My entry into Jenny`s Art Contest 4: Theme: DreamsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #artcontest7 years ago (edited)

The title of my entry; Aquamarine Dream;
watercolour on stretched paper


The idea behind this work, which took many hours to complete
was inspired by the Beatles song; "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"
Most of my generation will know that the title of the song was a secretly referring to LSD (Lucy Sky Diamonds)
A drug that was popular during the 60s and induced dreamlike states. I have never taken any drugs myself but I believe we can achieve dreamlike, Nirvana-like states in other ways.
Once when I was on vacation in Sorrento, southern Italy, I went diving in a deep water hidden cove. The seabed It was several meters down but I was determined to touch the bottom. It took me a few attempts, holding my breath for as long as I was able, but I did managed it. As I ascended back to the surface, I remember feeling a sense of, "being one" with nature and the universe. I felt as though I was outside of my body as well as being connected to my body at the same time. Afterwards I wondered if I had experienced something similar to that of what the Beatles were singing about.  
The whole wonderful experience inspired me to recreate the scene as a piece of artwork. I used variations of blues, aquamarine, cyans and ultramarine, combined with intense reds and oranges, to simulate the idea of a Nirvana-like state. If you look closely at the bottom right of the image you can see I have made a subtle swirling affect using thousands of dots. This is symbolic for the universe.

I hope you like my entry : )

Link to Jenny´s Art contest;



Absolutly gorgeous 😍 I can clearly see what you're talking about. She is surrounded by some dream like colorful fluid.

Hey thanks, yes it is one of my own personal favourites : )

oh, after this beautiful piece I dont have to try to join the contest :D great work!

Thank you, high praise indeed, I have been studying your work and am following you now.
Much appreciate the response @marty-arts : )

What a gem, I love everything about it. If this doesn't win the contest, then I don't know...

Funny what you say about drugs, as I feel the same way. I had a friend who was a Russian shaman and he told me that there is a tradition of taking drugs to achieve certain levels of consciousness.. only the really strong ones can do it without. Always took that for my incentive.

Such experiences do not happen often in life. I treasure the memory of mine.
At least as an artist I can try to recreate the it in some small way.
Thanks : )

Wow. Just.....beautiful. <3
If I could UPVOTE this a hundred times..
You have a new follower.

Thanks for sharing ;-)
@hallie here.

hey thanks for the kind words, and the follow - very encouraging : )

Beautiful colors and flow!

Thanks @deerjay
Yes colours thrill me, they are like a roller coaster ride in the creative imagination

I am over the top impressed with your artwork. Your imagination and experience really comes through in the watercolors. I love that you felt "One" with the Universe. I love that feeling and so enjoy that you brought it forth to share yours with us. Awesome! Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Thank you so much @sunscape
You brought a piece of sunshine into my day with those encouraging words and I very munch appreciate it : )

Such a beauty!!! Watching this piece, I can absolutely "feel" the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", really impressive!

Many thanks Silvia, I must admit it is one of my own personal favourites : )

Really cool!

Have you ever considered putting your work as covers for Journals or Composition Books? Think that there would be a target market that would be interested.

Ive never looked into that market actually so I dont know much about it. However I can have a look into it. Thanks for thinking of me : )

Print on Demand (POD) is the way to go. You earn a royalty each time an item is ordered. I sell shirts, hoodies, notebooks, journals, composition books, and more this way. It's a side business, but one that I want to grow to become a main business as it can be run from anywhere in the world. Travel the world with a residual income stream...that is the mid range goal.

Maybe this is something I need to do some posts about.

Sounds really interesting and for sure one you should consider doing some posts about. I would think many would be intrigued to know more. I am certainly interested : )

Have a few weeks of crazy ahead of me, but after that I will get started on this.

Wow, this is such visually stunning work, @arthuradamson! It definitely has that psychedelic feel to it, so if you were going for an acid-feeling piece of art, you definitely succeeded. I love how the bottom left is more rigid and has more defined lines as borders between the colors, but as you ascend up the painting, the lines become more fluid and blend in with each other. It kinda mimics the progression of an acid trip, so again, quite fitting! :)

Wow you describe my intentions perfectly, thanks so much @rodeo670

I'm glad I could get the feel of your art and the intention you had behind it! I look forward to seeing more of your amazing pieces in the future. :) Do you create stuff like this one often, or do you create different things depending on whatever you're feeling like expressing on a given day?

Thank you.
In answer to your question: I generally do a variation of styles but this particular style is probably my favourite.
At the moment I am developing an abstract style.
Thanks for the interest.

That's awesome, I definitely look forward to more of your artwork! I can't wait to see your abstract stuff as well :)

Thanks @rodeo670
Im just preparing my mind to get started on working on the abstract stuff because once I start it is difficult to stop - and then when will I have time to blog lol - cheers : )

amazing color combination... simply beautiful art..

Wow thanks for the encouraging response @cyclingalone

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