investigated the Lincoln assassination conspirators. The commission, which began in May, was dissolved on June 30, 1865, after all eight conspirators were found guilty.

As a reward for his political support, Hayes appointed Wallace as governor of the New Mexico Territory, where he served from August 1878 to March 1881. His next assignment came in March 1881, when Republican president James A. Garfield appointed Wallace to an overseas diplomatic post in Constantinople, Turkey, as U.S. Minister to the Ottoman Empire. Wallace remained in this post until 1885.

Wallace arrived in Santa Fe on September 29, 1878, to begin his service as governor of the New Mexico Territory during a time of lawless violence and political corruption. Wallace was involved in efforts to resolve New Mexico's Lincoln County War, a contentious and violent disagreement among the county's residents, and tried to end a series of Apache raids on territorial settlers. In 1880, while living at the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, Wallace also completed the manuscript for Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.

On March 17, 1879, Wallace secretly met with Bonney, who had witnessed the murder of a Lincoln County lawyer named Huston Chapman. Wallace wanted him to testify in the trial of Chapman's accused murderers, but Bonney wanted Wallace's protection from his enemies and amnesty for his earlier crimes. During their meeting, the pair arranged for Bonney to become an informant in exchange for a full pardon of his previous crimes. Wallace supposedly assured the Kid that he would be "scot free with a pardon in your pocket for all your misdeeds.

On March 20 Bonney agreed to provide grand jury testimony against those involved in Chapman's murder. Wallace arranged for a "fake" arrest and Bonney's detention in a local jail to assure his safety. Bonney testified in court on April 14, as agreed. However, the local district attorney revoked Wallace's bargain and refused to set the outlaw free.[1] After spending several weeks in jail, Bonney escaped and returned to his criminal ways, which included killing additional men. He was shot and killed on July 14, 1881, by Sheriff Pat Garrett, who had been appointed by local ranching interests who had tired of his rustling their herds.

In the meantime, Wallace had resigned from his duties as territorial governor on March 9, 1881, and was waiting for a new political appointment.

And THAT's how the elitists and those higher up on there own built totem pole do it. . .they don't Have to keep their word to those they consider their slaves and beneath them!

Now let's take a look at Pat Garrett and how he had his hands in Everywhere, so thus was a shoe in to take someone out the cabal Needed taken out!

An American Old West lawman, bartender and customs agent who became renowned for killing Billy the Kid. He was the sheriff of Lincoln County, New Mexico as well as Doña Ana County, New Mexico. He coauthored The Authentic Life of Billy, the Kid with Ash Upson.

Well look there. . . . just as we see many modern day elitists, got a book deal after doing their deeds.

Multiple streams of income for the elitists and their ilk?.

You decide! You be the judge!
The Judge - twenty one pilots lyrics


Justice comes in Various Forms!

Garrett's life ended when he was shot in the back. His murderer escaped justice.

  • Patrick Floyd Jarvis Garrett was born on June 5, 1850, in Chambers County, Alabama.
  • When Pat was three years old his father purchased the John Greer plantation in Claiborne Parish, Louisiana.
  • The Civil War, however, destroyed the Garrett family's finances. Their mother died on March 25, 1867, at the age of 37. Then the following year, on February 5, 1868, his father died at age 45. The children were left with a plantation that was more than $30,000 in debt. The children were taken in by relatives.
  • The 18-year-old Garrett headed west from Louisiana on January 25, 1869.
  • By 1876 he was in Texas hunting buffalo. During this period Garrett killed his first man, another buffalo hunter named Joe Briscoe. Garrett surrendered to the authorities at Fort Griffin, Texas, but they declined to prosecute.

Interesting! Seems like a GREAT WAY to make deals!

  • When the buffalo hunting declined, Garrett left Texas and rode to the New Mexico Territory. When Garrett arrived at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, he found work as a cowboy for Pedro Menard "Pete" Maxwell.

On December 19, 1880, Billy the Kid, Charlie Bowdre, Tom Pickett, Billy Wilson and Tom O'Folliard rode into Fort Sumner. Lying in wait were deputy Garrett and his posse. Mistaking O'Folliard for the Kid, Garrett's men opened fire and killed O'Folliard. Billy and the others escaped unharmed. Three days later, Garrett's posse cornered Billy and his companions at a spot called Stinking Springs. They killed one man and captured the others. On April 15, 1881, Billy the Kid was sentenced to hang by Judge Warren Bristol, but escaped thirteen days later, killing 2 deputies.

On July 14, 1881, Garrett visited Fort Sumner to question a friend of the Kid's about his whereabouts and learned he was staying with a mutual friend, Pedro Menard "Pete" Maxwell. Around midnight, Garrett went to Maxwell's house. The Kid was asleep in another part of the house, but woke up in the middle of the night and entered Maxwell's bedroom, where Garrett was standing in the shadows.

The Kid did not recognize the man standing in the dark. He asked him, repeatedly, "¿Quién es?" ("Who is it?"), and Garrett replied by shooting at him twice. The first shot hit the Kid in the chest just above the heart, while the second missed. Garrett’s account leaves it unclear whether Billy was killed instantly or took some time to die.

The Authentic Life of Billy, the Kid was largely ghost-written by Garrett's friend Marshall Ashmun "Ash" Upson (1828–1894). Although filled with many errors of fact, The Authentic Life served afterwards as the main source for most books written about the Kid until the 1960s.

Garrett did not seek re-election as sheriff of Lincoln County in 1882. He moved to Texas, where he ran for office as a state senator and was declined that seat. Garrett became a captain with the Texas Rangers for less than a month, then returned to Roswell, New Mexico.

By 1892, Garrett had moved his large family to Uvalde, Texas, where he became close friends with John Nance Garner (1868–1967), a future vice president of the United States. Garrett might have lived out the remainder of his life in Uvalde, had it not been for a headline-making event back in New Mexico.

Missing Colonel Albert Fountain and 8 yo sone Henry
On January 31, 1896, Colonel Albert Jennings Fountain and his eight-year-old son Henry disappeared at the edge of the White Sands area of southern New Mexico. Neither of the Fountains was ever seen again. The mystery was never officially solved, even with the efforts of Apache scouts, the Pinkertons, and an all-out push by the Republican Party.[30] In April 1896, Garrett was appointed sheriff of Doña Ana County, and two years later had gathered sufficient evidence to make arrests, asking a judge in Las Cruces for warrants to arrest Oliver M. Lee, William McNew, Bill Carr and James Gililland. Within hours, he had arrested McNew and Carr.

During the early morning hours of July 12, 1898 Garrett and his posse confronted Oliver M. Lee and James Gililland at a spot called "Wildy Well" near Orogrande, New Mexico. Garrett had hoped to capture the fugitives while they were sleeping, but Lee and Gililland expected trouble and took their bedrolls up to the roof of the bunkhouse to avoid being taken by surprise. One of Garrett's deputies named Kearney heard footsteps on the roof, scaled a ladder, and was mortally wounded by the fugitives. A stray shot nicked Garrett. Due to his concern for his dying deputy, Garrett arranged a truce with the fugitives and withdrew while Kearney was lifted into a wagon. Kearney, however, died on the road to Las Cruces, and Lee and Gililland remained at large for another eight months, before they finally surrendered to Sheriff George Curry. They were found not guilty in the Fountain killings, and the indictments for killing the deputy were also dismissed.

On December 16, 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt nominated Garrett to the post of collector of customs in El Paso.

Garrett also became one of President Roosevelt's three "White House Gunfighters"

Despite public outcry over his appointment, Garrett was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on January 2, 1902. Garrett's tenure as El Paso's collector of customs was interesting!

On May 8, 1903, he got into a public fistfight with an employee named George Gaither. The following morning, both Garrett and Gaither paid five dollar fines for disturbing the peace.

Continued complaints about Garrett's alleged incompetence were sent to Washington. Through it all, President Roosevelt stood by Garrett. As a show of his support, Roosevelt invited Garrett to attend a Rough Riders reunion being held in San Antonio during April 1905. Since Garrett had not been a member of that regiment, Roosevelt's invitation was taken as a snub at those critics who wanted Garrett replaced from his post.

Garrett brought a guest of his own to the event named Tom Powers. Garrett introduced Powers to the president as "a prominent Texas cattleman." Garrett and Powers posed for two photographs with Roosevelt, first standing with him in a group and later seated with Roosevelt at dinner. Garrett's enemies obtained copies of the photos and sent them to Roosevelt, informing the president that instead of being the "cattleman" that Garrett claimed, Powers was, in fact, the owner of a "notorious dive" in El Paso called the Coney Island Saloon.

That was the final straw for Roosevelt, who replaced Garrett with a new collector of customs on January 2, 1906.

Following his dismissal, Garrett returned with his family to New Mexico. Garrett was in deep financial difficulty. His ranch had been heavily mortgaged, and when he was unable to make payments, the county auctioned off all of Garrett's personal possessions to satisfy judgments against him. The total from the auction came to $650.[42] President Roosevelt had appointed Pat's friend George Curry as the territorial governor of New Mexico. Garrett met with Curry, who promised him the position of superintendent of the territorial prison at Santa Fe, once he was inaugurated.

Since Curry's inauguration was still months away, the destitute Garrett left his family in New Mexico and returned to El Paso, where he found employment with the real estate firm of H.M. Maple and Company. During this period Garrett moved in with a woman known as "Mrs. Brown", who was described as an El Paso prostitute. When Governor-elect Curry learned of his involvement with Brown, the promised appointment of prison superintendent was withdrawn.

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New 'Billy the Kid' photo real, says Houston forensic artist
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Sounds like a mess from far higher up and they didn't want McCarty standing up for a side the controllers opposed!

For instance,

McCarty and three other survivors of the Battle of Lincoln were near the Mescalero Indian Agency when the agency bookkeeper, Morris Bernstein, was murdered on August 5, 1878. All four were indicted for the murder, despite conflicting evidence that Bernstein had been killed by Constable Atanacio Martinez. All of the indictments, except McCarty's, were later quashed.

On October 5, 1878, U.S. Marshal John Sherman informed newly appointed Territorial Governor and former Union Army general Lew Wallace that he held warrants for several men, including "William H. Antrim, alias Kid, alias Bonny " but was unable to execute them "owing to the disturbed condition of affairs in that county, resulting from the acts of a desperate class of men.

On February 18, 1879, McCarty and friend Tom O'Folliard were in Lincoln and watched as attorney Huston Chapman was shot and his corpse set on fire. According to eyewitnesses, the pair were innocent bystanders forced at gunpoint by Jesse Evans to witness the murder.

McCarty wrote to Governor Wallace on March 13, 1879, with an offer to provide information on the Chapman murder in exchange for amnesty. On March 15, Governor Wallace replied, agreeing to a secret meeting to discuss the situation. McCarty met with Wallace in Lincoln on March 17, 1879. During the meeting and in subsequent correspondence, Wallace promised McCarty protection from his enemies and clemency if he would offer his testimony to a grand jury.

On March 20, Wallace wrote to McCarty, "to remove all suspicion of understanding, I think it better to put the arresting party in charge of Sheriff Kimbrell who shall be instructed to see that no violence is used."

McCarty responded on the same day, agreeing to testify and confirming Wallace's proposal for his arrest and detention in a local jail to assure his safety. On March 21, McCarty let himself be captured by a posse led by Sheriff George Kimball of Lincoln County. As agreed, McCarty provided a statement about Chapman's murder and testified in court.

However, after McCarty's testimony, the local district attorney refused to set him free.Still in custody several weeks later, McCarty began to suspect Wallace had used subterfuge and would never grant him amnesty. McCarty escaped from the Lincoln County jail on June 17, 1879.

Connector Video
Thank you Great Warrior John Zentmyer for sharing this Very Telling link with stellar music on FB found here
It's Time to take a trip down the rabbit hole. . .where do they all go, the missing children?

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Luke 17:2
“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”

Paint on a caution wind
'Neath the bleeding sky
I called your name
There was no one there
And in the cold and snow
I saw your face

Avicii - For A Better Day


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