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RE: Art Discovery Contest - USA - Bill Watterson a Hero of Illustration & Comics

It is, to be honest, a relief reading something that actually takes you a bit further than XXX for dummies - I don't know why we as modern people think that we are enlightened by memes and small fact-boxes.

It would be nice if Steemit could also contain something with a bit more information. Of course the social media format has something fleeting to it, but your post gave me some info that I did not have already - I know and admire the comic, but knew close to nothing of the man, and I really sympathize with his fight and rejection of the big, stupid and evil art-business. My hope is that some of this new technology can save us artists from Facebook, Spotify and all the rest of the big players that exploit us, and that it can take us further than the old system of art-dealers and publishers that also lived on our back like big leeches...

Sorry, I am ranting :) I did write a bit of some of the inspirations for my comic if you are interested:

  1. Chester Gould
  2. Gilbert Shelton
  3. Robert Crumb

They are old so you can't vote on them, but I hope still worth a read.


I know exactly what you mean - I haven't even been on Facebook but like twice over the past couple of weeks that I have started on this platform. I never really got into twitter or Instagram even though I have both of them - I don't really work them or use them much. I started on Facebook when it was the first of its kind next to MySpace - and was only allowed for people who were in college and had a college based email. It was a great and beautiful beginning to the social world - connecting the youth together to give us an outlet to connect easier outside of every day interactions - which was awesome. I could find all the kids I went to High School with and for the first time we had a way to stay in touch with people that typically in past generations would fall into the darkness and never been seen or found again due to life dragging us in different directions. Today, while it still serves those main benefits, it has become so commercial that it just isn't a viable networking solution any more. Now you have to pay to play - and like 10 of your friends will see what you are posting. Here everyone sees what you post, it doesn't get sent out to a few select people because they want you to pay them something to release it to more people in your already procured friends list.

I agree also about the type of content found there and it just not being appealing any more - trash for cash I call it. Most of the time now I just see a bunch of regurgitated information, or just down right sad stuff that causes me to ball my eyes out in my cube and pray someone doesn't come around at the wrong moment to ask me to do something. Teary eyed, mascara running down my face - I mean, c'mon people - lol! I find that it gets very difficult to find unique and original material that isn't laden with advertisements. I hate clicking on an article from Facebook just for it to take forever to load because they have 50 ads on each page with only a sentence for each image.. stupid crap like that. Its annoying and just not worth reading what they have to say to deal with all that.

I think this will absolutely take over facebook at some point. I give it 1-2 years and I think a lot more people are going to see it the same way we do. The only ones that won't make the convergence over will be those to afraid of technology and those who just don't get it and won't take the time to try and learn. Those people will stay in the dark ages - lol, but not us!

On Waterson - I was with you - he was a very allusive man so there aren't many photographs of him like there are with a lot of other influential artists out there. I have bought so many of the books and have read all the comics but like you didn't know a whole lot about him. Researching this was very enlightening, even for me, and I am glad that you found some interest in his backstory! He's the man and one of my most favorite illustrators ever. His work is hilarious and deep and I think it appeals to everyone - which is really hard to do these days. Though he struggled to find his place - I think it is so beautiful what he was able to eventually accomplish and definitely can be a point of inspiration and hope to others facing the same adversity. NEVER GIVE UP - ALWAY PERSEVERE!

I read your Chester Gould post - I loved it and appreciated all the background information and explanation of where some of your elements come from and what has inspired your own work and process. I look forward to reading the others. Thank you for interacting with me - I look forward to seeing more of your stuff - you definitely have a new fan!

I left Facebook 4 years ago - I did consider if it would be a bad move for my career (painter - graphic artist) and I guess it was, but at the time the whole art-world was blown to pieces by the finacial crisis anyway - I have created different alternative projects but the last couple of years mainly as Katharsisdrill doing digital art and comics.

So I have only been on free social media since - Diaspora - a hippie tech federated network where you can find high resolution and free versions of my artworks: You can see it here. There's a lot of comic-pages, but if you go down below also other things... even some music :)

I'm glad to connect to people who actually read and think, And glad that you could use the Chester Gould introduction. I'll try to look out for your posts - sometimes Steemit can be a little confusing.

Awesome! I will definitely check out diaspora! Thank you for letting me know about it - sounds really cool :)

I also enjoy connecting with other intellectuals who want to have a conversation, especially about art related topics as that is what I think I miss most from being in University. You have a lot of inspiration and knowledge to draw upon and it accelerates your learning.

Happy steeming - and I look forward to seeing you around :)

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