Abandoned Shit Weekly

in #aswcontest7 years ago (edited)

@customnature has put together a new contest called Abandoned Shit Weekly and I am quite excited about it. I do enjoy good 'rust and decay' pictures!

I saw this old truck on a day when I was 100+ miles from home and it was raining buckets. I thought, 'bet that would make a cool photo', and I kept driving. And for the next two days I couldn't stop thinking about that old orange truck. Finally, I got back in the car and drove for two hours, hoping I remembered which country road I has seen it on!

I was happy that I found it again, and not so happy about all the NO TRESPASSING signs posted along the road that I hadn't noticed before! But I wasn't going to let a few signs keep me from the photos I wanted.


I never saw anyone around, got the photos and continued on my way! And I still like that old orange truck!



That is an AWESOME photo! I'm glad you took it despite the signs lol❤️❤️

Thanks so much! I told myself those signs were probably meant for hunters, not old ladies with cameras!

How cool. Love this a bunch!!!!

Thanks so much, dear friend!

Lol you had me at the tittle :) great old truck the buildings roof may leak :-D waves

Sounds like it will be a fun contest, right?

yup make it sooo

Haha.......you're a woman after my won heart Melinda. I love your passion for photography and I have to say your journey was well worth it. This photo is amazing with its perfect composition, textures and colour. Side Note: I'm oblivious to No Trespass signs too when focused on my objectives. Hope we don't end up in prison one day.

I'm pretty sure those signs are not meant for old ladies like me! At least that will be my excuse. Thanks for your kind words!

Signs are no good unless we have our glasses on are they Melinda?

😎 truth!!🤣

Unstoppable Melinda you rock! I do say that is a great find. The signs don't matter and the two hour drive was worth it. 😊

Thanks so much, my friend! Reminder....Hand Shadows

Great contest!

That's a pretty cool old truck.

Isn't it great!

Ah if only I was still good friends with a neighbor down a way. Their giant wooded lot might as well be a junk yard lol. So much rusting and rotting stuff.

Everyone around here owns a gun and it’s a “ask questions ” later kind of world here in regards to seeing no trespassing signs lol. Shame the woods cover it all up so can’t see it from the street. I’m sure that is only way the city has not gone after them so it would not exist if that was the case anyway.

Drop off a a plate of cookies, show them your camera and ask if you could have an hour or two, just one time! What have you got to loose...all they can do is say no! I probably almost got shot once while traveling down south and stopping to take photos of a falling down barn. It was only my out of state license plates that finally convinced the old guy that I didn't work for the County!

They drunks these days and far too fearful of the city wanting come and take things. They would not welcome a camera at all. It’s their junk and I don't think they want share it with the world lol.

Too bad! Bet you can find some good Abandoned Shit elsewhere, though!

That's photographic dedication -- driving back there just for the photo! That looks like an interesting contest, too. There's a lot of abandoned stuff out there and nature sure does reclaim the abandoned! And that's a good thing! ; )

It is a good thing that eventually nature reclaims it. I thought it sounded like my kind of subject matter.I love taking photos of rusting and falling down stuff!

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