Am 4. Jänner hatte ich es endlich geschafft die Albrecht Dürer Ausstellung in der Albertina in Wien zu besuchen. Die on-line Eintrittskarte hatte ich schon seit einiger Zeit, und es war gut dass ich sie hatte, denn die Schlangen bei der Kassa waren unglaublich.
On January 4th, I finally managed to visit the Albrecht Dürer exhibition in the Albertina in Vienna. I had had the online ticket for a while and it was a good thing that I had it because the queues at the ticket desk were incredible.

Doch die Drängerei in der Galerie, obwohl erwartet, war schon etwas nervig. Besonders um den Hasen war ein Getümmel, und jeder wollte fotografieren obwohl man den ja locker vom Internet auf der Albertina Webseite runterladen kann.
But the jostling in the gallery, although expected, was a bit annoying. There was a lot of activity especially around the rabbit, and everyone wanted to take pictures, although you can easily download it from the Internet on the Albertina website.
So here is the rabbit from the Albertina website:

Ich hab natürlich auch fleißig fotografiert; es war nicht so einfach weil es ziemlich dunkel war.
Of course, I also took a lot of pictures; it wasn't that easy because it was pretty dark.
◄ an dieses hier musste ich mich "anschleichen", da dieses Gemälde einen eigenen Wachmann hatte und das Fotografieren verboten war (vom Prado ausgeliehen)
this one I had to "sneak" in, because that painting had its own security guard, and taking photos of it was forbidden (on loan from the Prado)
◄ Giftshop
But here is the "guarded" picture, downloaded from the Albertina website
source: Albertina Museum
Obwohl die Bedingungen nicht optimal waren, habe ich viele Fotos gemacht - einige Beispiele hier
Even though the conditions were not ideal, I took a lot of photos - a few examples here:
Anschließend erkundete ich beim Verlassen einige andere Räume in der Albertina und machte unter anderem ein Spiegel-Selfie
Subsequently, upon leaving, I explored a few other rooms in the Albertina, and among others, took a mirror selfie
Auf Flickr habe ich ein Album mit über 100 Bildern gepostet
On Flickr, I posted a album with over 100 pictures
BONUS für meine Steemit-Freunde: Unten ist ein Meisterwerk, das ich wirklich liebe
BONUS for my Steemit Friends: below is a masterpiece that I really love
source: Rijksmuseum - click the image to find it in high-resolution in my "collection" at the Rijksmuseum
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oh wow, we might have to come to Vienna for that!
It is over - maybe I should have given a heads-up:
On view from 20 September 2019 until 6 January 2020. As it were, I got there 2 days before closing, even though I had a on-line ticket already for the longest time.
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