AskSteemit - What's a big coincidence you've experienced?

in #asksteemit7 years ago

Hey everyone, as someone who spent most of his Reddit activity on the popular subreddit: askreddit, I wanted to start something similar here as well.

Just for reference, this is my comment karma breakdown on the subreddits:

To me askreddit was one of the golden sections of Reddit because it really got originality out of the writers and readers in there. It wasn't just a repost of an old link or a fast submission of some newd that has happened. It was users asking thought-provoking questions and getting users engaged and discussing everything and nothing. To me personally it was one of the most entertaining subreddits you could find at the time.

Here is a great example of what I mean, someone on Reddit 6 years ago made a thread asking the question:

Could I destroy the entire Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus if I traveled back in time with a modern U.S. Marine infantry battalion or MEU?

A Reddit user started writing a fiction story about it, the readers wanted him to write the story further as they really liked it, and in the end it was so good that the rights to it were bought by Warner Bros., which announced the production of its movie adaptation.

Now how awesome is that! That Reddit user just used his imagination and managed to grab the attention of most readers that day just by writing on a social media. If you wanna follow the development of the movie that's still in the making, its called Rome Sweet Rome and has its own subreddit.

I wanna show that this platform is not just about authoring posts but that comments can be just as valuable to it. After all this is the attention economy so anything that gathers the readers attention, whether a short post, a snapshot or a tweet can get rewarded just as much as well.

I wanted to start it off with this question, as we humans are good at either finding patterns in randomness or thinking we've found them and the bigger the variance in randomness is the more coincidental it seems to us.

To answer the question myself, I knew since I had my first anniversary on Steemit that I happened to have signed up on the 24th of May 2016, exactly 2 months after @steemit's creation on the 24th of March. But what surprised me that I noticed today was that the 24th of March was the exact date when I registered for Reddit also - 6 years ago.

This hit me like a big coincidence! Especially since Reddit was pretty much the only platform I still enjoyed at the time before Steemit came along. :)

Steemit; What's a big coincidence you have experienced?

To incentivize discussion between users I won't self-vote my post and instead save the voting power for awesome comments provided by the community!


I personally do not believe in coincidence the universe has everything predetermined ( everything happens for a reason ).

But if we like to see it as a coincidence, I had a bad motorcycle accident back in April in which I suffered from a achilles tendon rupture so now I had a lot of time on the sofa and in front of my PC which brought me here to Steemit. I think without that accident I maybe would be not yet on Steemit.

One other lets call it coincidence is my sister she is born on the 1.11.79 at 1:11.11 AM and in school she always got a 1 in all school subjects. I am born on 23.04.78 and my parents got married on the 23.04.77

When I was 4 years old my mom lost a small silver cross with a ruby in the middle from her necklace on a 6 kilometer long sand beach at the Baltic Sea one year later we did our vacation at the same place and I found that cross one year later on this long sand beach my mom told me that story on my 18th birthday and gave me that cross. Coincidence, luck or was it predetermined???

Here is a picture of the cross


I love to consider coincidences as existing within our perception. Our mental capacity is not able to comprehend the scale of the universe, hence the unexpected, and our worry about it.

There are many I which would like to share but the following is most interesting.

I went to University 5 years ago and found my first crush there the very first day. She was almost half my height. She looked younger than me but we were in the same class. I kept it to myself until I found she was a close friend to one of my best friends' girlfriend. I talked to her the very next day and found an opportunity to start something with her. Days passed and I found us two to be very similar - moods, attitude etc. It was December and I told her it was my Birthday coming up. She told me the same. And guess what, we shared the same birthday (same day, same year, nearly with half an hour difference :D) i.e. Dec, 27th 1990. Haha!

We're still very close to each other and we celebrate it together.

My wife and I were out East a few weeks ago for a wedding and my older brother said an old co worker of his happened to be in Portland the same week we were. It wasn't until the last day of our trip that my wife dragged me to a jewelry store and minutes later a group walked in and one of the guys kept staring in my direction. Eventually he said "Gangestad?" (my last name). I said "yeah...", perplexed how this guy knew my last name. It was my brothers old co worker and he recognized me because we look somewhat alike and apparently had met once years prior. Talk about a coincidence.
Sent this pic to my brother and he couldn't believe it.

My oldest son was born on my fathers birthday. My youngest son was born on his mom's fathers birthday. They both share a birthday with a grandpa.

no way :) congratulation ;)

Hehe, I've heard something similar once about a friend of mine. Have you heard of the Birthday Paradox?

From wikipedia:

birthday problem or birthday paradox concerns the probability that, in a set of n randomly chosen people, some pair of them will have the same birthday. By the pigeonhole principle, the probability reaches 100% when the number of people reaches 367 (since there are only 366 possible birthdays, including February 29). However, 99.9% probability is reached with just 70 people, and 50% probability with 23 people.

Yes i have heard that in a room of 40 people, there is something like a 75% chance that 2 will share the same birthday.

Tagging onto this thread... one of my first serious musical groups was a duo, and we realized a few months in that the two of us have the same birthday.

I later learned I share the birthday with one of my favorite authors, Thomas Pynchon!! What a fun coincidence.

Have a happy reddit Bday
I can't answer your title query
but I'd like to thank you for the pointers you mentioned on what makes the reddit posts awesome
thought provoking ey..
yeah.. the comments .. please let them flood but I guess most people don't read posts anymore
unless one comes out on the trending
that's the trend these days
seems like everyone just ups and most of the old friends and mostly newbies do the commenting
gone are those days when comments flooded and were meant
I still write them as so not because I'm a martyr or some self- righteous commenter
I just think - comments should be meant and not just thrown for the sake of writing something and getting ups

I was born on 10/10 at 10:10 pm.. coincidentally my nephew was born on 10/17 at 10:17. I was one week early, my scheduled due date was 10/17.. I've always though that was weird...

Was your nephew born 1 week late? :P

haha I don't think so. That would have definitely added to it though!

Woah, that is kind of a freaky coincidence indeed!

Hi mate, I agree Ask Steemit is a great idea and one of my favorite threads here. If you want to support Ask Steemit, I’ve been running Ask Steemit for the past few months on a weekly basis, with a 10 SBD payout on the best comment(s). I’ve always enjoyed reading through all the comments, and have even had an Ask Steemit logo made for my weekly contests. Here’s my latest Ask Steemit post for your reference.

Cool idea @acidyo! It´s cool to read this kind of stories from the community members.

My coincidence:
2013: I was solo traveling in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. One night at the hostel I hear 2 italian guys wondering where to get food so late (it was past midnight) and I said hey guys I know a good indian restaurant that opens till very late just a couple blocks away. So... off we went. The two italians had just met, and one of them was blind. He was solo traveling around the world, such a gutsy thing to do. Well... we had dinner and since we were getting along so well we decided to go visit the Petronas Towers. We grabbed a taxi and went there. On our way back we stopped at the night clubs for a drink. We had a great night and I never saw them again (travelers life)

2015: I was traveling around South America with a bunch of close friends. We were in Cusco, Perú fooling around. When all of a sudden, I spot the blind italian. The mother fucker had not stopped traveling since I met him for the first time in Malaysia (over 2 years ago). He was talking to two pretty american girls. So I interrupted and said: "hey bro, I dunno if you remember me, but we met in Kuala Lumpur one night you were with another italian guy, we had Indian food and then went to the Petronas Towers. And he was like ohh yeah I remember that night... we went to the clubs after that too. (I had forgotten about the clubs but he was sopt on!) I was happy to see him still traveling around on his own... such an inspiration.

That was it... I remember seeing him in Cusco and I get the goosebumps

It is so cool reading all the comments here! Loving it!

The day my mother died in 2004, I was in Finland. I got the news at 4 am on an early April morning while it was still dark. I was still a smoker and after a few minutes, I went out into the cold night and had a cigarette.

While I stood there under the clear sky I thought of a conversation she and I had had by her bed and I said that after she dies to give me a sign if there is an afterlife or not. I smiled at the thought and said 'Well, where is the sign?'

I looked up and immediately and directly overhead shot a very bright shooting star.

wow, that's a powerful coincidence!

Baby talk, no matter the country I go is so similar.

Across cultures regardless of the language of their families, the first words of babies for anatomical reasons, have incentives to use bilabial sounds like "ma" "ba" or "pa"
Then when babies grow older and gain a little more control over their tongue, they start with palatal sounds like "ta" or "da".

The most common words are. *Mama, Dada, Papa

Twila Tardif, Paul Fletcher, Weilan Liang and Zhixiang Zhang, Niko Kaciroti. Baby’s First 10 Words. Developmental Psychology 2008, Vol. 44, No. 4, 929 –938

cool, I hadn't thought of that before!

My partner's parents are born on the same day, a year apart. Their wedding anniversary is also their birthday.

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