Entry for Artstorm Contest #25 - Roses

in #artstorm6 years ago

Hey, guys! What’s up? :D

This is my entry for the artstorm contest by @deemarshall.

Hello, everyone! It's good to be back. I took a few days off because I've been busy doing some stuff and making other drawings. I'm currently doing a challenge with my best friend. It's about spending 30 days drawing. Each day is a different theme. Today is the fifth day and theme is "favorite movie". I still don't make the drawing because I wanted to participate in the artstorm contest and then start with the other drawing.

Well, today's theme is Roses and as always you only have 15 minutes to make your drawing.

Imagen (38).jpg

The original idea was to draw a hand about to pick up a rose, but in the end, I made the flowers and the hand as one.

Tomorrow, I'll start posting the drawings I've been doing so far. The day one was a disaster, hahaha. The theme was self-portrait and well, it didn't go as I expected. I must say that I didn't have much time either, so I did something quick like the drawings I make for this contest.

Well, that’s all for tonight. Hope you liked it. Bye, guys! <3

Previous posts: (。・ω・。)ノ♡



Thank you so much for finding time to enter Artstorm. There have been a few days with very low entries so I am so grateful to you. I think the hand is beautiful. Mind those thorns don't scratch you!

Thank you! Yes, I could notice it. I found it strange because when I join to the contest there are already several participants, but I checked the post of yesterday's theme and I only saw 4 entries at that moment.

At first glance, I thought it was a cool tattoo, but then it’s’s a hand turning into a flower. Wow, now that’s thinking out of the box, very creative❣️

Hehe, thank you! You know I like to do different things :D

Keep doing what your doing, it’s working for ya @art-huntress my dear friend ❣️

Siento que tienes potencial, ya he visto varias de tus ilustraciones, ¡me agradan! ;Te seguiré deseo ver como creces poco a poco.

Muchas gracias! Desde que me uní a la plataforma, he notado que estoy progresando. Supongo que es por la practica. Antes rara vez dibujaba, ahora las cosas cambiaron pues dibujo prácticamente a diario :D

@art-huntress te comprendo, veo que también realizaste un concurso con el tema:Gatos buena iniciativa. Ten Un obsequio

Me entusiasma la idea de organizar un concurso de arte juntos.

Jajaja, pues gracias por el obsequio, pero ese concurso no es organizado por mi. No se quien es la chica. Simplemente quise ayudar haciendo resteem a su concurso :D

Me gustaría crear mi propio concurso, pero primero quiero llegar a tener mayor reputación.

@art-huntress oh, ya veo jajajaja.Cuando esté lista.Recuérdeme...

Yeah!! We’re both winners let’s celebrate @arthuntress, I only like pink champagne, sorry, so here’s to us kid❣️

Yaay! Thanks, but I'm fine with just a glass of lemonade. The day is hot, hahaha.

Very creative!!!

Thank you! :D

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