in #conspiracy7 years ago


Contest Rules

Submit Art about Controversial Topics - in the news, or underground media, such as MK Ultra & Satanic Ritual Abuse, Chemtrails, Water Flouridation, GMOs, The Occult. #pizzagate, The New World Order, False Flags, Colony Collapse of Bees, The Environment, The 2nd Amendment, Attack on Free Speech, Solipsism, etc.
Personal Experience is Encouraged!

Please include a short paragraph describing the visual: Title, size, media and why you were inspired to create the artwork.

1.  Upvote, and Resteem this POST
2.  Make the first tag of your submission #Controversy-ART
3.  Post a link to your Submission in the comments of this Post
4.  Enter as many pieces as you wish, separately following contest rules to a T.
5.  Please include a short paragraph describing the visual: Title, size, media and why you were inspired to create the artwork.
6.  You need not be an artist to enter this contest!

No CONTROVERSIAL topic is Taboo, however mainstream accepted topics will be disregarded. This is NOT a platform for erotica.

Purpose of Contest

...To encourage Artists to express themselves visually on controversial topics, to WAKE PEOPLE UP! Art used to be about telling the REAL NEWS in pictures!!! We have that opportunity again people!!!

Winners and Winnings

I will choose the piece I like the best, on January 18, 2018, and will award 5SBD plus the Upvote Earnings from the contest.

Current Entries to Round 2 need not RE-Enter

I just have to repost the contest because it get's lost in the feed

Here's a link to last month's winners and entries!


thats a nice drawing. ball point?

yes with colored pencil - thanks - it's from when I was studying my family's relationship to Skull and Bones - my family are wannabe illuminati - my grandfather was a member of skull and bones... he had a job as the president of the library at the univ of boston - but I am sure he got that from them and he had to perform some act to get that - because his gravestone has some cryptic messsage about being one of the israelites in the desert for 40 days to attain your way in life...

WOW! how interesting. :) ...

im not artist but i love what im seeing here,, keep up

thanks! if you felt like it you could make a piece - whether you are an artist or not...

I like the contest idea. I will definitely be working on a piece to submit later this week.

I look forward to seeing it!

THIS IS fun!!!! I was thinking of doing a painting like this recently hahahaha.

Nice painting. Got me wishing I was an artist.

give it a try! use photos collaged- doodle! you'd be surprised what you can come up with!

Nice artwork. Got me wishing I was an artist.

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