The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

solnedgang og pen natur 1 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Artificial Vs Natural

I can see two part or let me say division which one is more greener than the other one, so, i want to relate my story to Natural against Artificial.

A young went to went meet and an old man asking him, papa what are you eating that make you fresh like a new baby born, the old man laughing at him hahahah, you see, even though you see some of my secret you still didn't know them well you know them but you underrate it.

This man told him story, about a man who went to the city and brought varieties of fast foods, when he bring it home everyone was happy to have tasted new food, but they have no idea take much of fast food is hazardous to their health.

He kept on traveling to the city every weekend to buy his family fast and fat food, meanwhile he himself plant crops and food items on his farm land. because this man always work on the farm land, he sweat and stay health, but two of his children become obesity, they are fat as that of pregnant cow hehehehe, the man began to ruining around for his children safety health, one night , one of his obesity daughter felt sick, she was rushed to the hospital, when Dr saw this daughter, he asked his father what he given/feeding them with, father responded i usually get them fast food in the city, Dr advice him to stop or reduce buying such food for his family, Dr. told encourage him to depend more on natural foods, especially vegetables, fruits and other natural healthy which could benefit them health wisely.

When the father got home, he went and disposed those junk, fat and fast food away, even the one store in the fridge was throw away, he became to cultivate more on his farm land whenever his less busy, can you see my secret from this story now my son? i am much depend on vegetables, fruits , and burn yam as food which is why you see stay healthy.

Do you know what my son? i depend much more on natural herbs as well, whenever i need any, i have lot of them at my backyard/garden, i could easily take it as i want, always depend much on natural than artificial cox artificial might have side effect on your heath later in the day if care is not taken, whenever you are or find yourself, always try to eat more vegetable, fungi, fruits and watch your health.

My son, this is my secret i exposed to you, stay healthy, make sure always to master what you will take, so that it will not later become your master and you a slave to running around for your life.

Thanks for share your art with us, hope you like this little illustration/description about your art.


thanks for your illustration / description @davidad

You are Welcome Snr. @xpilar glad you like the illustration about your art.

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And Joel 2:30 says, "And I will do wonders in heaven and on earth: blood, fire, and pillars of smoke."

Little by little we see or capture great changes in the environment, from eclipses to great storms that destroy everything in their path and we say it is because of climate change. Apparently no one has taken an interest in prophecy, no doubt we are being unbelieving about the power of words in the scriptures, many are the signs that this is happening by the work of God the Creator to give us a clear message. "We have forgotten to love one another.

In Luke 21:25 we read: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and on the earth, anguish among the nations, perplexed because of the roaring of the sea and the waves. A reality that we are living humanity, invasions, corruption, hunger and many unexplainable things have given the reason for what is written in the Bible, the heavens are dressed in red for the blood shed, and the saddest thing is that we continue to believe in man as savior of the world.


Y dice la escritura Joel 2:30 "Y haré prodigios en el cielo y en la tierra: sangre, fuego y columnas de humo."

Poco a poco vemos o captamos grandes cambios en el ambiente, desde los eclipses hasta grandes tormentas que destrozan todo a su paso y decimos que es por el cambio climático. Al parecer nadie ha puesto interés en las profecías, sin duda estamos siendo incrédulos sobre el poder de las palabras en las escrituras, muchos son los indicios de que esto está aconteciendo por obra del Dios creador para darnos un mensaje claro. " Hemos olvidado amarnos uno a los otros".

En Lucas 21:25 podemos leer : "Y habrá señales en el sol, en la luna y en las estrellas, y sobre la tierra, angustia entre las naciones, perplejas a causa del rugido del mar y de las olas. Una realidad que estamos viviendo la humanidad, invasiones, corrupción, hambre y muchas cosas inexplicables han dado la razón de lo que está escrito en la biblia, los cielos se visten de rojo por la sangre derramada, y lo más triste es que seguimos creyendo en el hombre como el salvador del mundo.


This is how freedom feels (part II)

Daniel managed to escape from his home he could feel freedom, and fell in love with the majestic landscapes that nature showed him.
Daniel ran through the grass, everything with his feet and hands on the ground, touched and smelled the flowers.
It settled on the top of the ground and I saw that from one end to the other there were so many trees, so much vegetation that I was impressed.
But the biggest surprise was discovering as running water, as in his bathtub and television, Guided by the ear I look for the origin of that strange and wonderful sound, I search for hours so much that the night fell, and the sky changed color, In the distance, it could be seen how the sun's light diminished.
And his surprise was greater when he discovered the bed of a clear river.

He wanted to enter the river, to bathe, to touch the water but he did not dare, although he was thirsty he could not approach the water.
He thought about returning, he remembered his parents and the people who looked after him.
Surely they would be worried, but he did not know how to return.
Daniel thought about resting for a while to return his steps, he fell asleep until he collapsed.
With the clarity of the sun I would return to your home.
Daniel would sleep today under the stars and by the riverbed, on a night of total freedom.

thanks for your great story @jdbs

Beautiful picture @xpilar

Taking the sunset in a cool embrace,
And dissolving his fire in the waves
The river caresses the horizon of the outline,
Spilling out the tenderness of heaven.
Coloring the sky with bright colors
And saying goodbye to the passing day
The solar ball melted in the stream of water
Leaving only memories of him!

Beautiful color choice and so cheerful Art, you used the contrasts very well, that made your painting really interesting :) That is typical longing for spring and summer :)

Hello @xpilar, the appearance of your digital image is amazing. looks like real. I like it very much. Your digital image shows the extraordinary beauty of nature. there is a flow of river water, hills, there are many very green trees, and added with the presence of the evening sun. This natural beauty shows that the beauty of nature depends on the situation, location, and time. every time, the beauty of nature keeps changing. even at 1 place. and natural beauty that was very good in my opinion at the time of the afternoon arrived.

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This is a place of greenery,
On the left is a small hill,
On the right is the plain,
a river passing through the middle,
Both sides are covered with weeds,
It Full of vitality.

good afternoon sir. This digital image is very extraordinary. Your picture shows that a place that has natural beauty must be taken care of. don't let others destroy the beauty of nature. An example is seen in your digital image. if someone else cuts all wood in the forest, then the natural beauty will be damaged. and if many people dispose of litter, the river flow will be polluted. therefore, all human beings need to be aware that nature must be guarded so that the beauty continues to burn.

Posted using Partiko Android

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