Intuitive Drawing w Reading for Myself

in #artzone6 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I got some (what I deemed as unpleasant) news fromu my BFF. I got really upset mostly at the surprise... the news itself is really none of my business in a certain way... except that he is in my life- but he is an Aquarius with Aries rising- hence he lives his life his way...

I asked @zero-infinity for a reading - giving her no information on it... I did a reading myself.

Both the readings indicated that it’s not a big deal unless I make it a big deal...the reading was about reworking old patterns regarding money- mainly I just take that as to continue to be fully self- supporting and not leaning on him to be my source of income... that I should be able to take care of myself- which I am doing anyway...

I just did this drawing- which basically says the same thing- except it adds this element of transformation on his right shoulder...

Which tells me that this is an opportunity for immense spiritual growth for both of us, should I be willing to accept the assignment..

I’m already “in it” so I have accepted it. My old way though is to try to get special treatment as payment for what I deem as dishonesty on his part but which he sees as Trust - he was not yet ready to trust me with the information...I would use this information as a club to bludgeon him into a guilt trip- which won’t work anyway...

I can see both sides ... very clearly...

It is a call to Faith for me. the Sun is behind his head. All is Mercury RX is happening so more information will come out later after it goes Direct...

Also it’s his left knee that is exposed- he has had many injuries to that left leg and knee making it vulnerable and weak...

I’m just pissed off that the honey moon is over and the work has begun...


Fascinating. You make the short list of Brave and Truthful people I know.


Hey thanks! That is a huge compliment!

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Hey thanks a lot- it means a great deal to me to hear this!

Love it!
I’m wondering if that was your plan to do the hands looks like a hands of a monster, I mean the fingers sharp like a claws. They are hugging each other.. but I see one of them as a monster, just like beauty and the Beast.
that’s just my interpretation 😉
I will be pleased if you share your thoughts about my work too. 😉


actually, yes - i pretty much do make the hands like that - it's a stylized way of making hands- but thanks for your insight. I have thought of our story a little more like Bluebeard - but I don't see him as a beast particularly.

That's interesting. I'm not familiar with Bluebeard, maybe that's why I compare it to beast.

I dont think that someone with "claws" necessary need to be beast, too ;)

It’s just the way I make hands - if I finessed the drawing they would not look that way :)

I like your style I will wait for more :)

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Amazing, in my opinion this drawing contains the great message as in an relationship we need the spiritual connection which will always make us more understanding towards our relationships and the spirituality in an relationship leads to the real light of enjoyment and it will make your life more beautiful. Thanks for sharing this art with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

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