RE: The only purpose of beauty is love
Thank you for this lovely comment. It lends a new perspective to my own understanding of beauty and family - and I must admit you have a much more hopeful interpretation than I :-D
For me beauty is so conflicted. I want to believe in your idea, that beauty is goodness, inspiration, love, hope and compassion, and intellectually I can follow along, but so often my feelings tell me something different. Perhaps I learned (inherited) the idea especially women are only lovable if they conform the current beauty standards of being thin, abled-bodied, and young. I hate don't like myself for having this kind of thought, of judging (mostly my own) bodies. I must actively fight this for my very dominant "classic" beauty standards. The good thing is, while doing art I am much freer of these standards. For example, I tried to choose dancers for my productions, which don't conform to a classic beauty, but it is not easy, because trained dancers are always filtered by an education which shuns fat, dark, not-abled etc bodies. I believe that everyone can move beautifully, and all bodies can tell a fascinating story.
And the family.... I do not have children. One reason is, that I am afraid to continue the harmful relation between mother daughter. My mother is in many parts different from my grandmother, but some of the difficult patterns I also perceive between me and my mother, and I am totally unsure, that I would not reproduce them with my own child.
Sorry for this long and a little bit pessimistic (or to honest :-D) answer. As I wrote above, I really liked your interpretation and I hope there are more people out there who share your world view <3