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RE: Solipsism: The Biggest Lie...Entry for Artexplosion 23: Conspiracy!

in #artexplosion7 years ago

AWESOM glad you entered. Solipsism is creepy. then again, we do need things to exist in the mind of people in order for them TO be extinguished, like the conspiracies themselves. to expose them, they need to exist in the reality of people's minds. its the service-to-self mentality that needs to be removed


Solipsism means that there is no objective Truth. No Right and Wrong - ie pedophilia: the children who are molested must have asked for it or they were Nazi war criminals in a past life so they are getting their karmic due - Perhaps I failed to tell that story clearly in the drawing - but the person is staring at themself in their mind, which is bound in a hypercube - the ultimate prison of the dark occult - the hypercube flattened is the octagon - the Stop sign...

love it. i was just adding thoughts not necessarily relevant to the message of yr piece

sorry I am too serious.

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