Solipsism: The Biggest Lie...Entry for Artexplosion 23: Conspiracy!

in #artexplosion7 years ago (edited)

Ball point pen & Colored Pencil on Paper, 9" x 12"

I am doing a series of comics about what is going on in the world.

Solipsism, an ideaology that is perpetrated by the el-ites, through the New Age Movement, lays the groundwork for bringing in the New World Order. Chaos ensues as people believe that selfishness and self-centeredness are good qualities to develop and that there is no such thing as evil - it's just you, looking at it the wrong way.

The She-eple is looking up to the hypercube on her head where she is imprisoned in herself, while 2 devils shake hands in agreement of the good job they did. She is unaware that she is a practicing satanist, by default

Solipsism: There is no objective Truth; no right and wrong - there is only your perceptions.

I am also hosting a Controversial Topics Art Contest, ending January 18!


AWESOM glad you entered. Solipsism is creepy. then again, we do need things to exist in the mind of people in order for them TO be extinguished, like the conspiracies themselves. to expose them, they need to exist in the reality of people's minds. its the service-to-self mentality that needs to be removed

Solipsism means that there is no objective Truth. No Right and Wrong - ie pedophilia: the children who are molested must have asked for it or they were Nazi war criminals in a past life so they are getting their karmic due - Perhaps I failed to tell that story clearly in the drawing - but the person is staring at themself in their mind, which is bound in a hypercube - the ultimate prison of the dark occult - the hypercube flattened is the octagon - the Stop sign...

love it. i was just adding thoughts not necessarily relevant to the message of yr piece

sorry I am too serious.

I never thought about the conspiracy of solipsism, i only learnt about the word when i was in Uni in one of my philosophy classes. However, i can kinda see the conspiracy of it all. Pushing the self identity through technology, culture and the way we see ourselves. Individualism linked towards capitalism and our current society but some sort of individualism is the way to go yep? What are your thoughts? Anyways nice idea and concept :) all da best!

In this particular drawing, I was illustrating the theme of Mark Passio's first Podcast. Solipsism is a theme of the mind-control being perpetrated to the sheeply by the el-ites.

Exactly what you say here: and it does seem like individualism but true anarchy is does not exclude others. True anarchy understands and acknowledges Truth, by following Natural Law principles - ie: Harm None. Theft is the ultimate Natural Law violation: 1. Theft of property 2. Theft of life 3. Theft of personal space 4. Theft of sexual space. If one suffers, All suffer, As above, So below, etc.

A true anarchist - individualist - if you will - the word individual actually means undivided, so in an alkaline base, an anarchist is a voluntaryist - helping others becomes a way of life - we help each other, practice live and let live, under natural law - we think of each other because you are me and I am you - we work together - in a sane way -

but in an acidic system like the el-lites have created now for us through the media - we are herded into the false darwinian psy-op paradigm which tells us dog-eat-dog is individualism - NO! it is not! That is false - what we are shown about nature supports the darwinian paradigm but it is not true, necessarily -

this is one so that solipsism can become the way of the world - while solipsism presumes that looking at it from my point of view, your property is not yours if I want it - I can twist in my mind to make it so you have no ownership rights of property -hence, now it in the US - a deed of ownership of a piece of property states that you are renting the property from the state - this is solipsistic.

Or, Big Oil can break a treaty with the Native Americans to build a pipeline through Native Land - that is total solipisism.
Solipsism is a satanic ideology - not one that satanists themselves claim; but what they are perpetrating upon the public so that they can usher in the New World Order by creating the Hegalian Dialectic of Problem>Reaction>Solution - ie chaos so that we beg them for the New World Order.

Another example of solipsism is that we try to kill off our homeless population and no one does anything about it. Freezing temperatures - the people are on the street because rent is so high now that no one can really afford it - and the cops are order-following and taking the homeless's blankets - total solipsism - and the public are not out in droves fighting for the rights of people, referred to as the homeless. Order-following is solipsism - because if I am ordered to do it and I need a paycheck it must be right No! It violates Natural Law rights of other people so it is a wrong!

hmm, very interesting @in2itiveart. Thank you for your reply! I liked how you explained individualism and the idea of the undivided, where we are all one, which also goes hand in hand with Buddhist practices as well. Natural law like you mentioned seems to me like the idea of how the law of the universe works and how we must be aligned together with this law in order to be in our natural state. I also really liked how you mentioned about helping others and being a part of the bigger whole, which is in our natural law or DNA. Maybe the society we live in now is toxic, promoting a warped idea of being an Individual, almost selfish, not thinking of the other and focusing on aspects of being an individual that are narcissistic through the many laws promoted in the western world through capitalism, which is spread throughout many parts of the world. I am not sure where my point is in this matter but thank you for sharing with me what you think, a valuable reply :) Maybe share with me more on what you think could be better, or practices that you have seen or are currently doing that help you to break away from this idea of "solipsism".

Much love

First I suggest you check out the work of mark passio if you have not already done so - YouTube Natural Law seminar and then podcasts on starting w number 1 and moving forward...I’ll write more later - he talks about solutions, but also outlines the problem and it's ramifications.

I will definitely look into mark passio!

let me know how you like it.

Awesome, I love the creepy vibe of this, you see to know your conspiracies :)

thanks @juliakponsford! Conspiracies are my favorite topic...

Your entry is very nice and then concept as well.

Ha, you know your conspiracy! Well done and thank you for participating in the contest.

thank you for your comment!

Seeing life through coloured glass. Different.

actually, no - she is looking up to the hypercube on her head where she is imprisoned in herself, while 2 devils shake hands in agreement of the good job they did.

The first sentence was actually referring to the definition of Solipsism stated in your post. Did I get it wrong?

my mistake! thanks!

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