Entry for Artstorm Contest #25 - My Favourite Sunday Lunch

in #artstorm6 years ago (edited)

Hey, guys! What’s up? :D

This is my entry for the artstorm contest by @deemarshall.

Agh! I just want to sleep, haha. Well, I don't have a favorite Sunday lunch because I'm fine with anything. However, I must say that I love lasagna. I don't know when it was the last time I ate one since our oven is damaged.

Today's theme is My Favourite Sunday Lunch and as always you only have 15 minutes to make your drawing.

Imagen (41).jpg

I'm surprised at how realistic it is considering that I only used four colors. Green, Red, Brown and Gray. I guess it's an advantage to make small drawings. It gives me enough time to add details if I want, but that's not the point of this contest. Just follow the rules and have fun :D

This has nothing to do with the theme, but I want to say that I'm excited, haha. My mom's birthday is tomorrow. I've a surprise gift for her that I bought a couple of weeks ago and tomorrow, I'm going to buy a birthday cake with my sister. She hasn't celebrated her birthday in years, so I'm excited to give her something. Thanks to this platform and your support, we can afford something like that for her.

Well, that’s all for tonight. Hope you liked it. Bye, guys! <3

Previous posts: (。・ω・。)ノ♡



Your lasagne looks so tasty! I make it sometimes if I have anyone to cook for.
Have a great day with your mum. It's so nice to give a present. It's more fun than receiving them, I think. Again, thank you so much for entering!

Thank you! :D

I agree. It's more fun to give. Of course, it is always nice to receive a gift and it is better when you didn't expect it, but I find personal satisfaction making others happy <3

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