REMINDER! Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - №. 5 - "Overgrowth": *Ends Sunday* #aswcontest

in #aswcontest6 years ago (edited)

** Submit your Abandoned Overgrown photos by 11:59pm EST, Sunday! Be sure to use the tag #aswcontest **

Hi gang! Just wanted to put out a reminder that there is only around 2 days left to enter the Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest. The current week's theme is "overgrowth". Simply put, the photos should have a focus on plant life taking over the manmade object. Here's a refresher of the contest info:

The Contest:

  This is NOT a photography contest.  The subject matter is what's being judged with the Abandoned Shit Weekly contest, not one's skills with a camera.  Honestly, I just want to see some cool abandoned shit.  lol  HOWEVER, as with any photograph, the "wow factor" can certainly be enhanced with a technically sound execution.  Simply put, winners won't be chosen strictly on artistry.  

The Prizes:

1st Place = 20.000 SBD
2nd Place = 10.000 SBD
3rd Place = 5.000 SBD

The Theme:

This week's theme = OVERGROWTH! The photos must have a focus on plant-life taking over the abandoned subject. You all know I'm a nature enthusiast. I'd like to see some images where nature is really taking something back. The abandoned object can be a building, vehicle, product, whatever... the important part is that weeds, vines, moss, ivy, trees, etc are growing on/over/through it. This theme is a bit more specific. Possibly the most changing ASW Contest yet?!

The Rules:

Rule #1 = Your abandoned shit photo must be posted using the tag #aswcontest for one of your tags.  This is crucial so that your entry can be seen/found!

Rule #2 = Your photo must be taken by YOU. If you take an imagine from the internet and use it as your entry into this contest, you will be disqualified and I will flag you.

Rule #3 = Only ONE entry per user, per week. Save some content for future contests!

Rule #4 = Tell us what we're looking at!  You don't have to write a novel, but let us know what the picture is of, and where you found it.  That's the most interesting part! Equipment and camera settings can be included at your discretion, but is not necessary.

Rule #5 = Stick to the weekly theme!. 

The Time:

When = New ASW contests will start on TUESDAYS and will end on SUNDAY.  Winners will be announced on Monday with awards distributed then as well. I figure it's a good way to start the week!


HELP! - I'd really like this contest to become an established, weekly feature.  Resteeming the official contest announcement post here would be a huge help in getting the word out, though you do not HAVE to in order to participate in the contest.  I'm just asking as a favor.  Also, just mentioning the contest in/on your entry post would help a lot!

New Discord Channel
Want to chat about Abandoned Shit? Swap stories/locations? Make suggestions for the contest or themes?? Join me on the official ASW Contest Discord channel here: Abandoned Shit Weekly Chat

That's it!  Let's see some cool abandoned stuff! Good Luck!

^^^Here's the photo used in the logo above. It is an arrow slit style window in some ancient ruins we found in western Ireland. It was actually the remains of a church that was built around 1300 A.D. Being a church, I'm not sure if the window was really meant for arrows or not, but it certainly was constructed like a common castle arrow loop (slot window with angled bevel on the inside). I loved how grass and moss was growing on the sill... especially how some were flowering at the time.

Make sure to follow @customnature to keep up with all Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest happenings!


lol That's the spirit!

Awesome! I will have an entry shortly! 😃

Just one pic per post? I will only make one post but I do have a few pics of the same abandoned shit 😉

Many photos on one post is fine, just one post per person/entry. Also, the photos should be of the same object/location/building. Cant wait to see what ya have!

Dear @customnature. I am new to this, to contests in gereal and also in a way still new to this platform. Yet I read this article and hand to think about a very special place that I did not only photograph intensively, yet I dedicated a whole year of my life to a work contributing to this amazing palce during my art academy architecture master work. I would love to take part in this competition with that dear to me project but one question needs to be answered. About the rules: I was wondering, if more than just one photo, but a real whole article about the object in question are also allowed as an entry as well. I think about an nice article with phtos and even a few graphics I made back in my masters time.. Would a submission like this be able to take part in the competition? Im not talking novel.. lets call it pumped article with side story ;)

All the best and thanks for setting this up!


Hi Mortiz, a post like that would be fine. It can many photos as long as it's of the same subject (vehicle,building, etc). Hope to see it!

Perfect. Yes, it sall about the same object. I will get started right away!

Its out! Got quite lengthy. Sorry... LINK

This photo was taken at the abandoned Tippet Hall in Del Mar, CA. It has since been torn down, but we got some great shots around the place.

I love this photo because you can see where the ivy has begun to creep in through the elaborate picture window and there is a carpet of pine needles 😎

Thanks @customnature !


My entry can be seen here... Such an amazing place... It lay dormant for centuries, but was once a temple and university in Northwest Cambodia..
CamThaiLaos 067.jpg

I'm a bit late. Now I can take part ..?

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