QiQi'S Writen & Drawn Story Entery To The 2nd Week Of Arrists In Bloom Contest Sponosred By @everlove !

in #artistsinbloom7 years ago (edited)

@qiqi-power is a designer through and through.

Untitled drawing-191.jpg

At 6 years old, she is already revealing herself with intentional beauty,

and inspires others to consider their own engagement of self-expression.

She designs clothes for people, dolls and ponies--
and dresses herself with layers of extremely eye pleasing fashion.
She makes up her own hair designs, food creations,
drawings, collages, videos, displays, dances, and yoga swing routines.
She makes up songs and poems, and is now even learning digital art.

Literally everything @qiqi-power touches is an artistic creation.

This being her second submission to the #ArtistsInBloom initiative,
(see her first submission here),
she shares here some drawings from her own designer book. You can find the Dlive video of her reading this hand drawn original story at the end.
She carries this book around with her often,
and jots down ideas and inspirations as they come.
Here is a made-up story she wrote about her friend Lelu.
At the end of this post you can see her sharing these drawings on video.

Here's her story:

"QiQi's special story about LeLu,  my best friend!"

Once upon a time there was a girl named LeLu.

And a boy named Patrick.

They met at school, and soon they got to know each other.

They went on a date to a restaurant.

Soon they got married.

They were very happy and then they had children.

She is pregnant!

She went to the hospital to have her baby.

Here's the mommy and daddy's room.

Here is the baby's room....

with the window and the baby's dresser.

One day, a strange man who was a soccer player accidentally kicked the ball too far.
He went to go get the ball in the blueberry bush.
The blueberry bush was a little bit far from the soccer ball play yard.
He went to the blueberry bush and saw his ball.

On the way to get his ball, he saw the lady and man kissing.  
He got jealous of the beautiful woman named Lelu.

The woman was once a girl that I know.
When she was a kid we were always friends.

The End.

QiQi says she doesn't feel she will ever have a baby in a hospital,
but she hears lots of stories and realizes that's the way most people do it.

She says "I wouldn't have a separate room for my baby either,
because my baby would sleep with me."

She likes to play the game of  school,
but has no interest in going because "I'm a free girl!"

"Marriage isn't really my thing to do while I'm a kid,
but maybe I will make the choice when I'm a grown up."

"You don't have to be married to love someone, or to share your life with someone."
"I think I just have to make my own choice, and my choice is my choice."
"I don't have to change my mind, and I don't have to let anyone bother me."

"If I make a mistake, it isn't my reason to blame others for my mistakes.
It's my own fault that I make mistakes.
But I don't make mistakes all the time.
But maybe sometimes I do."

It is truly incredible the amount of focus @qiqi-power has.
She dedicates herself to a task and can stay on it for hours on end
before moving on to her next inspired moment of living.

She even harvested and made her own fresh salad to snack on
during her many hours of focus.

@qiqi-power, as a child raised with an open mind,  
will truly share some wisdom with you.
And she'll share some amazing art too. 

 "I'm excited to share my story with all my friends. 

 I'm going to be famous on Steemit!!"

Introducing QiQi 5 Year Old Artist, Singer, Dancer & Radiant Being!
@everlove's  #thankyouforbeing post dedicated to @qiqi-power.
Why is @qiqi-power so empowered?   Her father @quinneaker shares this post not to miss!

Here is the Dlive Video of QiQi reading and sharing her original hand drawn picture book story!



I hope you begin to get a glimpse in to the natural, abundant life of freedom we enjoy in The Garden of Eden and get a taste of what it is like to live in a community of people supporting and protecting each other, furthering our cause and improving our life and the life of the world together each day! If you have not yet seen it, be sure to check her introduce your self post here as there is lots of insight into who she is and the life she enjoys.


I @quinneaker created this account in trust, to share the infinite blessings of @QiQi-Power and to give QiQi a way to be be responsible and self sustaining for supporting her own dreams and desires. I treat her like an adult and in many ways already, she is more conscious, capable and responsible than most adults. This will start her off with her own "business outlet" to begin taking care of her self whenever she wants to. She comprehends and is excited to work for and create things for her self that she wants. She wants an Ipad to create art with, make videos, watch videos and research her interests. She is already learning Spanish and sign language as well as new songs every day. I will be posting her chosen content and perspective as well as represent for her here, having sole control of the account and all activity on it. She will have no access to this account in any way on her own. Yet I will mediate for her in whatever way she wants to use this account. I have done this because the laws of children having social media accounts and access. This is set up in trust for her future and thus must survive to be of any worth. She has decided to power up all SP to make Steemit better and to invest in her future trust. If and when she wants something that requires $$$ I will acquire it for her so as to keep all $teem in the economy and further the increase of value of $teem. Alternatively she will trade that Steem to a Steemian in exchange for the ipad when she saves enough. She is already working on more art pieces, as she says "I love making Steemit posts." This account is intended to give QiQi a creative outlet and opportunity to make her own way and achieve her dreams in a self sustaining manner.

Until Next Time SteemOn!



Great creation QiQi!!



She's so incredible! The power children harness is surreal! I wish everyone would support their child's growth and imagination like you @quinneaker, the world would be such a magical place if so :) XO

My daddy is the best!

Wonderful story @qiqi-power!

Wow! Qiqi! You are a very talented girl. I'm following you to see more of your crafts and adventures and show them to my children @divinekids. I am sure they can draw some inspiration from you.


@qiqi-power---I am so honored you are bringing your talent to the Artists In Bloom initiative. You have so much to share and this is a perfect opportunity to share it. You are a great example and I'm sure you are already inspiring people to consider the magnificence of children growing up in freedom. Thank you for being the POWER!!!! I love you @qiqi-power!

Looks like a very bright and good girl.. Who gets the right values in life... Interesting and impressive... Bless you all 💙🙏

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