Atlantis might have existed, and HERE it is!

in #atlantis8 years ago


This may be the real Atlantis! Ancient history is a pretty blank slate in terms of real evidence. This may add weight to one ancient story of our past. Judge for yourself.


The map above is from 1669 and made by Athanasius Kircher from the work titled "Mundus Subterraneus". As I mentioned in a previous TIL post, maps were often pointing south, instead of north.

Maps were also often designed in a way that accentuated the focal point as larger to emphasize features. as a result, the surrounding geography was smaller and disproportionate to the actual layout in reality. There is no huge island, because there wasn't. The map accentuates the features for us to see where it is.

As shown below compared to the first image of google maps, this one has been reformatted to match Kircher's emphasis of the central island:


Google maps shows a very similar shape, and positioned in the same way as Kircher's.

This could simply be coincidence of shapes. But recall, that in earlier times, a lot of the freshwater was locked into glaciers, which have since melted and caused the water level to rise. There is evidence around the world of former civilizations that are now submerged. The google map submerged island matches the shape, and could have been a real land island thousands of years ago. Atlantis is another tale of some place being lost to the sea, as I covered in a previous post about submerged ancient civilizations.

The past has much we don't know about... it's a time forgotten and we can't know much from those times other than the archaeological data we find.

There are other claims of finding Atlantis, like off the coast of Bahrain. But none show an actual island mass that correlates with past historical accounts, such as Plato's, and Kircker's map. Other locations like Bahrain don't match Plato's and Kircher's depiction of Atlantis, they are mostly submerged former civilizations.


[Images: 1, 2, 3, 4]

[References: 1, 2]

2016-11-18, 6:30pm


in earlier times, a lot of the freshwater was locked into glaciers, which have since melted and caused the water level to rise. There is evidence around the world of former civilizations that are now submerged.

about 400 foot lower sea level. When the glaciers melted the water rose FAST. Fast enough to cause the universal flood myths and destroy any civilizations that were on the waters edge.
Today 80 or 90 percent of the global population live near coasts or rivers...I doubt it was any different then.

Perhaps instead of AN Atlantis it was a generic term for many lost civilizations.

Hmmm...I wonder how High Tech they might have been?

@krnel - I had a great read.
it's moved - I'm living in it now - we are below sea level and yet growing lots of greens and fauna :)
peace :)

There is a theory that Antarctica was Atlantis but that it drifted away in a major cataclysm. But this one is more plausible.

Alderaan might have existed too...

Now we just need to find that dinosaur civilisation buried under Antarctica!

Hurray !!! We found Atlantis !!! :)

Yeah but now what are going to do with it?

find some way to make it a tourist attraction most likely.

Ha that was a good one.

Thanks for the Steem btw lol :)

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Yup, thanks. I figured I would try and see how it works out.

I Powered Up 6,500 STEEM yesterday :D Hehehe... can I get rainchecks? Hahaha. j/k

Only if some whales love your post! :)

Atlantis existed, not might have existed. It is documented in a book in a museum somewhere in Britian / England I believe. :)

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