The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

ruiner 1 A.jpg

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To draw freely in my imagination. More important than knowledge, knowledge is limited. "Tawfiq al-Hakim says:" Imagination is the night of beautiful life. It is our fortress and refuge from the harshness of the long day! The world of reality is not enough for human life alone, it is narrower than it can be for a full human life. "Have you ever thought why the great scholars and writers cared about imagination?
Imagination is all that is alienated from the reality we live in. It is our thoughts that are wandering within our minds and our miraculous dreams that have not yet been realized. Imagination is either to be things we think and know that the possibility of achieving very little because they are superstitious things, or ambitions are achievable, but we have not reached it yet. But again, what is the importance of fiction?
The importance of imagination lies in many things, that imagination is a way to the emergence of inventions, because our imagination reaches the ideas seem to us, but each new invention was originally a fantasy idea in the mind of one of the creators. Therefore, Einstein said in his above statement, "Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Imagination also affects us to achieve our goals. When we imagine a mental image in our minds about our future selves, it creates a motivation within us to work hard to get to the mental image that we have drawn for ourselves. We work hard to achieve our dreams in our imagination.
Therefore, scientists and writers are very interested in imagination, knowing that each of us has a life in the imagination!

Hi @natashaa

thanks for your thoughts and description

Knowledge is the foundation and imagination is the future.
Without knowledge, there is no way to create it.
have Knowledge, but no imagination, can create, but the results are not good.
So imagination can let future to be more enriched .

The reality is those moments we live on a daily basis, where we touch several things and sense them, and we control the things according to Hwana, and we create, innovate and bury in the mockery of us in this life

While imagination is a wide and unlimited domain, we create and live a fictitious life. We often find what we have missed in our reality. Those moments that we draw may translate into reality and have no relation to it. But that is where we find ecstasy, happiness and all that we need for our comfort. We take advantage of the imaginary space to go far from the bitter reality, we try to erase the daily tape we inevitably live and change it fantasy illusion

But when we think that reality and fantasy are different, they complement each other. When we plan for something in the real future, we open our imagination and live the fantasy real world to define the real picture. For example: a girl or a boy coming to get married, We all know that the wedding requires planning before embarking on the application. So, the brides before living a real marriage have to engage in fictitious marriages to explain what they will need for the concert because they have acquired experience from the fantasy experience.

The social relations that bind us, force us to live reality and imagination at the same time, the communication between two or more in reality connected by the same communication in the imagination, each dialogue is sometimes sometimes difficult understanding, and when we lack realistic explanation resort to the imaginary explanation, When the professor explains a physical equation or mathematical relationship or literary text or ... often lacks realistic examples to reach his intention, moving with his students to the world of fantasy to complete the exact explanation, and then reach the message to the students more clearly, so the professor always in his explanation Employs the word "imagine"

Therefore, from the above, we can conclude that reality is not complete and realistic only by imagination

Hi @simonblake

thanks for your thoughts and description

Howard Marks was in his bedroom putting on his glasses when a group of armed police officers stormed into it, angrily wrestled him, and put him in the chains. He was arrested on charges of "killing him in the future" for his wife Sarah Marks, an emotional crime that will occur only seconds later in the future when his wife finds his bedside with her lover. These future arrests are made possible by the "clairvoyants", three individuals who know events before they occur and work for the police and predict the crimes that are about to occur if the police do not intervene. Now, with the foresight of the clairvoyants, the police prevent these crimes before they occur and imprison those who are expected to commit them.

It was natural for the accused to declare his innocence: he had not committed any crime at the time of their arrest. The State provides an argument that the accused would have committed the crime had it not been for the intervention of the pre-crime police. As one police officer explains: The fact that we have prevented it does not change the fact that it was about to happen.

However, individuals who are punished under pre-criminal laws seem to have a compulsory philosophical defense: if, as the officer asserts (the system of clairvoyants never make mistakes), this can only mean that the future is predetermined. The only way to change the predetermined future by the clairvoyants, as we are forced to believe, is to influence the very mysters themselves (knowing what the future can be for a woman to change).

This means that Howard Marx, for example, if he could have avoided his fate - in the absence of the intervention of the preachers and the pre-crime administration - he would not have simply chosen to kill Sarah Marx. But if that were so - if our destinies were predetermined and there was no free will - they would have seemed unjust to punish him for what he was about to do. Since it is wrong to punish someone for what he is not responsible for, and if we do not have free will, we will not be responsible for anything.

Here we come to the minority report, which means that from time to time one of the clairvoyants sees a future that may be different from what other clergy see, and this results in so-called minority reports.

One case that has made the minority system morally condemnable and must be removed is the case of John Anderton, who has no minority report but works in pre-crime management and was present during the appearance of a clerical report that showed that John Anderton would kill someone. Which he did not accept and kidnapped the intruder, which assured him in turn that he is able to avoid his fate. The reason is only because he is familiar with the Predators Prediction Report.

My conclusion here ends with the conclusion that the pre-criminal system is morally guilty in both cases whether the future is inevitable or the ability to choose. If the presumed criminals of the future would be lacking the free will, then it would be unfair to punish them, since they were not responsible for the crimes they might have committed. If they have a free will, then it would be unfair to punish them where we can not be sure enough that they will commit those crimes.

@xpilar I am not good at writing stories, just trying to convey to you what in my mind are thoughts about this future world

Before committing crimes.
Act of being stopped.
Is it a crime?
The perpetrator will of course say no, because it has not happened yet.
But there are many things. We can't allow it to happen.
How can We see it to happen, and then to convict it ?
So possible criminal behavior. It should also be sinful.
This is waiting for everyone's consensus.

Hi @kertmason

Thanks for your thoughts and a good story

short story of science fiction

It all began on that cold Wednesday night, I was sitting alone in my office watching the rain fall over the far streets outside, when the phone rang.
She was the only wife of Akram Siddiqui. She appeared to be in a state of panic. Both she and Akram had a late dinner alone in their apartment when the front door suddenly burst and six men rushed into helmets with helmets. The men were armed and made Akram and Jihan lying face down on the floor as they searched Akram's pockets for his driver's license. One of them carefully examined Akram's face as he compared it to the official photograph and then murmured: "It is exactly.
The leader of the intruders showed an injection and injected Akram with something that made him lose consciousness almost immediately. For some reason, they merely linked Jihan and Kemmha. Two men left the room and returned with a suit and white jackets. They put Akram on a stretcher, wore white jackets, and carried him out of the apartment, leaving Jehan lying on the floor. I tried to flip in the direction of the window to see them in time as they put Akram in an ambulance and drive her away.
As she called me, Ceyhan was torn from anger and exhaustion. It took several hours to get rid of her restrictions, and then I called the police. Instead of uniformed officers, two plainclothes officers arrived without even examining the crime scene. They continued to tell her that they had nothing to do and that if she knew what was in their favor, she had to keep her mouth closed. If she protested, they would spread it crazy and she would not see it. Her husband never again.
Without knowing what to do, she called Jihan B. She was thinking so carefully that she noticed the ambulance number, and I did not find it very difficult to follow her to a private clinic on the outskirts of the city when she arrived at the clinic, surprised that she was impregnable like a fort.
There were guards at the gate and it was surrounded by a huge wall. I was angrily overcrowded on the wall, which was rising towards the two towers, avoiding the barbed wire. The windows on the ground floor were barred, but I succeeded in winding a winding road on a drainage pipe until it reached a window on the second floor that had been left partially open for some reason.
I found myself in a laboratory when I heard muffled sounds behind the second door. I was squinted through the keyhole and saw what looked like a complete operating room and a surgical team working on Akram. The latter was covered with a blanket from the neck to the bottom of his body, and it seems that they were carrying anabiba and a basket. When I realized that they had removed the top of the skull of Akram and to my horror, one of the surgeons arrived at the open top in the head of Akram and pulled out his brain easily, putting it in a stainless steel hemispherical container. The pipes and wires that I observed earlier were connected to the separate brain About the body. The surgeons took the blood mass (brain) carefully to a type of glass tank (cylindrical container) and lowered it into it. The first idea I wish I stumbled upon in a future Satanic League gets their strength from the anatomy of the neighborhoods. My second thought was that Akram was an insurance agent and this was probably their way of earning even for increases in their bad insurance rates. If they did it every Wednesday night, their rates would not rise any more! My thoughts stopped when the light suddenly appeared in the dark of my hiding place and I found myself looking up at the group of terrified medical men I had never seen before. They treated me in the next room and fixed me on an operating table.

I thought, What's going on? what happens? Is the turn on now!

The doctors crowded at the other end of the room but I could not manage my head enough to see what they were doing. They murmured among themselves, perhaps they would decide my fate. Suddenly she opened the door and heard the voice of a woman.

The distinguished behavior that dominated the medical practitioners made it clear that the woman was the woman. I struggled to see that mysterious woman but she was far from a field of view. Then she went and stopped in front of me and realized that she was my secretary. I wished then that I had been given Christmas decorations.

It was a fulfillment, but it was a different fulfillment than I had ever seen. She was enjoying the power of power as she bent over me, saying:

Saladin, you think you are very intelligent, and you follow Akram even here in the clinic.
She continued:

It was just a trick to bring you here, and I've seen what happened to Akram, which is not really dead. As you may realize that these gentlemen are the first neuroscientists in the world now. They have developed an operation that removes the brain from the body but keeps it alive in a container of nutrients. As you know, no administration or association will allow this process, but we will present it to them. Do you see all these wires that reach the brain of Akram? It connects it to a strong computer and displays the computer outputs of the brain of the brain of the movement and gives input to the brain brain of the senses until everything appears very natural for your friend Akram. The computer produces a fantasy mental life that is fully integrated into his past life so he is not aware of what happened to him. He thinks he is shaving his beard now and is preparing to go to the office.
"I'm going to publish it, but we need some people who are first tested. It was easy to get to Akram but to really test our computer program we need someone who has lived a more exciting and unique life

Hi @jessicaalex

Thanks for your thoughts and a good story

This short story,
Let me recall 2 stories.
Japanese geek black JACK doctor.
There are also Starcraft Movies -
one episode of them,
That robot was also replaced by the soul of the scientist.
Later the robot crashed - restart,
Scientists were introduced into spaceships - become the brains of spacecraft.

The albums in the cities of the north speak a language full of optimism, and the inhabitants of the cities of fog and snow, for example, are superior to good and wisdom. They make statues and drawings and put their pictures on the facades and adopt them in most competitions.

And the boom in the cities of the south where the bright sun and light speaks the language of lethargy and pessimism made the people of those cities an example of the highest misery and ruins where filled their writings and notice them complain of him and his language ominous and not just so much, but made him dwell in ruins and graves.

Recently, one of the scientists was able to create a device that understands and translates the language of the animal and the bird. The attention of that world to the duplication of positive and negative albums between the North and the South was tested on the northern and southern models of the language game. With the help of other scientific instruments, he found the bird to adapt to other bird languages, The parrot then thought to transport the North Pum to the South and the South Bum to the North!

The world was waiting impatiently for the outcome.

Days, months and years passed and nothing happened. The album was ready to learn the language of another faction, but did not understand the language of his faction is so and the shadow of the North Boom speaks with wisdom and optimism houses and ad fronts and remained the South Pome speaking in the language of lethargy and pessimism and inhabit the ruins and tombs!

Hi @loaa

Thanks for your thoughts and the story


always a possibility in everything that happened in life no matter what the situation might be! There is a man who life is meaningful while his business was flourishing he help many people in his life. There was a pregnant woman nearby to this man her husband was away for weeks or so this pregnant women was in labour neighborhood cried for help's, this man was the only person to help this pregnant women to hospital on his way to the hospital car broke down, he was struggling with others who accompanied this pregnant women before they get the car fix this pregnant women passed away the rest of guys who accompanied them went back home to tell family of this women that dead (pregnant women) between this time police officer was patrolling and found a pregnant woman dead in his car, they arrested him and took him to police station, nobody knows where about of this man and dead body of this pregnant women! Few days later they charged him to court! The next morning for case to be judge, that same night this pregnant women appears to judge in a dream proving the man doesn't know anything about her death just her destiny (unluck) when this judge wake up he was confused, he adjourned the next sitting which the thorough investigation is ongoing, the family of the deceased (dead pregnant women) went to report the case to the nearest police station, lucky this man was later found by deceased family where he was locked up for the crime he knows nothing about! After several evidence to came in to back that this man is innocent not guilty of the offence been accused for, he hire the service of lawyer to advocate/defense for him he was later free, many were happy for him while some felt unhappy because he was free; before he get home some group of hoodlum were arrange to burn down his house, on getting home he met everything burning, hope was lost, there seem no longer hope for him, his properties was destroyed for the crime he didn't know anything about, some says because he was a bit rich which is why he bribe them to buy the true justice, it was this deceased family that accommodate him when everything gone, this man was in darkness of financial burdens but he later find way out and his story changes.This man story when he was without hope, I mean when hope was lost is the similar story of many of us before were joining this platform, we couldn't see light coming from anywhere which always serve as hope, but like we all know steemit is the biggest that has ever happened on internet so far, when the light of Steemit appears to many of us, thing's began to change when reflection of steemit shining to us; Steemit brings many colourful back to many lives here, person who his considered, passionate.

Hi @isabellalucas

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

@xpilar That imagination creates things that can exist or can occur, while imagining creates things that do not exist and which have never existed, and which will never exist. Yet how does a human being know? Perhaps she was allowed to exist. The imagination when he created the flying carpet was not in the world of revolving in the immortality that it will come today in which a man can fly flying in space. Both imagination and imagination are indispensable and indispensable to the artist.
Every invention of the actor's imagination must be preceded by long thought in detail and built on the basis of facts, so that the actor can find answers to the questions by (when, where, why and how) all the questions posed by the actor himself as he sharpens his creativity In order to create a more rejuvenating image of an illusory entity.
Stanislavsky offers his opinion of theatrical imagination that no picture of real life can be transferred to the theater, because what we use in the theater is the real picture after being transformed into the equivalent of poetic images by creative imagination.
Ahmed Khorshid al-Khayyala is defined as a new process of organizing a set of past experiences so that a cohesive series can combine to form many different relationships that compose new images that never existed before. The Leland Encyclopedia defines the imagination as a sensory or mental copy of what vision has realized with or without a new structure of the elements that make up this imagination, as well as a visual representation of the creation of the effectiveness of thought, new combinations in terms of their images, if not in terms of their imaginary elements Creative. While Jabour knows the imagination as a queen of the queens of reason. They represent things that are absent, as if they are really present to our feelings and feelings, the queen who generates the sensual perceptions of material things that are absent from consideration.
As for the imagination, the actor must imagine the things he says as if close to him, but he must see his imagination because this helps him to integrate. Maan knows the increase of imagination as a mental process generated by the images and beyond the tangible world. While Madkour definition of imagination as the formation of mental images mimic phenomena Nature, though, did not express anything real. Abdullah al-'Alayli knows that he imagines something or happened in a picture or symbol that seems to be tangible, whether it exists or not really exists, such as daydreaming. Jabour Abdel Nour defined him as a creative queen who is popular with artists, scientists, and brilliant and suspicious minds. It is the basis of discoveries and inventions from the earliest times to the present. While Magdy Wahba knew him to form mental images that mimic the phenomena of nature, and did not express anything that exists. Or Queen, which enables the mind to create symbols of abstract concepts.
The actor needs a broad imagination so that he can determine the dimensions of his personality and his movements by making the play and clarifying his vision. This is done by preparing the actor to focus and attention. Concentration of mind leads to non-distraction of thought and therefore strong recall and thus the serious use of the imagination and its specific composition in the performance.

Hi @michaeljack

thanks for your thoughts and description

The following is a personal opinion,
No about religion.
Personally think that imagination is divine power.
The highest being in the world is the realm of the gods.
The gods are made up of divine power.
In the realm of God, divine power can evolve everything, and it also can disintegrate into divine power.
That is to say, looking at the realm of the gods, all the sights seen are made by the change of divine power.
The power of maintenance is the idea, that is, the belief.
So I think imagination is the ability to create everything.
Only the ideology created by imagination is only in the realm of God.
With current technology, we cannot communicate with the realm of divine.
Here is an example:
Many people will play the blind chess - chess in the heart, no chessboard, play chess in the air.
Many people will mentally calculate - the abacus is in the heart, there is no abacus .
Many people will 推演 - pre-show the ending in the heart.
Scientists say these are brain activities.
I think that the brain plays the role of memory,
that is to say, the existence of the brain let divine power can easy to evolve everything.
imagine at any time, enrich your imagination , can to enhance your means of using divine power.

You always comes with a unique great digital work.

The story I was about to share happened decades of year. This man was on his daily activities of life, he decided to use his free time to fish, but everytime he got to this place he felt strange immediately he got to the this river to fish.

He told one of his friend about it, they went together on one evening on getting there they feel same this friend has ideas of what happened he warn his friend not to go there again, this man agree with him; but badly this man friend return to the place and found itself in unknown place he shout help help help no one to come to rescue him, a mermaid came up with half female and scale he wants to run but couldn't move an inches this he was later free but he couldn't open his mouth to say anything everyone ask what was the problem but he couldn't talk.

This man continue his fishing few months later, he met with a beautiful lady, they fall in love with each other they are living together for like five years but a king felt sick during this time traditional doctor sought for solutions but all their efforts was fruitlessly they seek for Ifa priests, Oracle reveals there is strange human living in this village unless the person was sent away and banish before king could be heal.

King sent out some guards to surveillance the whole village this man was located with his wife manmaid; king summoned this man and ordered that her wife should be banned from the town but this man insisted , king sent the man should be jailed for disobey king order; and they banish this mermaid out of the village, this has this mermaid angry on getting to the river she decided to flood the whole village with water for locking up his husband, villagers try all they could do but they couldn't stop this mermaid flood the village until she can find his love (husband) during this time many lives were lost but immediately this mermaid found her husband the flood stop but this man couldn't be found anymore. None can tell exactly what happened to this man perhaps they are went together to live in other places or not ..

Thanks for share your great art work with us...


Hi @davidad

Thanks for your thoughts and the story

You are welcome Snr. @xpilar

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