The Sleepwalker | Die Schlafwandlerin Shooting [EN/DE]

in #artzone6 years ago


In 2008, I made another photoshooting with my most-frequented model Jana. We intended to create something dark, surreal, but also playful. This resulted in the following two pictures ...

Im Jahr 2008 fand ein weiteres Shooting mit meinem meist-frequentierten Model Jana statt.
Wir hatten vor, etwas düsteres, surreales, aber auch kindliches zu erschaffen. Daraus wurden folgende zwei Bilder...

The Sleepwalker | Die Schlafwandlerin

Lost Child | Das verlorene Kind

Jana has great props and always cats around her, so I had a great basis for taking pictures.

Jana besitzt immer tolle Requisiten und ist immer von Katzen umgeben, damit kann man wunderschöne Bilder machen.




The buildings are from my former balcony in an old, overgrown backyard in the middle of downtown Karlsruhe, between walls covered with wild wine. All photos are composed and edited in Photoshop.

Die Gebäude sind von meinem früheren WG-Balkon in einem alten, bewachsenen Hinterhof mitten in der Karlsruher Innenstadt zwischen von wildem Wein berankten Gemäuern aufgenommen. Zusammengesetzt und bearbeitet sind alle Fotos in Photoshop.


I would like to thank you crazy, lovely people already for your upvotes and comments, I know they have recently become quite expensive ...I think this is kind of sad, because I loved to place upvotes and comments and now I don´t know what will happen if you´re limited so much. Hopefully there´s a way to make the experience for minnows like me better again. I´m not even able to place this post. But at soon as you see this post, I would have been able to post it ;) But probably I´ve waited a long time...

Ich möchte euch verrückten, lieben Leuten jetzt schon für eure Upvotes und Kommentare danken, ich weiß, sie sind kürzlich ziemlich teuer geworden...Ich denke, das ist ganz schön traurig, denn ich habe sehr gerne kommentiert und geupvoted und jetzt weiß ich nicht, was passieren wird, wenn man so stark limitiert wird. Hoffentlich gibt´s einen Weg, um die Experience für Minnows wie mich wieder zu verbessern. Ich konnte noch nicht einmal diesen Beitrag posten. Aber sobald ihr diesen Post seht, werde ich ihn wohl gepostet haben können ;) Aber wahrscheinlich habe ich lange darauf gewartet...


Thanks for reading! | Danke für´s Lesen!


Ahhh it is really cute to see how you created this piece, from taking picture of your friend and also the inquisitive look of the cat. It is really nice to see that it all comes nicely together to create one mysterious and lovely artwork :).

Thank you, @scrawly :) Yeah, I´m always glad if it works putting all the photos I took together. Sometimes it doesnt work :P

Excellent montage, I am always amazed at the ways a simple photo can transform and become a great composition. Great work!

I've also felt the same way as you about voting & posting, but I think things have fallen into place by now and maybe we will be having a better experience. You might also want to try out, a site similar to, with one great difference: you can control how much Voting Power you give with your votes (1-100%); on all votes are given at 100% of your VP. The user interface is a bit better too in my opinion.

Thank you :)
I know busy, I sometimes switch between busy and steemit and for mobile I´m using partiko. And actually I wonder why there´s not one tool that can provide all the information... anyways, great everything is working again :)

This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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🎃 👏👏👏 👩‍🎨
I like very much the results!

Steemit seems to be getting back to "normal"

Thank you, @melooo182 :) Yeah, these were hard times but we survived!

This is such a cool post I'm so happy I got to see this and @isaria pointed this out to me on the MSP radio show. This is so creative and the effect is really awesome and it is so good to see how you came up with this in such a creative way thank you to your cat he is lovely

Thank you so much. And i´m also very grateful that Isaria is supporting me...

@isaria is love :) best Mom on the platform! keep up the nice work, we really appreciated her sharing you with us, I would have kept you all to myself if the roles were reversed :)

Haha, that´s a pretty nice compliment, thank you :)

I have a funny way with compliments, drives my wife crazy, glad you appreciate them :)

Oh this is just so dreamy and surreal and fabulous!! I love love love.

@isaria this strikes me as something you would very much enjoy as I have ♥♥♥

Thank you so much, Serena ♥

Wunderschön und als Post fast zu schade in diesen chaotischen Zeiten. Ok, upvote hat geklappt und wie früher 2% gekostet. Ist schon mal in Ordnung, auch wenn der Betrag bei meinen aktuell 50% voting power recht mickerig ist. War schon ein Schock, gestern mit 3 upvotes von 100 auf ca. 25 zu fallen :-b

Wie gesagt, die Bilder sind wirklich schön und "touching". Was mir gut gefällt, ist dass Du auch Referenzfotos gezeigt hast... bisschen klein für meine alten Linsen, aber immerhin ;-)

Ansonsten wird das schon alles wieder irgendwie werden, keine Sorge :-)

Lieber Reinhard, vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar, ich freu mich sehr, dass Dir die Bilder gefallen. Wahrscheinlich hast du eine sehr gute Auflösung, dass die Bilder bei Dir so klein sind ;)
Ja, der Post geht gnadenlos unter, aber so ist das einfach manchmal und auch kein Weltuntergang. Inzwischen scheint Mana & RC ja tatsächlich korrigiert zu sein und ich kann endlich wieder Kommentare schreiben, juhu!

Nice ones :)
Makes me think of a Mary Poppins' dark-witchy version :)
I like the way you managed the contrast between deep black and softer shades on the character.

Thank you, @berien! That´s a good description of what we wanted to make :)

Oh what a wonderful pictures, @patschwork ! The first one really conveyed the suspense well <3 I was looking at it and I was worrying for the girl.... being precariously so close to the edge, and what a fall it would be (if she would take the wrong step!!!)

The second one has a lovely composition also... The divide between the girl and the stroller ... aaahhh, you really capture the title well... "Lost Child"

Very nice post <3

Thank you so much, @veryspider ♥ No worries, sleepwalking people never get hurt ;)

Wow! I loved your illustration!

Thank you ♥

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